469 Episode 89 - Great Apocalypse (3)

It had become dark outside the windows. I wondered if the sun had set already, but when I took a closer look, I realised that insects were sticking to the glasses. Locusts were glaring at me while scurrying around, their antennae swaying threateningly about.

I glanced at the plague of locusts and spoke up. [Compared to how long you had to endure, your waiting this time wouldn't have been all that much. So stop exaggerating.]

[You..... what do you know.... about waiting?]

The creature's words kept being cut off. Its true voice sounded like an echo spreading out from beneath the emptiness that I couldn't even fathom. The surrounding air was bubbling with pitch-black Status. I adjusted my own aura and continued to speak.

[I know that you are the 'forgotten evil', at least.]

It was here that the brows above Yi Gil-Yeong's white eyes quivered just a little. It felt as if bitterly cold air suddenly was blanketing us. I endured it and spoke again.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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