

A story of two brothers who wanted more than what their society offers them but inorder for them to do that they have to pass through hell. It is a story of they sufferings,pain,rise, betrayal and revenge. They never knew that life had a lot of plans that encompass they dream. One brother must fall by another brother.

Carsondellasanta · Thành thị
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10 Chs

Chapter 4(We are in)

They say "life flashes before your eyes just before you die". Sure that can be say for these two boys, Ethan and De Angelo,they were faced with two men that was pointing a gun at them. Immediately the survival tenacity got hold of this boys and their disappeared in a flash through the window but not without some injuries. It was a narrow escape but Ethan was shot at his arm while De Angelo was on his chest though not close to his heart and lungs. They ran deep into the woods behind their apartment in search of a safe place to hide. The perpetrators left after intense search,they wanted to make sure that they was no lose ends.

Ethan and De Angelo knew the woods very well hence hid under a big rock. It was a close call,it was the closest they have ever been in front of a gun. At the time they forgot that they have lost everything again but when then realized they were in pains although they were thankful that they survived. They laid low for some weeks before starting off again. They swore to deal with the Greek guys later.

They again started they menial jobs in order to get some money for themselves. So one Monday night as they were cleaning the kitchen of a restaurant they heard a sound but wasn't really sure of what it was."You heard that?"Ethan asked as he cleans the kitchen sink."yeah,but i am not really sure of what it is"Angelo answered showing less concern attitude.

As they continued they heard the sound again but this time more louder. They went in search of what could be the cause of the sound but they treaded cautiously in order not to alert whatever might be causing the noise.

As they approach they saw two blond looking boys who were beating up a young girl at a hidden corner of the restaurant."bro let go back to our work"De Angelo voiced gently, but as he turn to leave he was held back by Ethan who suggested that they should save the helpless girl"man are you kidding me,this is none of our business,I think we should just let them be"De Angelo replied convincingly.

Just as Ethan was about to obey he saw the boys bring out a small dagger so he rushed immediately to attack the boys"No,no,no!!!,shit"De Angelo shouted and followed him to help them out. In a moment the hoodlums were in very agonizing pain. Immediately the police arrived and arrested all of them."I told you bro,we should have let them be"De Angelo stuttered annoyingly.

Ethan at that moment regretted what he did,but was it really a crime to save someone that was being beaten up. They were kept in different cell until the next morning. "Hey you"one of the police officers shouted pointing to someone in the cell"me!"Ethan pointing at himself "not you fool"the man thundered,he continued "the blond guy". The blonde guy then approached him,he was still behind bars "what's your name?"the police officer asked"Arthur"he replied painfully.

Just then the police man opened the cell and freed him and his brother."Hey sir,sir!!they were trying to kill that young girl"Ethan shouted infuriatingly "shut the fuck up"a short police officer replied. The two blond boys were the sons of Bobby Muffy,the biggest drug dealer in Nairobi. He had almost all the police and enforcement agencies in Nairobi in his payroll. Arthur and his brother gestured a fuck you sign to Ethan and De Angelo as they leave the police premises.

Ethan and De Angelo were left with the cold truth that they freedom was far fetch. The two boys were detained for four days before they were released. In that time they made a friend, Kyle,a subtle drug dealer. He worked for a drug dealing organization,the NET,an organization network that supplies every form of drugs, narcotics, marijuana, cocaine to name a few. This organization span the beyond Manhattan County and were responsible for the country two-third drug supply. It is a popular company but very few actually knows that holds the country highest drug supply.

Kyle met Ethan and De Angelo in the Cell,he came two days after they were detained. He was bursted on his way to supply some drugs to Humphrey street.

He made friends with them and promised to get them out. At first Ethan and De Angelo didn't understand, a guy that is barely older than them and was also In the same cell with them promising them freedom.

Kyle's boss Rafael was present the day he was released. Rafael was the held of supply in Nairobi town under the NET organization. They were having serious competition with the Bobby Muffy supplies hence they needed Nairobi breed individuals to help them expand. Both Ethan and De Angelo were released with him,Kyle promised to help them. The boys were very desperate and wanted anything that could bring money to them.

"Boss this is Ethan and De Angelo,my new friends"Kyle introduced them to his boss as Ethan and De Angelo bowed in respect "Hello boys,I was told you guys need help?","yes, anything sir,we just need shelter and food"De Angelo answered eagerly."Are you guys ready to do anything to make some money "Rafael asked with a mean face. The boys were affirmative,what could be more dangerous than fighting in a street fighting tournament,the boys thought.

The two boys were offered shelter and food,it was better than what they ever imagined. "The job is simple,I need you guys to help in drug supply of Nairobi especially the Humphrey and Texas street"Rafael voiced as he points at them.

"failure is not an option you must know this and also you will be rewarded based on your effort and progress"he warned them. They were given pistols with the strict instruction to use them when needed only. It was a new life for the two Nairobi boys,drug dealers,they never saw that coming but if it is what they must do to reach they dream then it must be accepted with open arm.