
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 356 I am loyal to the emperor (please subscribe)

  Hearing his companion's question, the clone's eyes showed a moment of confusion.

  The other party asked this unintentionally, but it made him think about his future.

  Whether he, who is burdened with the original sin of his body, can get his own redemption in this dark universe.

   "Blow up here, and then we'll head to the Eye of Terror," said the clone.

   "To the Eye of Terror?" the warrior repeated in confusion.

"There are fewer and fewer traitors wandering in the real universe, go to the Eye of Terror, let us meet the final challenge." The clone whispered: "Use blood and sacrifice to cleanse our sins, let us wait for the painful soul rest in peace."

   Several soldiers fell silent.

   Their eyes are the same as those of the clones.

  Burdened with sin, no more honorable mercy.

   "Let's go, take our sacrificed brothers, their bodies left in this world should not stay here with those traitors." The clone leaned over and picked up Lucius' head.

  The round eyes were full of unwillingness and despair.

  The blood from the incision on the neck kept dripping, staining the scarred power armor of the clone.

   All will pay for past crimes.

  No one can escape the sanction of fate.

  The soldiers gathered up the bodies of their comrades who died in battle. Their expressions were solemn and solemn, as if they were doing a sacred thing.

   Some corpses were torn apart and broken in the battle just now.

  The attack of the **** beast is enough to tear steel into pieces.

  Even with the protection of power armor, it is difficult to stop the firepower of the **** beast.

  The strong body was torn apart and scattered on the messy battlefield.

  The soldiers picked up the flesh and blood fragments, and used the heavy industry slaves to take the corpses away.

  The armored body was extremely heavy.

   It is not easy to carry them back to the battleship.

   Slaves with industrial hydraulic arms are the best choice.

   Gather the corpses of comrades-in-arms together.

   The clones began to evacuate with the surviving fighters.

  The corridors are full of profanity and traces of fighting.

   Chaos symbols smeared on the marble floor.

   A cushion made of the skin of a living person.

  Horrific artwork and furniture made of flesh and bone.

   Obscene murals outlined in an unknown liquid.

   The fall of the Emperor's Children is horrific.

  Each sighting saddens the clone, making him aware of the consequences of the original's deeper and deeper down that horrific path.

   Go out along the corridor you just burst into.

   The clone group ignored the corpses.

   Chaos war gang has been completely defeated.

  Only a few mutants and cultists who serve the Emperor's Children's lunatics are still hiding somewhere on the ship.

   The clones have no urge to find them.

  Those guys have no chance of surviving in the detonated battleship.

   No matter how they hide, it will only delay the time of their own death.

  Leaving the heavily corrupted battleship, the clone returned to its own battleship.

   Several ships hauled from the ship's dead graveyard, covered in patches.

  When sailing in the starry sky, people wonder whether these ships will disintegrate and collapse in the next second.

   These ships are already all clones and others.

   was the best ship they could find.

   You must know that they do not have their own industrial world, nor their own territory. It is very difficult to get a new ship.

   Only from those ruins can we find usable parts and supplies.

  The ships of the clones and others are extremely simple, with exposed cables and cold steel structures exuding a cold industrial aesthetic.

   These ships have no disgusting chaotic atmosphere, they are very clean.

   Although these warriors were declared traitors by the Empire, they did not submit to Chaos.

  Many of these fighters were fooled into betraying the empire in ignorance.

   Some of these are the high ranks of the Chapter corrupted by Chaos, resulting in entire Chapters being declared traitors by the Inquisition.

  Some people are fighting outside without knowing what is going on, so they become traitors for no reason.

   Some of them were caused by the power struggle.

  The power struggle and collusion of the former high lord parliamentary system affected all aspects of the empire.

  In order to suppress the reputation of political opponents, they did not hesitate to sell information and directly sold the military forces supporting the opponent to the enemy.

   Some Astartes Chapters will also be drawn into the struggle for power.

  In order to cover up their secrets, the powerful party directly declared the warband as rebellious, and sent other warbands to hunt and kill.

