
getting cold feet

Ling Mae had always been bright and lively but when you've had your heart broken twelve times you lose all that brightness and liveliness, she was just 25 but inside she felt like she was 40, she sat on her bed buried in thoughts in two days she would be married to a man she had never met, at first she didn't care what Xioa Lang was like she just wanted to get it over with but as the wedding date drew near she began to have cold feet

"was marrying a complete stranger really a good idea? "

"what if he was immensly ugly?"

"what if he was rude and unkind?"

this questions flooded Ling Mae's mind.

But she had no time to worry about those negative thoughts, she had promised herself never to love again, an arranged marriage was what was best for her, her ex boyfriend chu ming had left her for her best friend Lily an American girl with a rich background.

Lily was in charge of her family's company in China, ling Mae had bonded with her when they met at Chu Ming's birthday party, they became best of friends immediately, who would have that simple American girl would steal Chu Ming from her.

A knock on the door brought ling Mae back to the present

"come in"

the door flung open and Ling Ji walked in, she was ling Mae's junior sister, she was 23 and an aspiring replied., she was extremely gorgeous but not as gorgeous as ling mae

"Ling Mae, you are still awake?" Ling ji asked

"yea, I can't sleep" ling Mae replied with a sigh

ling ji sits beside her

"you don't have to marry him if you don't want to, I heard the guy is so full of himself"

"ling ji, am not marrying him out of love, I don't care about his personality, I just want peace" ling Mae honestly replied.

Ling ji loved her sister and it hurt to watch her get her heart broken so many times and if marrying Xioa Lang would at least give her peace of mind then she would support her

"I love you and I will always support your decisions but I think you should at least meet him before the wedding"

ling Mae nodded in agreement, ling ji got up and headed to the door, then turned again with a smile on her face

"if you don't love him how will you have s*x with him or did you forget that part" Ling ji chuckled loudly

"get out of my room" ling Mae blurted out as she threw her pillow at her

ling ji left the room laughing, ling ji was right her sister had indeed forgotten about that part, ling Mae thoughts now ran wild, if she was nervous before, now she was terrified, how will she make love to a man she doesn't love.

"maybe this arranged wedding thing is a bad idea" she told herself before falling asleep but she was going to meet Xioa Lang first before she made anymore decisions.

This is my first novel, I really hope you guys like it and if you have any suggestions please leave it in the comment below

Blair_Edemcreators' thoughts