
Growing up and Luffy

Dawn Island- Fusha village

After Garp left them on Dawn Island Rouge opened up a flower shop to earn money.

John used to collect many flowers from the forest.

when Ace turned 1-year-old John was ready to start his training.

John went to the system shop.

John "Decim give me the manual of renewal taekwondo and full contact Karate "

Decim" Yes master."

John also found out that he could use the shop as an inventory.

John had always been fascinated with martial arts and had been practicing different styles since he was a teenager in his previous world. Now after acquiring Jin Mori's renewal taekwondo and Han Daewi's karate manuals from the R.O.B Decim, John had become more focused and determined to master these two styles and make his martial arts.

One day, while exploring a dense jungle, John encountered a massive tiger, easily 10 times his size. The tiger let out a roar, indicating that it was ready to attack.

John could feel his heart racing with excitement and anticipation as he took on the challenge of the massive predator. He immediately got into a fighting stance and prepared himself for the impending attack.

The tiger charged towards John, its massive paws pounding the ground with thunderous force. John waited patiently for the right moment to strike, his eyes locked onto the beast's movements.

As the tiger closed in on him, John performed a swift Recoilless Fang, striking the beast in its midsection. The tiger let out a loud growl as it stumbled back a few steps, but it was not deterred.

It lunged forward again, its jaws open wide as it tried to clamp down on John's shoulder. But John was ready, and he sidestepped the attack, delivering a powerful Breaking a Hundred Bricks(karate punch) to the side of the tiger's head.

The tiger was momentarily stunned by the blow, giving John the chance to follow up with a series of rapid-fire Screw Punches, striking the beast repeatedly in the chest and abdomen.

John could feel his adrenaline pumping as he continued to fight, his movements fluid and graceful, like a dancer performing a deadly choreography.

He used various moves from Jin Mori's renewal taekwondo, including a famous Moon Light Sword Dance, a technique that involved a series of fast and precise strikes, resembling the movements of a sword he remembered for Mira's techniques.

John also used the Thunderbolt Kick, a powerful move that involved a quick hop followed by a flying kick, unleashing a tremendous amount of force on the target.

As the battle continued, John could feel his body growing weary, but he didn't give up. He continued to fight with determination and grit, using his knowledge of martial arts to outsmart the massive tiger.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, John managed to land a decisive blow, striking the tiger in the neck with a powerful Recoilless Roundhouse kick. The beast let out a final roar before collapsing onto the ground, lifeless.

John stood there for a moment, panting heavily as he surveyed the scene before him. He had won, but it had not been an easy victory.

As he made his way back to civilization, John couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and accomplishment. He had used his knowledge of martial arts to overcome a powerful and deadly opponent, and he had emerged victorious.

From that day forward, John continued to train and practice, honing his skills in renewal taekwondo and full contact karate, ready for whatever challenges might come his way.


Two years later

Garp had visited them many times during these two years.

Rouge had quickly taken a liking to Makino and began to see her as her daughter even John bonded a lot with her and considered her his sister.

Garp then suddenly arrives with a New package .

Garp" This is Luffy my grandson please take care of him Rouge."

Rouge" Oh! what a cute kid don't worry Garp I will raise him like my own son."

Ace who was now three years old said with excitement in his eyes" A new brother huh! I like the sound of that."

Garp " Thank you Rouge. By the way where is John."

"He is in the forest training Garp-san "Rouge said Pointing toward the Forest.


Side story:-

John was excited to help out Rouge with her new flower shop. She had always been a good mother to him, and he wanted to do something special for her. So, when she asked him to collect some rare flowers, he jumped at the opportunity.

John headed out to the forest with a basket and a map of the area. He had a list of flowers he needed to collect, including the elusive "Rainbow Blossom." John had heard that the Rainbow Blossom was the most beautiful flower in the world and he was determined to find it.

As he was walking through the forest, John suddenly heard a rustling in the bushes. He cautiously approached and saw a group of monkeys playing with the Rainbow Blossoms. John quickly used his Renewal Taekwondo skills to dodge the monkeys' attacks and grab the flowers.

Feeling proud of his accomplishment, John continued on his mission. He climbed up a steep mountain to find the "Mountain Daisy," which was known to only grow in high altitudes. As he was climbing, he slipped and tumbled down the mountain, but he managed to grab hold of a branch and pull himself back up.

Finally, John arrived at the location of the "Midnight Bloom," a flower that only bloomed at night. He waited patiently until midnight and was amazed by the flower's beauty. He carefully plucked it and put it in his basket.

As he was walking back to Rouge's shop, John suddenly heard a loud growl. He looked around and saw a giant bear staring at him. John knew he had to act fast, so he used his Renewal Taekwondo moves to dodge the bear's attacks and strike it with a powerful "Flying Side Kick."

The bear stumbled back and fell to the ground, defeated. John continued on his journey back to the flower shop, feeling proud of himself for collecting all of the rare flowers.

When he arrived, Rouge was overjoyed to see the beautiful flowers. She hugged John and thanked him for his hard work. John smiled and told her that it was all worth it to see her happy.

From that day on, Rouge's flower shop became the most popular in the area, and John was known as the fearless flower collector. He continued to use his Renewal Taekwondo moves to protect the flowers from any would-be thieves.

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