   Never think that such a thing will not happen.

  In that magical age, anything can happen.

   For the sake of STC, the mechanical sage even did not hesitate to open fire on the original mother group like the Dark Angel.

   One can imagine how chaotic it was at that time.

  After encountering injustice, these fighters chose to abandon the Terra Council.

   Some have fallen so thoroughly that they have turned to the Chaos Gods.

   There are also some empires who don't like the rule of the high lords, and don't like the evil deeds of Chaos, so they choose to fight alone in the name of the Emperor among the stars.

  With the awakening of Guilliman, the living space of the Chaos Warband was extremely compressed.

  The entire galaxy is about to usher in a true grand unification.

  These warriors wandering between the empire and chaos are also at the moment of extinction.

  The clones gathered them, pursuing the final honorable death.

   All warships of Lucius' warband are equipped with anti-ship bombs.

  Accompanied by bursts of flames and shock waves visible to the naked eye, the ship disintegrated silently in the air, bright and eye-catching.

  Countless fragments were engulfed by the impact force and rushed to the depths of the universe.

  They will always fly with inertia in the dark universe until they are captured by a celestial body.

  The mutants and cultists hiding in the depths of the ship died screaming.

   Either be swallowed by the flames, or thrown into the void, frozen to death by the low temperature.

  The flagship - the Redeemer is suspended in the air.

   It was a scrapped strike cruiser thrown into the void graveyard.

  The clone made it work again with its own wisdom.

   A brief ceremony was held in the ship to see off the brothers who died in battle.

  The clone went to the bridge and asked the captain to set a course for the Eye of Terror.

   This is a very dangerous decision.

  But they carried out the order without hesitation.

  Everyone is guilty.

   Betrayed their own race, betrayed the emperor who sheltered them.

  Whether out of intention or helplessness, it is a kind of betrayal.

  Death is their only way to be free.

  The shattered ship was left behind, and the burning flames finally turned into faint spots of light.

  The clone looked out the porthole of the bridge at the dark sky dotted with stars.

  The great rift across the galaxy still exists.

   is already much smaller than it was at the beginning.

  The governance of the empire has worked.

   Chaos' ability to interfere with the real universe is being weakened.

  Countless human warriors are fighting to seize their honor and glory.

   But they are like rats in the gutter, unsung and remembered.

  Dorne's forces defeated the Chaos warriors, but kept Uver and the orcs alive.

  But it was not without price for those shrimps to let them go.

  Ufre needs to be loyal to the emperor of the empire in exchange for a chance to survive.

  In order to better serve Mao Ershen, and also in order to have the opportunity to go back and get revenge on that damned bad shrimp who blew up his own boat.

  Ufer agreed to the decision.

  The Empire gave Uvor that planet, along with new armor and great guns.

   Also sent him various supplies and equipment from time to time, so that he would have the resources to arm his troops and be ready to seize the position of the orc emperor.

  Ufo was not polite either, and accepted everything as ordered.

  At this moment, the entire planet has bred orcs in droves.

   Let Wufo's strength be further enhanced.

Uver thinks it's going to go on like this until he gathers enough strength to go back and blow up the Bonebreaker and that **** bad shrimp, and hook up with the big human guy for a WAAAAAGH big fight expedition.

   The waves of the subspace have quietly stirred up.

  A magnificent fleet suddenly appeared beside the galaxy.

   The Celestial-class battleship headed by it, and the huge double-headed eagle can be clearly seen even from the other end of the galaxy.

  The sudden arrival of these ships scared the mechanic boy in charge of the observation and almost turned from green to white.

  The size of that fleet is terrifying.

  It is densely packed, and at a glance, it is full of giant shrimp ships, some of which are bigger than planets, and there is no end in sight.

  Orc ships are always so bloated and unbearable.

  They like to destroy the things that humans have built, and then use their aesthetics to rebuild.

   Whatever the Empire gives them, they will do.

  Ulver stayed on the largest battleship.

  His orc kid has exploded again.

  The whole planet is full of his orc boys.

