blah blah - Died - blah blah - Old man - blah blah - Reincarnation - blah blah - Adventure. Read it I do not own the characters of the one piece, nor do I own one piece, this is just a Fan fiction. Join me on discord for suggestions. link : [ ]
My name is Benjamin, code name - Killer blade.
Age - 27, Current Mercenary King, 100% success rate on any kind of mission, be it assassination, safeguarding, extermination or extraction, every mission was a success.
I was going to Mexico for the next mission when the flight crashed. I am 100% sure that this was not an accident, but that didn't matter right now.
I am currently sitting in front of the man who claims to be god, and has a mission for me.
[So you are saying that you want the current system of that world changed as well as the real one piece destroyed???]
[May I ask why?]
[The current system of that world is flawed, The world didn't quite become what we wanted it to be and gods do not like those pigs to be claiming to be one of us. As for One piece, let's just say that it is something that should not belong to that world]
[Do I get any perks or advantages?? And what about the payment??]
[Yes, you have 3 wishes as long as they are feasible under the laws of One piece world, as for the payment, you can continue on living while doing missions for gods if you do this one satisfyingly]
[Then for first wish I want to be a giant with very high talent for Haki and swordsmanship.
For second I want my sword to be made up of 100% Sea mineral which is found in sea stones.
For third I want my Devil fruit to be size-size fruit without the weakness of seas]
[The curse of seas can be eradicated but there will be some side effects, you will not be able to use your devil fruit powers outside your body while in touch with sea-water]
[That is acceptable, so when will the mission start and what is the completion period??]
[ You will be in one piece world as a full grown giant 3 years before the cannon starts, you will have maximum time of 10 yrs after your reincarnation in that world to complete the task, Your devil fruit and sword will be in a chest besides you. After that, if you give satisfying results, you will be have a place booked in heaven or you can continue to perform more tasks. Now go]
The God said as he created some kind contract, took a piece of what he said to be my soul along with a sliver of his soul power and stamped on it heavily with a stamp with golden glowing ink at its bottom.
As the stamp fell heavily on the contract, I felt my consciousness fading as everything blacked out.
Side story :
God sighed as he kept the contract he just made aside on his table. He took out another empty contract as he said to another person sitting in front of him
[So mister Wade Winston Wilson, codenamed Deadpool, are you ready for your task in Tokyo Ghoul world now that you have seen the whole series??]
[ Yeahh man!!, that world is fucking awesome, I get to mess up so many people, even the powers there are so good, last time was a bummer, those ninjas couldn't do shit before they tired out. This world is more my type, more action less drama and so much blood. Well, see you after the mission]
[Well, go on, I'll make the contract afterwards, and congrats, this is your 100th mission]
[See you old man] He said as his silhouette disappeared.
[Though his personality is messed up, he is one of the top ranking Mercenaries available to gods, well I am off, my duty for this millennia is about to finish]