
One Night Stand with a Stranger

In a dim, noisy, chaotic, and smoky place, Miguel first met a woman who made his heart beat faster. Back then, he was just looking for a companion because all of his friends had someone with them while having fun inside the bar, and he was the only one alone. So, he decided to walk around hoping to find someone. And while he was searching, he saw a woman in a red dress with a dahlia flower in her ear, dancing in the middle with men dancing alongside her. Until their eyes met, and he was captivated. And because of that moment, Miguel felt a strong electric shock and warmth in his body, making him instantly drawn to the woman. He didn't hesitate and quickly ran towards her, fearing she might end up with one of the men surrounding her. He didn't care about bumping into people as he passed by all he could think of was getting closer to the beautiful woman he saw. He successfully approached the stunning woman! But...another man seemed to be catching the attention of the beautiful woman, which made Miguel's blood boil. Seeing the man about to take advantage of the unaware woman, who seemed drunk and disoriented, made Miguel lose his temper. Without further ado, he delivered a solid punch that made the opportunistic man fall to the ground, resulting in a big brawl inside the bar. Luckily, Miguel was known in that bar, so some security guards quickly protected him and he managed to escape. Carrying the beautiful lady, they safely exited the bar. Feeling breathless as he reached his car, the woman he carried fell asleep, so he gently placed her in his luxurious car and left shortly after...

sunjaystories · Thành thị
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13 Chs



5 years later...



The clock reads six in the morning, and I savor the last sip of my coffee, the rich aroma still lingering in the air. I've already donned my work attire, prepared for another day at the hospital.

"Mmm! Wow, the air is so refreshing."

Stepping out, I'm enveloped by the crisp morning breeze, carrying with it the sweet scent of flowers and the rustle of leaves from our modest garden. Mama is already outside, diligently sweeping the walkway. With a warm smile, I approach her and plant a gentle kiss on her cheek.

"Mama!" I greet her cheerfully. "I'm heading out now. Oh, and I've left some money on the table for expenses. Faith's allowance is there too."

"Aww, thank you very much, my lovely daughter. Good luck at work and take care," she replies, her eyes twinkling with maternal affection.

With a wave, I hurry off, mindful of the ticking clock and the impending rush hour traffic.


@ ST. Rose Hospital

Finally, I arrive at the familiar hustle and bustle of the Nurse Station. Checking in promptly, I breathe a sigh of relief knowing I'm not tardy. Today marks the culmination of our week-long vaccination drive for children, and my colleagues and I are poised to assist the doctors.

"Good morning, Nurse Monica," my fellow nurses chime in unison, their smiles reflecting the camaraderie we've built over the past week. It's the final stretch, and there's a palpable sense of accomplishment in the air as we prepare for the influx of patients eager to receive their vaccines.

As the day unfolds, I find myself immersed in the routine of administering shots, and offering comforting words to nervous children and their apprehensive parents. The sight of tear-stained faces and trembling hands becomes familiar, but with each successful vaccination, there's a glimmer of hope for a healthier future.

"Okay, next please," I say sweetly, extending a reassuring hand to the next patient in line.

I make it my mission to ease the discomfort of the little ones, offering small treats like chocolates as a token of comfort. It's a small gesture, but it brings a momentary reprieve from the anxiety of needles and injections.

Midway through the day, I'm taken aback when Dr. Blaire De Guzman, our Head Doctor, approaches me with a commendation.

"Wow, your station, Nurse Monica, is running smoothly. I can hardly hear a peep, and the children seem at ease. Excellent work!" Dr. Blaire remarks, his genuine praise lifting my spirits.

With a grateful smile, I watch as he moves on to attend to other matters, leaving me to bask in the glow of recognition from my peers.

However, their teasing soon follows.

"Yiehh! Hey, Nurse Monica, did you see the way Dr. Blaire looked at you? It's like he's smitten!" Nurse Roda whispers, her eyes sparkling mischievously.

I chuckle at their playful banter, but inwardly, I brush off any romantic notions. Despite Dr. Blaire's affable demeanor, I'm wary of any entanglements, especially considering his familial ties to the hospital's ownership.

As the day draws to a close, I bid farewell to my colleagues, brushing off their teasing with a good-natured retort.

"Can you guys please stop with the matchmaking? I'm quite content with my life and my career, thank you very much. Anyway, duty calls, and it's time for me to head home. See you all bright and early tomorrow!" I exclaim, flashing them a warm smile before making my exit.

"Bye, Nurse Monica. Take care!" they chorus, their voices echoing in the bustling corridor as I step out into the fading light of the evening.

Upon returning to the Nurse Station, I swiftly grabbed my bag and bid farewell to my fellow nurses. As I make my way towards the exit, my best friend Riley comes bounding towards me, calling out for my attention.

"Hey, girl! Stop! Hey!" Riley shouts, running towards me with excitement evident in his voice.

I immediately hush him, realizing his volume is attracting unnecessary attention. Thankfully, our bosses are nowhere in sight; otherwise, we might find ourselves summoned to Madam Olivia's Office again.

