
one of his

don't read this book this is not my book nor my property I am just copy and pasteing if from another website I do this so that may have a interesting story to listen to in class or work 40k

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Warhammer: The Beginning is the Crisis of Annihilation Chapter :

 Chapter 320 A weapon that can seriously injure the omniscient and omnipotent (seeking subscription)

  The royal court belonging to the Trinity Council is located on a magnificent pyramid.

  Below the pyramid, there are countless undead warriors and immortal legions.

  On the steps of the pyramid, there are the three holy guards who are absolutely loyal to the King of Silence.

  Having come from afar, Marvell, who is the representative of the Cancer Corps peace talks, was received by a metal undead holding a scepter.

  Marville tried his best to suppress the disgust in his heart, avoiding showing any emotions that would affect the peace talks.

  The bodies of those metal undead do not have any soul fluctuations in their bodies.

   means they are merely echoes of past memories.

  The existence of these metal undead is undoubtedly the greatest desecration of life.

  Marvel saw the immeasurable metal undead standing in the open space in front of the pyramid through the eyes covered by the corrupted flesh.

   None of them made a sound, and none of them made any subtle movements.

  It's like a sculpture made of metal.

  An invisible force keeps them consistent.

   Under the guidance of the guide, Marvell finally came to the huge pyramid, and walked along the stairs to the throne of the Silent King.

   That is an obelisk-shaped temple.

  The highest point exceeds 40 meters.

  The suspended metal giant ring rotates slowly.

   Has a weird sense of solemnity.

  The throne of the Silent King is placed there, cast from black and shiny metal.

  The edge of the throne is adorned with gleaming golden runes and emblems.

  From the bottom of the long ladder to the top.

  On the steps, the elite warriors of the Necrons stood in rows.

   ranked higher than those of their kin, and enjoyed a position closer to their kings.

   Next to the throne are those masked nobles.

   They were as silent as the soldiers.

   Only from the precise texture and clothing on their bodies can we see their status.

  Gleaming statues of alien gods stand on the building's plinth.

   Two of them hold their arms high, forming a vault when they reach the top.

  Bow your head in a bowing and pleading pose.

  It means that the gods should also submit to the monarch on the throne.

   Marvell walked to the open space and looked at the three metal undead sitting on the throne.

  The one in the middle is the target of his visit.

  The strange-shaped body made of active metal is more precise than other metal undead, full of cold power.

   Every movement of his hands and feet possessed vitality that other undead did not have, and his body also carried the well-proportioned strength of muscle tissue.

   Also wearing a simple but very elegant dress.

   "Kneel down."

  The metal undead to the left of the throne spoke.

  Mar-Vell twisted his twisted, cancer-covered head, "He is not the man I serve, and I will not kneel."

  The erstwhile Captain Marvel can only rely on the great Yogg Sothoth and cannot kneel to anyone else.

   Not just a matter of loyalty, but also some secrets about Marvel's immortality.

   Kneel down to someone other than Yogg-Sothoth, and he will be abandoned by that moody master, and even die suddenly.

  In the previous battle with the empire, he had been killed once by the imperial marshal named Calgar.

   It was resurrected under Yogg Sothoth's will.

  The metal undead glared at Marvell.

   Marvell also stared at each other.

  The metal undead didn't continue to speak, but turned around and knelt down to their monarch on one knee.

   Then the masked nobles, their entourages, and the pyramid steps, and all the Necron warriors in front of the pyramids chose to kneel.

   Give allegiance and all to the sovereign who sits on the throne.

  Mar-Vell is unimpressed by this.

  He looked at the Silent King at the top.

   "I came here with the sincerity of an alliance. We need to join forces to fight against the human empire. Only in this way can we have a chance of victory."

  The Silent King's eyes inspected the twisted and bloated Marvell.

  As the king who once participated in the battle of heaven and the battle against the star gods, he naturally knows a lot about subspace.

   Obviously, the guy in front of him is a monster corroded by subspace and distorted by chaotic creatures.

  The inanimate of the warp is not only the mortal enemy of human beings, but also the mortal enemy of the Necrontyr.

  The exorcism death zone across the entire galaxy was built to fight against the warp.

   "Join hands with your group of polluted alien creatures to fight against human beings?" The attendant next to the King of Silence questioned, "Isn't that introducing a pack of wolves to drive out tigers?"

  The Silent King never speaks.