  He felt that his arms were a little bigger, and the Orc wisdom in his mind was a little more.

   Can easily crush those bad dried shrimps.

  He is now considering whether to negotiate the price with Hao Xiami again.

  It was the previous price before, but now that I have become a more powerful big guy, I should use the new price.

  He wants more WAAAAGH armor and big guns.

   And a warship bigger than a planet to place his throne.


   The grit who was serving him ran all the way in from the hallway.

  The short legs run like a small whirlwind electric fan made by the tech masters, whizzing fast.

  It yelled in a crying voice.

   "The shrimps are here again, there are so many boats, boss."

   "It's just in time." Uver stood up suddenly, raised his shiny big gun, and threw away several orc boys who were lying on the big gun with idiot faces.

   "I have to talk to them about the price. Master Uver wants to raise the price."

   "Yes, increase the price."

   "Boss, I want more big guns and scraps from Xiami."

   "Boss is wise."

   All the orc boys cheered.

   Encourage the boss to ask humans for scraps, big guns and armor.

   If you don't give it, let those good shrimps know what it means to be powerful.

  Suddenly, the patched console in front of him flickered a few times.

  Ufo's most admired subordinate. Dagiba appears in the holographic projection.

   "Boss, the situation is not right. Those big guys who like shrimp are here, that is, their emperors." Da Jiba said.

"It's just in time for me to talk about the new price, and tell that big guy to put a place for me next to his throne, and I want to talk to him about cooperation." Ufo said domineeringly, "Otherwise, I'll let that big guy know what it means to provoke Mao Ershen's anger."

   "This may not be possible, the boss will take a look at this first."

   Dajiba passed the captured picture to Ufer.

   The smile on Wufo's face froze a little bit.

   Overwhelming shrimp spaceships.

  Some are bigger than stars.

  Any ship can easily crush the fleet in his hand.

  It is thousands of times more terrifying than the fleet of bad shrimps I saw before.

   "My dear boy." Wufo was stunned for a moment and said, "I will always be loyal to the emperor."

  He kicked away an orc boy next to him who was encouraging him to negotiate a price.

   "I will beat anyone who dares to say something disrespectful to the emperor. Remember that we are all loyal to the emperor."

  The Emperor Supreme.

  Countless magnificent imperial ships hovered around, guarding their sovereign.

   Absolutely no power can break through this terrible defense and hurt the Lord of Humanity.

  Even the gods have to die in front of this magnificent army.

  Hundreds of war horns were sounded at the same time, making a sharp and hoarse roar.

  The deafening roar echoed on the Emperor Supreme.

  These horns are hollowed out from the tusks of some sort of space monster.

  Each giant beast has a body comparable to that of an imperial battleship, which is extremely huge.

  Wandering in the void, with rough skin and thick flesh, can survive in the cold void.

  Can also destroy the ships of the Rogue Traders and the warships of the Imperial Navy with his own power.

   Those giant beasts were killed by Guilliman's army, made into horns by the hands of skilled craftsmen, and placed on the tower of the Emperor Supreme.

  The banners of each company were hung on tall buildings and machinery.

   Coats of arms, flags, soldiers, titans, knights, soldiers and vehicles of many imperial legions lined up on the huge square in front of the throne, demonstrating the terrifying military power of the empire.

  The warriors stood there with their pride and sincerity, their chests upright.

   Crowds of war machines stood in the square, and the engines were beating rhythmically, like terrifying thunderclaps.

  These fearsome armies are enough to easily destroy a world.

  Now they all surrender at Guilliman's feet, willing to be his sword and shield, giving their lives, loyalty, and everything they can give for him.

  The purpose of gathering these armies is not that war is about to start.

  It's just a collection of showing off force.

  The object of showing off is not the enemy, but the orc.

   Accompanied by several strong rays of light in front of the high platform of the throne.

  After the light disappeared, the huge Ufo appeared on the high platform with the orc boys.

   They were teleported beneath Guilliman's throne.

  When Wufo and others came out, deafening voices came from the army formation.

