
One piece (Raging flames)

[currant date] |1470| [24 years before the great pirate era] Ryū no Shima was an island located near the land of wano. It was home to a clan of many highly skilled swordsmen that were said to be the descendants of the sword god ryuma, the island was a peaceful place one with amazing waterfalls, rivers, and grasslands. One day pirates flying the jolly roger of the R.O.C.K.S pirates attacked the island leaving nothing behind except for a child... A boy no older than 5 years old [Note] there will be no harems or anything like that this story is PG18 For it's graphic depictions of violence and death. P.S this is my first ever time writing a fanfic or anything of the sort so don't judge me since I'm on my phone because autocorrect is a bitch

Lazy_author_Sama · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
55 Chs

(Chapter 4) Pirates and blacksmiths

[Location] Paradise

[Year] 1469

It was late in the night as small boat could be seen drifting, laughter could be heard from inside one of the cabins.

'Oi gaban stop swinging those axes around you look ridiculous' Laughed out what seems to be a skinny man wearing a straw hat.

'Watch your mouth you~ stupid straw hat-wearing bastard!' he screamed out,

The man wore sunglasses and had long black hair.

Another loud shout could be heard 'Hey stop shouting at the captain your too drunk, just go to bed' Said a tall blonde man to the now named gaban as he took a swig from the flask.

'says the guy that's currently drinking Rahahahhaha!' Laughed out the straw hat wearing man as he took a swig of his own drink.

The blonde haired man just stared at the straw hat wearing man next to him with a bored expression, as he just laid down on one of the beds in the cabin

'Oi you to get some shut-eye, roger we might have not been in the grand line for long but it's still dangerous we should be ready for anything when the sun rises' said the blonde as he laid down and shut his eyes hoping to get a bit of sleep tonight.

Gaban just put his axes down and laid on one of the beds before he closed his eyes and fell asleep

Roger just smiled as he opened the door and walked out of the cabin and closed the door behind him.

He walked before he jumped up from the deck to the crows best with what seems to be super human strength as he landed next to a fish man.

'Sorry for not being able to stay up tonight sunbell" roger said as he patted the shoulder of a blue fishman

Sunbell is a tall and stout fish-man with webbed hands and a fin at the top of his head. He has large lips and tattoos on his head and arms. He was wearing a pair of light trousers and a Hawaiian shirt.

'Its no problem captain, im used to saying up all nighter just go to sleep ill wake you up once the sun rises' he said as he gave roger a tooth smile, his teeth were sharp and looked like they could easily tear through steel

'Rhahaha thanks again sunbell, as he fist bumped the blue fish man before he jumped down'

He started walking towards the captains quartera before a voice spoke out

'Roger arent you going to wish me a good night?' said a tall long armed man he also had clearly hair the covered his eyes as he was holding on to the steering wheel of ship

Roger sweat dropped.

"I forgot reyleigh invited this guy to join our crew" he thought to himself, "well we did need a navigator so he was our best bet", as he waved at Jackson.

'Ah Jackson-san sorry about that it's just that I was a bit to sleepy' he said with a cheeky grin

Jackson just waved him off as he took out a pack of cigarettes and lit himself one before going back to checking one of the log poses.

"Shit!" he thought to himself, before he turned the ship 180 degrees as the ship went off track while he was talking to the captain.

Roger held for dear life as could see sunbell falling off the crows best and falling towards the deck before he hit the ground, he could also hear two sets of thumps that came from the room he just came out of.

'Oi Jackson you almost got me killed there!" said sunbell as he glared towards Jackson.

'Sorry sunbell-san I didn't expect for the ship to turn around while I was talking with the captain'

he said in a soft spoken voice, as he dragged on the cigarette in his mouth before puffing out a large ball of smoke.

'Hmph, give me a warning or something next time' said sunbell before he started climbing back up the crows best.

Roger just sweat dropped before he asked

'Jackson-san when are we going to arrive at water 7, this ship isn't going to last very long not to mention the rumors about the second half of the grand line'

'I'm sure we will arrive there in a few more days we just need to resupply on a nearby island before heading there'

Roger just nodded and started heading back before jackson stopped him.

'Captain there have been sightings of the rocks pirates heading further north of the new world' Roger stopped walking as he looked back to Jackson and replied.

'How fast could we get the ship coated?' asked roger in a grim tone.

'A day or so if both me a reyleigh work on it as soon as we dock' replied Jackson as he took another drag of his cigarette

Roger just nodded before heading inside his cabin, he lay down on the bed before taking out a picture from inside his straw hat.

It showed him and a beautiful-looking woman holding hands under a cherry blossom tree,

'rouge...' he whispered to himself before he closed his eyes and tried to get some sleep.


{Shima no ryu}

Ryuu stood behind his grandfather as soon as he opened the front door of their home.

A large muscular old holding a large book in his hand stood there, 'oh masamune sama I did not expect you to visit so soon after my last visit to your shop'

The large old man just nodded before he looked towards the small boy hiding behind Minamoto 'this must be Ryu I presume'

Ryu bowed in greeting towards the old blacksmith 'hello masamune san i have heard a lot about you from jiji'

'oh hes polite to didnt expect that much coming from you minamoto' said masamune

They soon walked in and sat on the table while ryu poured tea for the two old men as they spoke, sitting down next his grandfather soon after.

'so what bring you over masamune you rarely come outside that workshop of yours' as he sipped on his tea eying masamune and the book he was carrying

Masamune nodded before he place the book on the table and started flipping through the pages before stopping on a page with the image of 7 unique looking swords, before he grinned and looked towards minamoto

Minamoto just raised his eyebrow and scanned the contents of the book 'whats so special about the book it just Shows the seven supreme grade blad-'

'Soon to be eight' said masamune cutting minamoto off, as his grin grew even further

Minamoto almost choked on the tea he was drinking as his eyes widened 'But I had thought the metal used to craft the blades was used up centuries ago?!'

Ryu just sat there confused before turning and asking masamune 'does that mean you will be able to another supreme grade sword?'

'hohohoho' masamune laughed out before he took out a medium sized rag before revealing the metal that was inside.

The metal was a dark shade of red

'This is orichalcum, a metal thought to have gone extinct 800 years ago' said minamoto before he looked towards Ryu with a large feral grin

'would you like to help me pick out what kind of sword I should craft' Ryu just sat there baffled as he said 'It would be an honour masamune sama'

'What do you usually use as your main weapon ryu-chan' the old blacksmith

'usually a wakizashi since I'm too small to wield an actual katana' masamune just nodded before taking some notes

A few minutes go by and soon masamune leaves to his workshop.


Sorry I haven't been uploading I just wasn't really motivated to sit down and release more chapters

Either way the more people comment and leave power stones the more I feel like writing :)