

Natami Black has been reincarnated into the world of jujutsu Kaisen with the task of saving Amanai Riko. "wait what are my cheats" "what do you mean I have only one!... i can't chose?" "Absolute curse manipulation!" "I guess it will have to do" "let's just hope a certain wannabe mercenary docent kill me" . . . . my very first fanfic hope you enjoy! And please enjoy! AND SEND DOWN YOU STONES!!!!!!

LORD_SHADOOW · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

The Job and First Kill


Mc's age: 10


I stood at the end of the corridor observing the man ahead. I could tell that from the way he's putting up his guard, he knows that something is amiss.

He was cautious, constantly using his eyes to put the whole space into his view, and I could fell the unease pouring out from himself.

Of course all of this didn't matter to me, I was busy thinking about the many ways I could end this farce - I mean I was right in front of the guy and he couldn't even sense me talk less about seeing me. Though I had to give him credit for his vigilance.

'My main reason for coming here was to learn how to properly fight. As much as I like spaming pseudo rasengans, 'kamehameha's and wood dragons, there's just something about smashong your fists into your opponents that gives you that satisfaction of 'pure bliss'.

So I decided to do what most transmigrators/reincarnation would do I my place... 'CHEAT'.

[ACM: God's Eye]

Sorry to disappoint but it doesn't change my eye colour or make my pupils slant. Right now my eyes look pretty much normal. What this does is to allow me to perfectly 'see' everything, committing what I see to memory and in turn allowing me to replicate what I've seen.

I decided to show myself to him and immediately he shot forward towards me at breakneck speed, swinging his fist at my face. With [God's Eye] it was like I had a rip off of the sharingan making his movement seem slow.

'Too slow'

Tilting my head back a bit i was able to dodge the attack which was promptly followed by another attack to my gut which I easily evaded.

A short pause came upon us as he realised that I won't be very easy to land a hit on. 'Lets get this over with'

From that short bout Jiro had already placed Natami's threat level at a high place. His reason coming from the fact that Natami was able to follow his movements and also dodge two of his attacks. Jiro also thought that Natami's ability to turn invisible was limited because he couldn't understand why he would undo it.

'Or maybe he wants to toy with me' jiro thought. The thought alone of being toyed with reminded him of his experience with the 'wonder child' causing him to rage. He dashed forward again threw a high kick using his left foot to Natami's neck which he simply leaned back to dodge. This series of attack and dodge continued, meanwhile Natami was assimilating his fighting style using his [God's Eye]. When Natami felt that theres was nothing more he could gain from Jiro he decided to attack.

Jiro's hands which were like blurs was stopped by Natami's fist grabbing unto his own, the next moment proceeded with blurs of Natami's own punches which were too fast for Jiro to follow; a hit to the head, another hit to the chest, followed by a hit to the gut and so the rhythm was form series of blows were launched by Natami which was slowly draining his(Jiro) curse energy as his fists made contact with Jiro's body.

Jiro was caught in a dilemma as the attacks coming were too fast for him too respond to. The only reason he could still somewhat keep calm was the fact that his [Inverse] was still working and so he wasn't feeling the attacks that much.

But all that changed when he realised that his curse energy was depleting at an alarming rate. 'Not good' panic settled in and all he could do was to wait until this monster in front of him some how wore himself out, but soon he realized that what ever the person in front of him was doing would soon cancel out his technique much faster than he had imagined and then he'd start taking real damaged.


Jiro was sent flying into the room behind him destroying the door in the process and startling those who were having fun in it. The sound blocking ability of the walls prevented the duo from ever noticing what was happening beyond the very doors that now lay shattered.

Jiro body slammed against the wall before falling unto the ground, he was unconscious.

A single blow to his head the moment [inverse] was undone was all it took to put him such condition. The man who he was supposed to protect was already on his feet with his member standing proud while his wife had use the blanket to cover herself up.

Natami casually strolled into the room, rolling off his curse energy which gave an oppressive feeling to those witnessing his entrance. To them he looked like the grim reaper.

Tatsuya couldn't even move and with how his legs were shaking it was a miracle how he was still standing.

"W-w-wh-who a-are you? And wh-what do want" he stuttered taking a glance at the man he had invested in to protected him.

"Your life" was the response that came shortly after.

The scene was quite comical, seeing a full grown man shaking in fear in front of a ten year old boy.


A blade made of curse energy materialized in Natami's hands and swiftly separated Tatsuya's head from his body. Blood sprayed like a fountain and a soft thud could be heard as the body and head dropped to the floor. The blade in his hands turned into motes Of blue light while Natami turned his head towards the woman who was still on the bed shaking from the gore she just witnessed. His hands twitched, proof that the fact that he had taken a life was having an effect on him 'but this is the Jjk world it's either kill or be killed and all this is just for me to get stronger to survive it' he told himself.

He was about to leave when the woman on the bed shakingly spoke "w-w-wh-who"

Giving her a shoulder look he replied "The Harbringer" and walked away while activating [COAT] 'concealment of all things'. On his way out he could hear the sound of sirens from police cars heading to the villa noting that the woman must have already called the authorities.

"Well she'll serve as good advertisement" he said with a sigh.





Thanks for reading😁



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