  His will is conveyed by attendants.

"Either side has no way to defeat the Human Empire alone. My suggestion is the best. Only by clearing out the most powerful enemy can we have the possibility of victory, otherwise the Human Empire will win without a doubt. In that case, you will not even have a chance to compete with the wolves, and you will be killed by tigers."

   Marvell looks at the Silent King, stating the pros and cons of it.

   It is not the first time Marvell has participated in the battle to conquer the universe.

  Compared to the previous smooth sailing and violent war against the natives of different universes, the empire is too tricky.

   Until now, a stable channel has not been established.

  Using the method of paying the price to the subspace to transport the troops of the cancerous legion, the cost is unimaginable.

  Faced with the extinction-style purification of the empire, it is also difficult to replenish the strength of the cancerous legion by fighting to support it.

  In the current battle situation, the empire has the absolute upper hand.

   If you continue to send troops from the original universe, you will only continue to expand your losses.

  Based on this situation, there was a scene where Marvell came to find the enemy of the empire-the space undead alliance.

  Marvel felt the anger in his heart burning violently, and he had never felt so aggrieved before.

   The first time I was beaten to pieces by the natives.

   Both of them were killed by the opponent in the battle.

  Many cancerous heroes were beheaded by the empire, and some were captured as experimental samples.

  The battle damage ratio is unprecedentedly high.

  The Silent King is also evaluating the advantages and disadvantages of the alliance.

  The current situation of the Necrons is not good.

  The empire is pressing hard.

   Lion Ryan and the traitors of the Sotai Dynasty are sweeping away the outer outposts.

   So far, most of the news on the battlefield has been lost.

  The Storm King has died in battle.

   If there are no accidents, the next one should be my own.

  The Nether Dragon had no shame and surrendered to humans, making many killing moves of the Necrons useless.

   "The empire is pressing every step of the way, and its military strength is far superior to ours. Even if we form an alliance, how can we win?" the servant of the King of Silence said.

"The strength of the human empire lies in the physical technology of the real universe. As long as we avoid its strengths and attack its weaknesses, there is a certain chance of a comeback. The Eye of Terror and the Great Rift are dominated by the power of the subspace. Of course they can Victory at the edge, but there is no way to go deep into it. If we are united and rely on these subspace rifts as a stronghold to launch harassment and attacks on various regions of the empire, they will inevitably fall into chaos."

  The Silent King's processor calculates the benefits of the opponent's plan.

   Can avoid the doom brought by the lion.

   But it will give the subspace a chance to grow.

  The cooperation with these guys can only continue until the human empire is weakened. If the human empire is destroyed, I am afraid that these creatures polluted by chaos will bring about the doomsday.

   The Necrontyr need to strike a delicate balance between the Empire and the creatures of the Warp.

   Let the two weaken each other, so that Necrons have a chance to come back.

   Both sides of the alliance have their own small calculations.

   But the covenant was reached quickly.

   Facing the threat brought by the human empire, they can only abandon their past persistence and choose to form an alliance. Otherwise, the human empire will make them all become dust of history and be swept into the garbage dump.

  The huge universe is like a wounded and struggling beast.

   It howled in agony, tormented by countless wounds infected by warp storms.

  From the battle of distant civilizations to the rise of the empire today, this universe has been burning with flames of war for countless years.

   It is nothing more than the difference between big and small wars.

  Thousands of years of plans were shattered by Guilliman, and that idiot Erebus summoned another guy from another world to challenge his status.

   What makes Abaddon even more intolerable is that the other party bears the name and appearance of his genetic father.

   This is a trample on him, and even more a trample on the former son of Horus.

  There is absolutely no possibility of forgiveness for such behavior.

   But his strength can't fight against the opponent.

  He needs a secret weapon, a weapon left over from ancient times to the present.

   Abaddon would give anything to get it.

   Even if it is tearing space and time, it will not hesitate.

  In the process, Abaddon rescued an ancient evil **** in the ancient ruins far away from the galaxy.

  He claimed to be a **** who was imprisoned in the battle of ancient civilizations. He had the authority of casting and was named Vashtor.

  In order to regain his freedom, the **** declared that he could serve Abaddon and find the artifact he wanted.

  The two parties reached a cooperation.

   Abaddon destroyed the cage built by the ancient civilization and released Vashtor

  Vashtor promised to build Abaddon a brand new warship - the Ark of Omens.