There was a time when we were called into Madam Olivia's office because someone accused us of chatting during our duty hours. We vehemently denied the accusation, explaining that our busy schedules hardly allowed for any idle chatter. It seemed like jealousy motivated the report.

Once we're outside the hospital, Riley can't contain his excitement any longer and launches into his story without prompting.

"Oh my god, girl! I'm bursting with excitement! Guess what happened? I was just about to leave, bag in hand, when Dr. Blaire said 'take care' to me. It's like he's starting to develop feelings for me," Riley exclaims, barely able to contain his enthusiasm.

I'm slightly irritated by the buildup, expecting something more substantial than a simple farewell from Dr. Blaire. However, I understand Riley's infatuation with him. Dr. Blaire is undeniably charming, and Riley has had a crush on him for quite some time.

Sighing, I listen to Riley's animated recounting of the encounter. Riley, or Ryle Christian Perez, as I've known him since college, is a flirt at heart. Despite his masculine appearance, he identifies as gay and is unapologetically himself. Our friendship blossomed during our college years, and Riley has been my steadfast companion ever since.

As we wait for a taxi, Riley continues to gush about Dr. Blaire, his excitement palpable. However, his tone shifts when he brings up the nurses' gossip about me and Dr. Blaire.

"So, Monica, the nurses were talking about you and Blaire again. Did something happen earlier?" Riley asks, his curiosity piqued.

I reassured him that it was merely harmless teasing from the nurses, nothing more. Riley seems satisfied with my explanation, and we move on to lighter topics.

Suddenly, hunger strikes, and I suggest grabbing a bite to eat. Spotting a nearby food stall, I invite Riley to join me.

As we walk, Riley hesitates.

"Wait, are we eating here?" he asks, incredulous.

I nod, confirming his suspicion.

"What? Girl, didn't we just get paid two days ago? You're not broke, are you?" Riley teases, a playful grin spreading across his face.

I sheepishly admit to being low on funds, citing various obligations.

Without hesitation, Riley takes my hand and offers to treat me.

"Treat?" I exclaim, surprised by his generosity.

We rarely treat each other, so Riley's offer catches me off guard. Grateful for his kindness, I accept his invitation.

"You're so sweet, Riley. I love you," I say, my heart warmed by his gesture.

Riley smiles, explaining that it's a small celebration for surviving a hectic week. He insists we dine at a restaurant of my choice, eager to indulge in something beyond our usual fare.

Moved by his thoughtfulness, I feel a surge of gratitude for having such a wonderful friend by my side.

Suddenly, a luxurious car honked in front of us, startling Riley and me. We exchanged bewildered glances as the window rolled down to reveal none other than Dr. Blaire.

"Hi, girls," he greeted us with a warm smile.

"Oh! Hello, Dr. Blaire," Riley responded enthusiastically, while I averted my gaze, feeling self-conscious under his scrutiny.

"Are you heading home? Come on, I'll give you a ride," he offered.

Riley looked at me, her eyes silently urging me to accept. I hesitated, mindful of potential gossip, but Riley's persistence and eagerness to ride with Dr. Blaire swayed me.

"What's taking you so long to decide? He's our Head Doctor. Do you want us to get fired? Just agree, it's just this once," Riley whispered urgently, her excitement palpable.

Reluctantly, I agreed, not wanting to dampen Riley's spirits.

Riley opened the door with an air of ownership, gesturing for me to enter first.

"Come in, Monica," she said with a grin.

Shaking my head at her antics, I climbed into the car, followed by Riley.

"Wow, this is what it feels like to ride in an expensive car, oh my god. I already feel like I'm rich. And it's so clean too," Riley exclaimed, marveling at the interior of Dr. Blaire's luxurious vehicle.

Despite my reservations, I couldn't help but admire the pristine condition of the car. Dr. Blaire explained that he only allowed a select few to ride in it due to its expense.

Riley, ever the joker, reassured Dr. Blaire about the cleanliness of the car, brandishing a disinfectant spray from her bag.

"Dr. Blaire? Oh my god, I felt so shy, but don't worry, we won't mess up your car. Nurse Monica and I even have disinfectant here in my bag, so no worries, I'll spray it all over your car right when we leave. So there will be no germs or whatsoever," Riley quipped, eliciting a chuckle from Dr. Blaire.

I stifled a laugh at Riley's antics, amazed by her preparedness.

During the journey, Riley continued to make jokes in an attempt to capture Dr. Blaire's attention, while I remained quiet, lost in thought and enjoying the scenery.

Dr. Blaire eventually noticed my subdued demeanor and inquired if anything was amiss.

"You're really funny, Nurse Ryle. But wait, why does Nurse Monica seem so quiet? Is there anything wrong?" he asked, catching me off guard.

I shrugged, attempting to brush off any concern.

"Ahh no, Doc, I'm fine. Maybe I'm just tired…" I trailed off, feeling Riley's eyes on me.

"And hungry," she interjected, earning a frown from me.

"Oh, you're hungry, that's why you're quiet? Okay, no problem, Nurse Monica. I'll take care of you. Dinner's on me," Dr. Blaire offered, prompting another exchange of looks between Riley and me.