   "Eternal glory to the Empire, eternal glory to the Holy Emperor."

  The most powerful sword of the empire, the Astartes who have completed the original casting upgrade roared.

  The sound was like the rolling thunder.

   "Eternal glory to the Empire, eternal glory to the Holy Emperor."

   "Eternal glory to the Empire, eternal glory to the Holy Emperor."

   "Eternal glory to the Empire, eternal glory to the Holy Emperor."

  The knights drove the mechs and raised their power spears, and their voices came out from the sound generator.

  The Astral Army, the Titan crew, the nuns, the omnic legion, etc. all shouted together.

   The sound waves are overwhelming and deafening.

   Ufo and the orc boys encountered such a situation just after being teleported.

   Almost turned around and ran away without being frightened.

  They looked at all this in amazement, and their eyes widened when they saw the countless flags and the endless army of shrimps.

  There are so many shrimps, if they are used to hit me, I will definitely not be able to run away.

   Uver thought to himself.

   This big guy is too powerful.

  There are so many Shrimp.

   "A lot, Boss." The orc kid on the side said in a low voice: "My dear, it's all shrimp."

   "Boss, should we do it!"

   "Do it? Your brain has been gnawed by the fart. I didn't see those big guys. One can smash you a hundred times. There are also those big metal guys. It doesn't take a second to crush you."

  The orc boys were also trembling with fright.

  I don't have enough confidence to speak.

   If the boss wasn't here, they would have turned around and ran away.

  Ufo ignored the words of those orc boys, he looked up at the magnificent throne several kilometers high.

   A giant with golden and blue light was sitting there.

  Like a **** king who came out of mythology, sitting on the throne, overlooking all living beings.

  He could feel the other person's gaze on him.

  Those eyes contained infinite power, even if God Mao Mao appeared at this moment.

  He also remained skeptical about whether the two gods could defeat each other.

  Just the clown mask standing next to the opponent and the silver-white little dragon on his shoulder exudes a terrifying aura that can make all mortal creatures despair.

   Be good, this big guy is too strong!

   "Eternal glory to the Empire, eternal glory to the Holy Emperor."

   "Eternal glory to the Empire, eternal glory to the Holy Emperor."

   "Eternal glory to the Empire, eternal glory to the Holy Emperor."

  The cries of the army continued, over and over again.

   Such a voice caused some psychological pressure on Uver.

  After hesitating for a moment, he knelt down on one knee and shouted: "We are loyal to the emperor."

   Such a gesture represents his submission to the other party.

  Its voice was like the roar of thunder, deafening.

  The other orc boys saw that their boss was kneeling, so they could only kneel obediently.

   Even if they don't like to use their own brains to think about problems, they can see the current situation clearly.

  They can't beat shrimp.

   Of course, bad dried shrimps are not included.

   "We are loyal to the emperor."

   "We are loyal to the emperor."

  Valanor stood beside Guilliman.

   Wearing golden armor and holding a halberd, he rarely took off his helmet, revealing that firm and perfect face.

   His face was full of excitement and joy.

  Guilliman accomplished another unprecedented thing.

  Wearing heavy armor, the orc warlord who looked like a giant metal beast knelt down in front of him, shouting an oath of eternal loyalty in human standard language.

  Even the Emperor failed to achieve such a feat, but it was achieved by Guilliman.

  The God of Laughter standing aside seemed to be calm, but his heart was full of turmoil.

  Guilliman is too terrifying.

   Even those savage orcs bowed their knees to him, declaring submission and allegiance.

   Such a thing, he never dared to think about it.

  The Nether Dragon crouched on Guilliman's shoulders.

  His mood is similar to that of Selego, and it is difficult to calm down.

   Even the orcs succumbed at his feet.

  There is nothing in this world that he can't do.

   Elderal, Evelyn, Qianmian and the others all remained strangely silent.

   Watch as the orc warlord swears allegiance to Guilliman.

   Watching the golden and blue emblem with a little green mixed in appeared on the forehead of the orc warlord, and then disappeared.

