
.heavy rain.


I ran straight from school home, ignoring everything around me, my surroundings, roads and people. Tears stung my eyes before they fell heavily down my cheek, just like the heavy rain I'd been paying no attention to, crashing down from the sky. Everything was just going so wrong. Everything.

I couldn't help but stop and crouch down. I felt shivers all over my body as the rain slammed against my skin, soaking my clothes thoroughly.

My mind was blank. There was no other way to express how I felt. I felt empty.

As soon as I stood up, my eyes blurred, my hands began to shake and I fell. I blacked out.

I felt hands catch me, a feeling I'd felt before but I wasn't so sure what. All I could remember was my mind going blank and then getting up on a hospital bed. Twice in one day. What's my luck?

The strange thing is, I woke up in a VIP room. There was no way I could afford this. Without another thought, I ran to the nurse outside to tell me what had happened. She said that I had fainted from stress and fatigue and that someone had brought me here.

I guessed it was the girl from school since she knew I had run away but I had this awkward feeling in my gut that it was someone I already knew before her. The nurse said she couldn't tell me as she had not seen who it was, all she was told is that I had fainted and to treat me. I think she knew that I was a foreigner from the way I looked as she spoke to me kind of sarcastically and slowly.

Anyways, I thanked her, went back to my room and laid down. I was tired and couldn't think properly. Without thinking any further, I had fallen asleep.

The next day I woke up, around 6am, my whole body was aching. All my muscles were sore. I guess it was from standing in the rain for so long. Before, I got up a man walked into my room, tall, brown hair and muscular body but before I could recognise him any further, I fell back and fainted once more.


The nurse had actually told me that I would faint if I hadn't rested properly. Well, here is my karma.

My sister had been waiting outside for me since after school today but I told her to go home and rest because she had school early. I felt bad for her because everything was just going badly. I had yet to go for an interview to get a job and I had been hospitalized TWICE already!!!

I don't know. I think I want to go back.

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