
One Piece Ghost's Greed: The Mercenary's Rule

In the lawless expanse of the Grand Line, whispers abound of a figure known only as Ghost. Reincarnated from another realm, Ghost is a mercenary whose sole allegiance is to his insatiable greed and lust for power. With a heart as cold as the ocean depths, Ghost prowls the shadows of pirate-infested ports, taking contracts that promise untold riches, no matter the moral cost. He is known for his ruthless efficiency, cunning tactics, and a willingness to do whatever it takes to line his pockets with gold. Ghost's reputation spreads like wildfire, painting him as a figure of both fear and admiration among the underworld. His actions are driven solely by selfish ambition, guided by the Mercenary's Rule: "No contract is too dark, no deed too vile, as long as the price is right." "Ghost's Greed: The Mercenary's Rule" is a tale of darkness and avarice, where one man's relentless pursuit of wealth and power leads him down a treacherous path of deceit and betrayal in the unforgiving world of piracy.

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Meanwhile, on the gold ship of Gran Tesoro, Gild Tesoro sat in his lavish chamber, tears silently streaming down his face as he read the newspaper. The paper grew wet under the weight of his emotions. "Stella, your soul can finally rest in peace. The one who enslaved you is dead," he whispered, his voice choked with a mixture of sorrow and relief.

Standing before him was a man clad in dark armor, an imposing figure known only as Ghost. Tesoro looked up, gratitude shining in his tear-filled eyes. "Thank you, Ghost. I will forever be in your debt," he said earnestly.

Tesoro then gestured towards the grand vault. "Treasury, open," he commanded. The massive doors creaked open, revealing piles of glittering gold and treasure within. He and Ghost stepped inside, the wealth of Gran Tesoro shimmering around them.

"Here is your reward, 10 billion berries," Tesoro announced. Ghost's eyes gleamed with satisfaction as he heard the amount. "It was a pleasure doing business with you, Gild Tesoro," he replied smoothly.

Reaching into his pocket, Ghost retrieved a pitch-black card adorned with a spectral emblem, a ghostly aura emanating from it. He handed the card to Tesoro. "Contact me again if you need help with anything else," he said.

Tesoro took the card reverently and slipped it into his pocket. "I will treasure it," he vowed. As Ghost waved his hand, the 10 billion berries vanished, absorbed into the shadows. "It was nice working with you," Ghost said before disappearing into thin air, leaving no trace behind.

Ghost reappeared on a deserted island, the sound of crashing waves echoing around him. The air was thick with anticipation as he prepared for his next move. With a resolute voice, he commanded, "System, use 5 billion berries to buy the ancient giant bloodline and another 5 billion to buy the ancient fishman bloodline."

Suddenly, an overwhelming surge of energy enveloped his body. His muscles began to swell, becoming denser and more defined, as if forged from iron. His height doubled, towering over the landscape like a colossus. His bones, once merely human, transformed into a lattice of unbreakable density. His skin hardened, turning into a nearly impenetrable armor. Internally, his organs roared with newfound vitality, fueled by the potent mix of ancient bloodlines coursing through his veins.

Ghost could feel the transformation in every fiber of his being. His senses sharpened to an extraordinary degree; he could hear the faintest rustle of leaves and see the minutest details in the distance. Strength flowed through his limbs, promising feats of unparalleled power. His endurance skyrocketed, making him resilient beyond human limits.

"Status," he intoned, eager to see the full extent of his transformation.

A holographic screen materialized before him, outlining his enhanced attributes:


**Name:** Ghost

**Age:** 21

**Bloodline:** Human, Ancient Giant, Ancient Fishmen

**Devil Fruit:** Phantom-Void Fruit (Teleportation, Invisibility, Intangibility, Illusions)

**Template:** Deadpool (100%), Guts (80%)


- Armament Haki: Intermediate

- Observation Haki: Advanced

- Conqueror Haki: Intermediate


- Rokushiki (Max): Mastery of all Rokushiki techniques

- Swordsmanship (Great Swordsman): Proficient in wielding large swords with precision

- Regenerative Healing Factor: Rapid healing and regeneration from injuries

- Marksmanship: Expertise in ranged combat and accuracy with firearms

- Expert Martial Arts: Proficient in various martial arts disciplines

- Iron Will: Unyielding determination and mental fortitude

- Super Strength and Speed: Enhanced physical attributes granting incredible strength and agility

- Underwater Breathing: Ability to breathe underwater indefinitely

- Water Attribute: Mastery over water-based abilities and manipulation of water

**System Space:**

- 1.3 billion berries

- Dragonslayer Sword: A legendary sword capable of cutting through the divine and challenging even gods.

