
It's good to be bad

When Shinso heard what Mike said, his brain short-circuited, he couldn't understand the situation he is in right now

He tried to recap everything that happened today, all the steps and preparations he had made and everything that had happened that lead up to this moment

Still, his mind drew a blank, no matter from which perspective he looked at it, this should not have happened, this is completely and utterly unexpected, a shock above all shocks

Shinso is a logical person, he evaluates everything with logic and looks at everything logically, or tries to do that at least and is most often works

2 weeks prior to the UA festival Shinso mare sure to analyze everything about his greatest competition in the tournament gaining each and every advantage that he could in order to increase his chances of victory, and Mike was the highest threat to his victory so he made especially sure that Mike is properly researched

From his favorite food and color to his least favorite animal and people, from his fighting style to his way of running, even if he is blind right now Shinso considered Mike his greatest threat in this competition so he made preparations and with the research, he had done he thought about how to fight and what to say to Mike in order to win, he had done multiple simulations and scenarios which could happen and he thought he was adaqueatept prepared to face Mike

But nothing in Shinso's research could make him prepared for this, this is completely out of character for Mike, it's like Mike threw a curveball at Shinso

Well, you can't blame Shinso, a normal person would also be confused about what is going on, Shinso is just more confused because he was sure in his research about Mike

What followed afterward were a few awkward moments of silence, for Shinso this was the time to reorganize his brain and the thing that had just happened while Mike just waited for Shinso's answer gazing deeply into his eyes with a smile on his face or that would have happened if not for the fact that Mike is currently blind

"Join what?" After another few seconds, Shinso calmed down to a certain extent so he talked back to Mike, although he still isn't sure about what Mike wants there is only one way to find out

"My hero office!" When Mike heard Shinso speak back to him he couldn't help but grin, erasing that smile he had on his face, before he said his purpose for doing all of this

A hero office is like a workplace for a hero, here the boss is most often a hero and the people who come in to be signed as employees are sidekicks to the heroes in the organization or sometimes become heroes themselves

Mike wanted one of those offices for himself, it is not only a way of earning money and recruiting people to him but it is also a great tool of manipulation and concealment for the more dark things that would be going on with Mike

Mike thought long and hard about who to make his first employee, it had to be someone capable and not adverse to use a little darker methods but also someone shunned or discriminated against to make the recruitment easier

That's when Mike thought about Shinso, Shinso is smart, has a good quirk and shunned course of his quirk and appearance, besides that because of his constant discrimination he would be fine with a little darker methods if need be, only a little darker not too much, but still he is a perfect candidate for Mike's plan

"And why should I do that? Do you even know who you are recruiting and what my quirk is?" It is only now that Shinso understood what Mike wanted, so it turns out that Mike wants him as an employee and has asked him to join his office

When Mike heard Shinso ask why he should join his grin turned a little darker, this is exactly what he expected from Shinso and exactly the situation he and prepared for

"You are Hitoshi Shinso general ed. student at UA academy, and a very smart person. You have an amazing quirk and a sharp mind, you would be a perfect hero!" Said Mike as he gave another one of his grins towards Shinso, now here comes the tough part if Shinso doesn't take the bait Mike is screwed if he does Mike wins, thankfully Mike has brought a secret weapon to this conversation that will almost certainly make Shinso agree

Besides that this is Mike's honest opinion on Shinso, he is a very powerful person with an amazing quirk and wit to match the only reason he lost to Izuku was plot armor, not that Mike can complain since he also has his fair share of plot armor

"You, think my quirk is good for a hero?" When Shinso heard what Mike said he couldn't help himself but open his eyes a little wider as he registered what Mike said, he thought that he might have heard it wrong or something similar to that

"Of course! Your quirk Brainwash is amazing! You could do so many good things as a hero with it!" Mike's smirk widened, for now, everything is going according to keikaku

"You don't think that is it a quirk better suited for a villain?" This time it was a little harder for him to speak, his head is becoming muddleheaded and he feels some strange emotions brewing up inside of him when he heard Mike tell him that he is amazing

It is an emotion unlike any other, it is a feeling of happiness and joy, a feeling unlike any other and a feeling that he had never experienced

"No, it is a quirk perfectly suited for a villain, but then again which quirk isn't perfect for a villain? Every amazing quirk could be implemented for either good or bad. It's up to you to decide on how to use it, with great power comes great responsibility." At first, when Shinso heard what Mike said he couldn't help but smile bitterly it turns out that Mike thinks the same way as everyone else, that feeling inside of him almost instantly died out