"Wouldn't it be embarrassing? We already hitched a ride, and now we're going to have a free dinner too," Riley pointed out.

"No problem, Nurse Ryle, as I said, I'll take care of your dinner. Wait, I'll message our chef to prepare the food by the time we get to the hotel," Dr. Blaire assured us.

"Hotel?!" Riley exclaimed in surprise.

"Yeah, at D.G Grand Hotel," Dr. Blaire confirmed, leaving us both stunned. D.G Grand Hotel was renowned for its luxury and clientele, making this invitation anything but ordinary.


@D.G Grand Hotel

Riley and I were left speechless as we arrived at the grand entrance of the hotel. We were ushered inside by the attentive staff, making us feel like VIPs.

"Hello, Sir and Madam, welcome to D.G Grand Hotel," greeted the employees and security with warm smiles.

Walking on the red carpet amidst the sparkling diamonds and gold, I couldn't help but feel a sense of awe. It was my first time experiencing such luxury, and it was truly surreal.

"Oh my god, girl. This place is fabulous. Just one of these diamonds must be worth a fortune," Riley exclaimed, her eyes gleaming with excitement as she admired the opulent surroundings.

I chuckled at her fascination with wealth, knowing how easily she got carried away with such extravagance.

Moments later, Dr. Blaire beckoned us to follow him inside, drawing curious glances from other guests.


@Inside the Hotel's Dining Room

The sight that greeted us inside the dining room was nothing short of breathtaking—a lavish buffet spread fit for royalty. Dr. Blaire encouraged us to indulge, and we eagerly complied, feeling slightly overwhelmed by the abundance of food.

"So, let's enjoy our meal, ladies. Don't be shy. Feel free to get what you want," Dr. Blaire said with a grin as he assisted us with our seats.

With the restaurant empty, the atmosphere was relaxed, allowing us to enjoy our meal in peace. Despite the initial awkwardness, conversation flowed easily, and we found ourselves gradually relaxing in Dr. Blaire's company.

However, I couldn't shake off the discomfort of Dr. Blaire's intense gaze, but I attributed it to my hunger and pushed it aside.

As we conversed, Dr. Blaire mentioned the impending super typhoon, sparking concern among us. Despite our worries, we tried to remain hopeful that the storm would spare our area.

After finishing our meal, I felt compelled to mention our need to leave.

"Dr. Blaire, sorry for interrupting, but I'm getting worried about my Mom, who might be looking for me right now. I didn't inform her that I was going to be late coming back home, and I don't like the idea of her being concerned, especially since she's older. Can Riley and I head back home now? Thank you for the dinner; I really appreciate it," I explained politely.

Dr. Blaire nodded understandingly, but he seemed reluctant to let us leave so soon.

"Okay, but can you guys promise that we can do this again for lunch sometime?" he asked with a hopeful smile.

Riley and I exchanged uncertain glances, but I agreed to appease him.

As we prepared to leave, Dr. Blaire surprised me by grabbing my hand. I felt a flush of embarrassment, quickly withdrawing my hand from his grasp.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Monica. I couldn't help myself. I've been wanting to ask you out for a long time," Dr. Blaire confessed, his voice trembling with emotion.

I managed a polite response, feeling a mixture of surprise and discomfort at his confession.

Before things could become more awkward, I urged Riley to leave, but she seemed hesitant.

"D-do we really have to go now?" she asked in a hushed tone, catching me off guard.

As I tried to understand her hesitance, Riley's awkwardness became apparent when she gestured towards the catering area.

A waiter approached her, handing her some plastic bags filled with leftovers. I couldn't help but feel embarrassed by her actions, quickly making my way outside as she gathered her belongings.

"Hey, girl! Wait for me!" Riley called out, her voice tinged with excitement as she hurried to catch up with me.



As I arrived home, I found my hardworking mother in the kitchen, bustling about with pots and pans. I approached her and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Hi, Mama," I greeted her warmly.

"Monica? Why are you home so late, dear? Was it traffic again? I keep telling you to get a car so you won't have such a hard time. Now that I'm doing better, maybe it's time you rewarded yourself," she suggested, concern evident in her voice.

My mom always brought up the idea of me buying a car. I wanted to, but with her ongoing medical expenses, Faith's tuition, and other family needs, it just wasn't feasible. Plus, there was a recent scare when we had to rush Mom to the hospital due to another high blood pressure attack.

"Mom, please stop saying that. I'm not going to buy a car, okay? Your health and our family's needs come first," I reassured her, giving her a tight hug as she continued cooking.

I noticed a tear in her eye, which made me tear up too.

"You're making me cry, dear. Let's just eat. Your favorite dish is ready," she said, trying to shift the conversation to something lighter.

Her gesture touched my heart. I hadn't even noticed she was preparing my favorite, sinigang. Despite being full, I eagerly joined her at the table. Faith had already eaten and gone to bed, leaving just the two of us.

As we enjoyed our meal together, I felt grateful for these moments with my mom.

As we continued our meal, I couldn't help but feel a deep sense of gratitude for my mom and all that she did for our family. And as I looked at her sitting across from me, I knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, we would face them together, as a family.