- Arcane Arsenal Pendant: A mystical artifact that grants the wearer the ability to summon any firearm imaginable. With a mere thought, the pendant transforms into a weapon of choice, ranging from sleek pistols to devastating sniper rifles or rapid-firing submachine guns.


Ghost stood atop a rocky outcrop, overlooking the vast expanse of the sea. The sun dipped low on the horizon, casting a warm golden hue across the waves. With a contemplative gaze, he surveyed the landscape, his mind drifting back to the day he first arrived in this world.

"It's been almost three years," Ghost whispered to the wind, a sense of disbelief mingling with pride in his voice. "Three years since I stepped into this realm with nothing but the Super Soldier Serum, a gift from the system."

In those early days, Ghost was a mere shadow of the powerhouse he had become. "Back then," he mused, "I could barely take on pirates worth a few measly berries. I was cautious, uncertain of my own abilities."

A wry smile touched his lips as he recalled the countless battles, challenges, and victories that had shaped him. "But now," Ghost's voice grew stronger, laced with determination, "now I stand here, ready to challenge even the Celestial Dragons themselves."

The mention of Celestial Dragons carried weight, a symbol of the highest authority and power in this world. Once feared and untouchable, they now seemed within Ghost's grasp. His eyes glinted with a newfound courage, a fire burning within.

"The world will know my name," he declared to the open sky, his resolve echoing across the sea. "Ghost, the mercenary with a heart of steel and the power to defy gods."

Understood, let's adjust the tone to reflect a strictly professional relationship between Ghost and Vice Admiral Garp:

In the depths of Ghost's consciousness, a message resonated with precision: "Vice Admiral Garp is calling you," the notification cut through the silence, prompting Ghost to respond promptly.

"Answer," Ghost's command was devoid of emotion, reflecting the purely businesslike nature of their interaction.

"Bwahahaha! Ghost, my boy, how are you?" Garp's hearty laughter followed, but Ghost's response remained curt and focused.

"I'm prepared for business," Ghost's tone was matter-of-fact, emphasizing the transactional nature of their relationship. "As always, payments in advance."

Garp's laughter subsided as he acknowledged Ghost's terms. "Understood. No discounts," Garp's response was efficient, devoid of the usual joviality.

"Can you come to my ship?" Garp's question was direct, mirroring Ghost's own straightforward approach.

Ghost listened to Garp's request with a measured nod before cutting the mental connection. Alone in his thoughts, he couldn't help but reflect on his past dealings with the vice admiral.

"Payment upfront with guys like these," Ghost muttered to himself, a hint of frustration evident in his voice. He vividly recalled their previous encounter, where Garp had hired him to prevent his grandson from venturing into the sea.

"The moment of truth came when it was time for payment," Ghost recalled, a steely determination entering his gaze. "Garp started bargaining, refusing to pay unless I engaged him in combat."

Ghost's memories flashed back to the intense battle that ensued. Despite Garp's formidable skills and relentless attacks, Ghost's Deadpool template and Devil Fruit powers granted him a unique advantage. His mastery of teleportation and intangibility allowed him to evade Garp's strikes with ease, turning the tide of the battle in his favor.

"After a relentless struggle," Ghost continued, his voice tinged with a hint of pride, "Garp finally relented and paid what was owed."

The experience left Ghost with a resolve as unyielding as his will. "No more compromises," he vowed, his eyes glinting with determination. "Payment upfront or no deal."

With renewed focus, Ghost turned his attention back to the present task, ready to navigate the challenges that lay ahead with a newfound sense of confidence and assertiveness.

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