  Find him an artifact that can defeat the Omnipotent.

   The Ark of Doom is extremely huge.

   It was casted by those ancient civilizations before the Civilization War. It has unparalleled power, can easily tear the structure of time and space, and can easily destroy stars.

   In addition, Vashtor also provided a way for Abaddon to assemble a new army.

   That is to let him use the evil iron of the warp to forge a puppet army.

   This proposal was quickly approved by Abaddon.

  The strength of the empire and the decline of chaos are tightening the living space of the rebels.

  Guilliman's brainwashing methods are far superior to those of the emperor and past rulers. There are fewer and fewer incidents of rebellion in the empire. Only a few people who are dissatisfied with the empire will secretly defect to the camp of the gods. ,

   There is also the repair of the network channel and the existence of a firewall. 0

  Such changes have made the influence of the Four Gods on reality weaker and weaker.

  Their minions are only active in the Great Rift and those areas warped by the warp.

   It is no longer possible to fool those ignorant civilians and use sacrifices to enter the hinterland of the empire as before.

   The Chaos Gods have paid more and more attention to the Human Empire.

  The rise of human beings has made them feel threatened.

   However, it is not that simple to deal with the human empire.

  In the past, they focused on seizing the supremacy of Chaos, trying to seize control of the road leading to the universe of the heavens.

  Their powers are placed in the warp.

   The chaos of reality is just a small flavoring.

  The traitors supported can already bring enough trouble to the empire.

  Who would have thought that the awakening of Guilliman would lead to the rapid rise of mankind, and they have not had time to adjust their views on the human empire.

  Guilliman has led mankind all the way, regained lost ground, unified the galaxy, and started to march to other universes, ready to expand the territory.

   The Chaos Gods were also somewhat powerless for the rise of the human empire for a while.

   Their power is not in the real universe, and they were finally sent to the minions of the real universe, and they were not the opponents of the empire, so they were killed by the empire.

   Without the help of the gods, and humiliated by the omniscient and omnipotent from another universe, Vashtor's proposal is undoubtedly a timely help for Abaddon.

  A powerful army will be the key to regaining his dignity.

  In the foundry of Ark of Ominous Omens, which covers a vast area, the sound of clashing iron and fire can be heard from time to time.

  The cultists of the Dark Mechanicus are controlling the hideous equipment and producing parts.

  The captive slaves toil numbly under the whip of the overseer.

  Falling slaves are stuffed directly into the furnace as food and rewards for the furnace demons.

   Tendrils of wire, molten metal and crackling energy spilled from every mechanical system of the bridge.

  They are like a huge mechanical spider web, with countless strands passing through the air and interweaving above the factory.

   Abaddon stood on the high platform, overlooking the busy factory.

   The oracle who is the host of Vashtor stands behind him.

  The gods of the subspace need a body to move in the real world.

  Vashtor is no exception.

  Even if he possesses powerful divine power and can easily extinguish a star, he still has to act according to this rule.

  Countless metal filaments are wrapped around the oracle's feet.

  These metal filaments connect every corner of the Ominous Ark.

   In a sense, this huge ark is Vashtor's body.

  Factories are not producing weapons, nor are they vehicles.

   are the parts that make up the puppet army.

   A metal puppet loaded with terrifying and murderous weapons gained life after the assembly was completed.

   I went to where I should be.

   Their eyes glow red, and their dark bodies are covered with fine subspace patterns.

   Possesses the ability to think.

   They are not soulless machines created by humans in the Golden Age.

   There are no demons in it, so it is not considered a subspace demon vehicle.

  Vashtor seems to have mastered the secret of creating humans.

   endowed those machines with soul and life, making them cold and ruthless killing machines.

"Very well, with this army, we can let that **** and Guilliman know who is the real master of this galaxy." Abaddon showed a satisfied look, "The last thing now is, what do you want to do?" Give me a weapon to defeat the Omnipotent?"

"Such weapons are very rare, but this ruined universe is full of miracles. I know that the relics left by an ancient civilization may be able to satisfy you. That civilization has gone far on the path of truth, and they can create weapons that can harm all existence. weapons." Vashtor said: "What's even more amazing is that the ruins I know are not far from the Milky Way."

  PS: I woke up at ten o'clock, and I only had four thousand words in ten hours, and I felt so depraved.

  (end of this chapter)