
One Piece - I Am Great Director

{ Warning: This is a translation of a Chinese fanfic and may include some Chinese elements. I've attempted to remove or replace them where possible, but some may have been retained to preserve the chapter's integrity. } In his journey through time, Li Fan unlocked the [Great Director System], allowing him to earn rewards by bringing the scripts it provided to life. Thus, beginning with the direction of the Holy Grail War, Li Fan ascended in strength step by step. Gradually, he evolved into a peerless individual, a formidable figure in both power and entertainment, within this world of pirates. But when the Celestial Dragons demanded a movie exclusively for them, Li Fan's response was clear: "Dream on!" { I don't own any character it's belong to original author. Also i am just translating fanfic and I don't ask for any benifit Original Author - Pirate Radish Source - https://wap.faloo.com/920161.html }

Guardian_Of_Nexus · Tranh châm biếm
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77 Chs

Ch 25 Pink Rabbit wishes to Secretly Join Li Fan!

"Hello, Smoker, are you on patrol?" Looking at Smoker in front of him, Li Fan said with a smile.

Smoker nodded and glanced at Medusa.

"Li Fan, have you introduced this lady yet? She's not Alice, who usually plays Rider, is she?"

"That's right, the person next to me is the real Medusa. Is there a problem?"

"The real Medusa?" Smoker frowned, "Li Fan, are you joking with me?"

"I'm not that free to make such jokes with you." Li Fan smiled and waved his hand. "Besides, if nothing comes up, I will take Medusa to watch the movie I filmed. You can continue your work."

"Let's go, Rider," Li Fan said to Medusa.

"Yeah!" Medusa nodded slightly and followed Li Fan toward the cinema.

Smoker watched Li Fan and Medusa leaving, taking a deep drag of his cigar.

"Medusa? First, the abilities are the same as in the script, and now the characters from the script are coming to life?"

"Perhaps, as Li Fan said, his script is based on reality."

"However, in this case, can a being like Medusa really be considered a heroic spirit?"

Shaking his head, Smoker took his phone and dialed Sengoku's number.

Over the past few days, it has become routine for Smoker to report information about Li Fan to the Fleet Admiral.

Soon, the call connected, and Smoker reported to Fleet Admiral about Medusa.


Naval Headquarters, Fleet Admiral's' Office.

Sengoku hung up the phone and turned to the elderly woman with gray hair tied in a bun seated beside him.

Vice Admiral Tsuru, Great Staff Officer of the Naval Headquarters.

"Tsuru-chan , did you hear Smoker's report about the woman who suddenly showed up next to Li Fan and was called Medusa by him?"

Crane gently placed her teacup on the table.

"Based on what you told me before, it seems Li Fan has powers from the movie. Now that Medusa is back, it's possible the stuff in the movie is real – at least some of it."

"Of course, that depends on whether the Medusa with Li Fan is the real deal."

"I think I get what's worrying you, Sengoku."

"What if what's shown in that movie is true? We might see the Sword of Promised Victory, which can destroy a city, and the Sword of Rupture(Ea), which can mess up the world, again."

"Even if many things in the script are real, the Sword of Promised Victory and the Sword of Rupture(Ea) might not have the powers the script describes," he explained calmly.

Fleet Admiral responded, "Crane, your analysis matches my thoughts, It's just that with so many script-related occurrences happening in reality, it's hard for me to ignore Li Fan."

"That guy openly mentioned to Smoker that he might have invited pirates to act," He added.

Upon hearing this, Crane nodded.

"Are you concerned that he might team up with pirates and become a pirate himself, Sengoku?" Crane inquired.

Sengoku replied, "Yes, that's my worry. Additionally, I'm hesitant about informing the World Government about this guy."

"The World Government?" Tusru furrowed her brow. "If they find out about Li Fan, they might send the CP organization to investigate him."

"If that's all, then it's not too bad," Sengoku sighed. "Considering how the Five Elder Stars view ancient weapons, if they found out about the potential existence of weapons like the Sword of Rupture(Ea) and the Sword of Promised Victory, they might act against Li Fan directly."

"Even without direct action, if Li Fan learns that the CP is investigating and testing him, it could make him uneasy," He added.

"I'm concerned that involving the World Government might push Li Fan into piracy," Fleet Admiral continued.

"I share your concerns," Crane agreed. Both of them had spent their entire lives in the navy and had seen individuals pushed down the wrong path by the world's political system.

"In that case, how about having our people keep an eye on Li Fan, Sengoku?" Tsuru suggested. "It would still be surveillance, but our personnel can handle it with care."

"Doesn't Li Fan need skilled actors? I believe the navy has some talented individuals for this task."

Sengoku nodded slightly and said, "Tsuru-chan, your point is well-founded. Do you have any recommendations?"

"Why don't you let me go?" a very charming voice came from beside Crane.

"Gion, are you volunteering?" Crane asked.

"If you're looking for an actress, don't you think I'm suitable for the job, sister?" Gion, who is also an Vice-admiral candidate and codenamed Momousagi, said with a smile.

"Indeed, with Gion in the role, you will undoubtedly find her well-qualified," Sengoku said.

For Gion, who excelled in geisha skills and had used her acting abilities to deceive many pirates, Sengoku believed her acting skills would make her a valuable recruit for Li Fan. Moreover, he was confident that Li Fan would not discover her true identity as a marine.

[ Note- Geisha - A traditional female hostess, entertainer and performing artist. ]

"In addition, I also suggest that Master Chief Petty Officer Tashigi closely follow Li Fan."

"This way, both Marines, Tashigi and I, can watch over Li Fan openly and secretly."

"We might learn more this way."

"Having a Navy officer like Tashigi around might give Li Fan a better impression of us."

"But, Tashigi doesn't need to know our plan."

"Considering her role, she'll naturally report some things to the Navy."

"Sharing our plan with her could be risky," Gion added.

"It's a good idea," Crane agreed. "If you want to go, Gion, I won't stop you."

"But please, be careful and stay safe."

"In this case, then this task will be left to you, Gion." Hearing the conversation between Gion and Tsuru, Fleet Admiral Sengoku stood up. "Li Fan may not stay in Loguetown for long."

"I hope you can head to East Blue as soon as possible to apply to be Li Fan's actor."

"Yes, Fleet Admiral!" Momousagi, Gion clenched the sword at her waist. "Then, Fleet Admiral Sengoku, sister, I will prepare now."

Sengoku and Tsuru-chan nodded and watched Gion leave.

After that, Fleet Admiral called Smoker's phone number and told Smoker his plan.
