
Ch 1 The boy with the straw hat

The sun shines as the waves of the ocean crash against a lone small wooden boat. Sitting in the boat holding a fishing pole with the line cast into the water is a man who appears to be in his early 20s, he's around 6 feet tall with messy shaggy black shoulder length black hair and grey eyes. He wears a pair of black trousers, a long sleeved white collared shirt with a white jabot around his neck, over his shirt he wears a long black trench coat, a pair of black boots on his feet, and a pair of white gloves don his hands.

This is Alexander Kingston, an ex-navy officer. He left the navy after discovering how corrupt they really were. Not long after leaving the navy he ate a Devil Fruit called the Nito Nito no mi, it gave him the ability to sweat nitroglycerin and then ignite it to create powerful explosions. He found out that he was immune to explosions after eating the fruit, but unfortunately his clothes were not, he found that out the hard way. And now he was out on the ocean, fishing for his dinner.

Alex: " It doesn't seem like the fish are biting today. Maybe I should try a different spot."

Alex reeled in his line and set his pole off to the side, grabbing his boat paddles. But before he could row anywhere, he spotted a passenger ship off in the distance, with a pink pirate ship next to it.

Alex: " Hmm, maybe there's some food on that passenger ship. I could probably take advantage of the chaos caused by the pirates and steal some food."

Alex uses the paddles to row towards the passenger ship and the pirate ship.


Alex's rowboat approaches the two anchored ships, he looks up as a body falls off the ship into the ocean.

Alex: " I should probably stop those pirates before they kill any more innocent people, and maybe if I save them, they'll give me free food."

Alex ties his boat to the ship, then grabs onto the side and climbs his way up. Carefully making his way to the top, trying not to fall into the water, because he would drown and die immediately.

He pulls himself up onto the deck of the passenger ship, looking around he only spots unconscious ship hands, but no pirates.

Alex: " Where are all the pirates?"

Alex then notices a woman with orange hair, she has a full bag as she climbs down the side of the ship into a wooden dinghy, sailing away.

Alex simply shrugs his shoulders and makes his way below deck, to the cellar. Once there, he spots several pirates, including a very large, very ugly woman with an iron mace.

Alex: ' Shit, that's Iron Mace Alvida. Y'know, I should've figured with the pink ship.'

He looks past Alvida and spots a boy with pink hair and round glasses, next to him was a boy with a straw hat.

Alex: ' Who are those two?'

Pirate 1: " Hey! There's someone behind us!"

Alex: " Shit!"

Alvida: " Another unwanted pest, kill him!"

Alex runs back up the stairs to the deck with several pirates chasing after him. The boy in the straw hat grabs the boy with glasses and stretches his arm out, grabbing onto the side of the hole in the cellar ceiling, pulling the two of them to safety, out of the way of Alvida's mace.

Alex makes it to the top, and slams the door closed behind him, barricading it with some barrels. He runs forward as the boy with the straw hat and the boy with glasses come up out of the hole in the deck.

Alex: " Who are you guys?"

Straw hat: " I'm Luffy! The man who will be Pirate King!"

Alex: " Pirate King?"

Luffy: " Yeah! I'll need a crew of about 10 people!"

Alex: " So, you'll be traveling the world then, huh?"

Luffy: " Yep! I'm looking for the One Piece! So, I'll definitely be traveling the world searching for it!"

Alex: " I could join your crew."

Luffy: " Huh?"

Alex: " I've always dreamed of seeing the world, joining your crew could help me do just that."

Luffy: " Welcome to my crew!" He states with a huge grin on his face.

The barricaded door is sent flying off its hinges by Alvida, her pirates charge forward with their swords drawn.

Alex: " We better deal with these guys."

Luffy: " Yeah! And then we can go find that pirate hunter guy you were talking about Koby!"

One of the pirate goons runs up to Alex, slashing his sword. Alex ducks under his sword and slams a fist into his stomach, creating a small explosion, sending the pirate flying off the side of the ship.

Luffy stretches his arm back, then launches it forward slamming it into a charging pirate, knocking him into another pirate.

Pirate 4: " What the hell are these guys?!"

Luffy: " I ate the Gomu Gomu no mi, and now I'm a rubber man."

Alex: " Gomu Gomu no mi, huh? I ate the Nito Nito no mi, now I can blow things up my punching them."

Pirate 5: " Devil Fruits? I thought those things were just a myth."

Pirate 3: " We can beat them if we use our guns!"

The remaining three pirate goons open fire with their pistols, the bullets fly towards Alex and Luffy. Luffy stretches himself out, shielding Alex from the bullets and reflecting them back at the pirates. The goons fall to the ground with bullet holes in their shoulders from their own bullets.

Alvida growls in anger as she charges at Alex and swings her mace down at him. Alex slams his fist into the mace, creating a small explosion that sends Alvida flying back.

Alex: " Let's get out of here. Follow me." He states running towards the side of the ship.

Alex climbs down the ship's side, into his wooden rowboat, followed by Luffy and Koby. He uses his fishing knife to cut the rope tying his rowboat to the passenger ship. Grabbing the paddles, Alex begins rowing away from the larger ships.

Luffy: " Do you know where we can find this Zoro guy Koby?"

Koby: " Are you seriously going to try and find Zoro!? He's a demon!"

Luffy: " If he hunts pirates, that means he's strong. Which makes him perfect for my crew!"

Alex: " I heard he's on a nearby island. It shouldn't take us long to reach it."

Luffy: " Then let's go!"

Alex rows in the direction of Shell Island, where Roronoa Zoro was.

"Hi" - Normal Speech

'Hello' - Thoughts

XOmnicreators' thoughts
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