But once he heads the latter part he choked up, a few tears almost escaping from his eyes, this has been the first time someone has told him that he could become a great hero and that his quick is indeed heroic, the feeling which was about to die off ignited itself once again, burning stronger and brighter than ever

After a couple more seconds Shinso calmed down his burning emotions and repressed his tears of joy before thinking about the situation logically or as logically as he can

Thanks to what Mike had said to him, Shinso thought about Mike's word with 50% logic and 50% emotions, a great improvement than his usual 100% logic and when Mike saw him like that he couldn't help but smile once again

"Fine, I'll join you." After a couple more seconds Shinso had decided on what to do, it took him some time to think about it but he has ultimately decided to join Mike's Hero office

Mike has great potential as a hero and he has a great power that will help him climb the ranks of the hero world, besides that from his research Mike seemed to be quite wealthy so Shinso decided to become Mike's employee

Mike is also a very kind and honest person with great looks, so he could advance far in the hero world and he would have many fans that would support him

Now if someone with a more scheming mind came along and helped Mike in his endeavors like Shinso, they could and probably would go to the top

But those are mostly the excuses he came up with, the real reason he wanted to join Mike is that Mike is someone who had acknowledged him and his powers, he acknowledged that Shinso could become a great hero even if his quirk sounds better on a villain

"Good, welcome aboard. Now let's get back up, this pose is too ambiguous." Said Mike as he got up from their position it really did look ambiguous with Mike pining Shinso down and sitting on top of him, both are tall handsome men in a risque pose while Mike has a very fanatical and passionate expression, it is easy to see how this could be interpreted wrongly

Shinso nodded before both he and Mike got up and they walked out of the tunnel, after all, they still have a festival to attend to, or rather Mike still has a festival to win

What they didn't know is that someone caught on to their little conversation and smirked in response, repeating the words Mike said in his head before turning back to the festival

"Ooooh! Is it seems that Shinso and Mike have finally come out! For a moment we were worried that something happened!" The moment both of them stepped out Present Mic talked about them, truthfully the audience and everyone else was worried if something had happened to them especially Ojiro since he is still fearful of Shinso

Although most of the class 1-A didn't worry about it since they know that Mike is strong, some still worried about him and were especially happy when they saw him come out unharmed

After all, they had been in there for a solid minute or 2 everyone was bound fo get worried, they almost sent in people to look for them inside of the tunnel but the 2 came out before such drastic measures had to be taken

"Well then as the judge of this match I declare Mike as the winner who advances to the second round!" Midnight Lady announced the results and the whole crowd went into claps and cheers, Shinso's friends tried to encourage him while Mike went towards his seat in the class 1-A stand

Although most people tried to encourage him, they really didn't have to Shinso isn't that sad, if anything he is happy even if he couldn't win the tournament he had made a valuable friend

'Shinso you are quite the tough nut to crack, thankfully it's nothing that a little of hallucinogenic gas couldn't solve.' While Mike went back to his seat all smiling at everyone around him his thought was frightening and dark, yes the secret weapon he had is a hallucinogenic gas

Yes Mike had actually used a mix of several gases to create his own special gas, a fast-acting hallucinogenic gas, it is colorless and doesn't have any smell, after not being exposed to it for 1 minute it will completely dissolve into the blood system appearing as if nothing ever happened

The gas itself isn't very useful as it has multiple drawbacks, like the fact that it only works if you are within a 2-meter radius and it can only make the target a little muddle-headed, more emotional and more prone to suggestions, it's only thanks to Mike's knowledge of Shinso that he had managed to pull off this stunt

Is it a little dirty to use manipulation and a hallucinogenic gas to get what you want? Yes, yes it is but it is also highly effective

When Shinso thought about Mike not being scheming and an honest person he didn't realize just how wrong he actually is

'Well, step 1 is complete, step 2 follows.' Thought Mike as he went ahead, up the stairs and sat down at his seat as his friends surrounded him and asked him various questions, and Mike just smiled while answering them all, he felt eviler than ever but somehow he liked that feeling very much

How did you like the chapter? I personally enjoyed writing it. For those that are confused about why Mike's personality started to change well you have to wait until the hero killer arc to find out.

Electezcreators' thoughts
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