  Guilliman didn't say much.

  He accepted the loyalty offered by Ufre.

   And began to arrange for Wufu to improve his strength.

  The power of WAAAAAAAAGH has been reversely analyzed by the empire, and the power of WAAAAAAGH can be synthesized mechanically.

  Several small universes that can control the flow of time have also been prepared.

  As long as it starts, enough green-skinned orcs can be bred for Ufo in the shortest time, making him eligible to compete with the bonebreaker for the position of the orc emperor.

  While the orc warlords knelt on their knees, terrible storms raged in the warp.

   The etheric ocean is constantly churning and roaring, violent and chaotic.

  The terrible storm tore the old and broken veil of fate and lies, and stripped the veil of reality.

  The ethereal and loathsome gods roared in impotent rage.

   Curse in the most vicious language.

  The eternal battle that began with the Great Crusade will come to an end.

  The arrogance and arrogance of the gods shattered to pieces in front of Guilliman.

  Many surviving Chaos warbands are trapped in the Eye of Terror.

  The Necrons are using a brand new device to repair the Great Rift across the galaxy according to Guilliman's will.

  The omniscient and omnipotent were also forced to cooperate with the local Chaos natives, just to get back their poor dignity.

  However, any action is useless in front of Guilliman.

  He crushed all enemies who resisted him with his will.

  Nowadays, even the orcs, the most troublesome race in the galaxy, kneel before Guilliman.

   In this way, what power can stop him.

   There will never be anything that can stop him from unifying the galaxy and seizing the dominion of the entire universe.

   Yet the wrath of the gods was of no avail.

   Their power cannot cross the barriers of reality to interfere with reality. Only in that illusory country can they set off waves of terrible storms.

  Ufre was taken to the pool of WAAAAGH force field that glowed green.

  WAAAAGH of this scale is comparable to the Orc Empire during the Great Expedition.

   As time goes by, the energy here will become more intense.

   With the help of giant machinery, the huge Ufo lost its armor, revealing its strong and terrifying body.

  The knotted muscles crawled on Ufo's body like a snake.

   With such a body, even with bare hands, it can easily blow up a heavy tank.

   It's a pity that between the two legs that sneak into the mech is also bare.

   Did not see the frightening and terrifying roc.

   Orcs are asexual creatures.

   There is nothing unusual about being bald.

   Ufo, who was naked and terrifying, walked into the rich WAAAAGH energy pool under the guidance, and those orc boys also walked in.

   Soak in the WAAAAAGH energy pool.

  WAAAAGH energy will stimulate their cells to develop and evolve again, further strengthening them.

  The orc warlord needs to have enough supporters before he can challenge the orc emperor.

  These orc boys also need some enhancement.

  WAAAAGH energy pool is not only filled with the power of WAAAAGH, but also releases a batch of proton-level mechanical creations to guide and modify the gene sequences of these orcs.

   makes them stronger and scarier than normal orcs.

  By studying the knowledge left by the ancient saints and dissecting and recombining the gene sequence of the orc boy many times before, the empire has accumulated a lot of experience.

  And the vitality of the orc warlord is extremely terrifying, even if something goes wrong, he will not die.

   Under the double influence of WAAAAGH force field and empire, the body of the orc warlord was reshaped from the microscopic realm.

  The creation of the Old Ones will culminate in the hands of Guilliman.

   Become the most perfect war machine.

   The Cadia battlefield will be the first battle for this orc.

  The future goal of this orc is the universe of the heavens, the endless universe.

  These orcs will use their brute force to crush any foe who tries to stand in the way of the Empire.

  Guilliman stared at the orc warlord soaked in the WAAAAAGH energy pool, and smiled.

   When the evolution of this orc warlord is completed, it will be time for the empire to start the unification war.

  The tentacles of the gods extending into the real universe will be completely cut off.

   Not only this universe, this galaxy, but every place where the power of the human empire radiates will be like this.

  The age of the gods is over.

  The age of mankind will begin.

  (end of this chapter)