
Chapter 33: CP0 (III)

"I hadn't expected that you, Marine's Hero, would want to conceal Roger's blood privately. It's truly unforgivable."

CP0 arrived following the appearance of four individuals. Among them, the leader with a white mask glared angrily at Sakazuki and Garp.

Sakazuki glanced at Garp and remarked, "You see, it's not that I disagree, but they do."

Garp narrowed his eyes, realizing that this situation was no longer easily manageable. If it were just Sakazuki alone, with his more relaxed disposition, Garp could have persuaded him that the issue wasn't significant. However, the four members of CP0 posed a different challenge. Once they discovered the truth, there would be no middle ground—either they would take Portgas D. Rouge away or silence her permanently.

"Take this woman away!" ordered the man in the white mask, directing his three subordinates. Their speed was remarkable as they swiftly advanced towards Portgas D. Rouge.

But Garp was quicker. Before they could reach Rouge, he intercepted them with a single punch, sending them flying through the air.

"Garp!" the man in the white mask exclaimed, witnessing Garp's protective action, his voice tinged with both anger and a hint of apprehension. Garp's reputation was formidable; even as a CP0 cadre, he held a healthy respect for Garp.

Although his three subordinates were formidable in their own right, being elite members of CP0, they were all simultaneously repelled by Garp. Such explosive power was truly terrifying.

"Sakazuki, you still have a chance to rectify this. Lift this woman immediately, and we'll share the credit equally!" declared White Mask CP0 agent, recognising the futility of attempting to wrest Portgas D. Rouge from Garp alone and extending an offer to Sakazuki. He knew Sakazuki was a rising star within the Marine Headquarters, albeit not as powerful as Garp. However, with their combined efforts, capturing Rouge was still feasible.

Sakazuki was somewhat surprised by the proposition. He glanced at the white mask and responded, "Agreed!"

Yet, before the words had fully left his mouth, his right arm transformed into magma. Instead of attacking Garp, however, he aimed for the man with the white mask.

"Sakazuki, are you out of your mind?" the white mask exclaimed in anger.

Sakazuki retorted, "I've never liked you. You presume to join forces with me, yet you lack the merit."

The lava fist collided with the white mask, but as a CP0 cadre, his strength was considerable. He swiftly employed Armament Haki to deflect the magma and retreated.


Without hesitation, upon witnessing Sakazuki's attack, the white mask realised their chances of capturing Rouge were slim. Facing Garp alone was daunting, and with Sakazuki's assistance, they stood no chance. Their only option was to escape and report the situation to their superiors, avoiding the wrath of both Garp and Sakazuki.

"Are you trying to flee?"

With resolve, Sakazuki pursued. Garp did the same, chasing after the remaining three individuals who fled in different directions.


The white mask didn't manage to escape far before Sakazuki caught up. Confident in his superiority, Sakazuki engaged, certain that the white mask was no match for him. While legends existed of CP0 members matching Marine Admirals in strength, he was confident the white mask was not among them; otherwise, he wouldn't have been forced back so easily.

After overtaking him, White Mask realised the futility of fleeing and halted.

"Sakazuki, are you planning a complete betrayal?" the white mask inquired, hoping to avoid conflict but aware that only one of them would emerge alive from this encounter.

Sakazuki replied coldly, "Betrayal? I owe allegiance to no one. What of betrayal?"

"The blood of Roger, the Pirate King, is at stake. Will you let her go so easily? Is that not betrayal?" argued the white mask, attempting to appeal to Sakazuki's sense of duty.


With a disdainful snort, Sakazuki emanated a powerful Haki towards the white mask.

"Conqueror's Haki!"

The white mask's expression shifted drastically. He hadn't anticipated Sakazuki possessing Conqueror's Haki.

In that moment of shock, Sakazuki lunged forward, his magma-clad fist connecting with the white mask's body, sending him reeling backward.


Realising he was outmatched, the white mask knew retreat was his only option to survive. While Conqueror's Haki might not ordinarily affect him greatly, in this instance, its impact was profound, dampening his fighting spirit.

"Escape is my only option!"

Though his strength was inferior to Sakazuki's, the white mask found renewed speed in retreat. While he couldn't match Sakazuki head-on, he could exploit his temporary advantage to relay crucial information.

"You think you can escape?"

Observing his opponent's attempt to flee, Sakazuki sneered, his voice low, "Detonate!"

An explosion erupted from the white mask's body mid-flight, sending him crashing to the ground.

Sakazuki swiftly closed the distance, pinning the white mask beneath him.

"I told you, there's no escape from me." Sakazuki declared calmly, meeting the white mask's shocked gaze.

"How can your attack be effective from such a great distance?"

The man donning the white mask found himself swiftly subdued by Sakazuki, caught effortlessly despite the considerable gap between them. He was bewildered by how precisely Sakazuki managed to strike him from tens of meters away. It was confounding.

Little did he know, it wasn't Sakazuki's direct assault but rather a skill granted by the system—the Bursting Charm. As he attempted to flee, Sakazuki tagged him with the charm, detonating it when he had distanced himself.

"Not everything is comprehensible to you, brainwashed scum."

Sakazuki exerted his strength over the man, stripping off his white mask. What lay beneath left him momentarily astounded.


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