366 Episode 69 - Archangel Hunting (2)

Anna Croft and I moved towards the battlefield right away.

Completely lost to madness now, Michael was ripping apart every single Constellation and Incarnation near him to bloody shreds.

The 'Evil' born only to destroy 'Evil'.

After transforming into a Corrupted Angel, just Michael's combat prowess alone would not lose out to that of Poseidon or Hades.

[Quite a few Constellations are paying more attention to the situation unfolding on the 'Middle Island No.3'.]

[Constellation, 'Demon-like Judge of Flames', is looking at you with worried eyes.]

Those Constellations who had either already made their way into the 'Main Island', or hadn't participated in the 'Great War of Saints and Demons', began shifting their gazes in this direction now.

After we reached the edge of Michael's firing range, Anna Croft spoke to me. "Getting any closer than this will be dangerous. My [Covert Operations] skill can only...."

I reached out and grasped her wrist.


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