
Omnipotence: Beloved Child of Chaos

In a new world, Théoden begins a life anew. It's the start of discoveries hidden in darkness, a darkness he has never faced before. Hope is scarce, yet he must push forward, for survival is paramount. But what if mere survival isn't enough? Théoden finds himself cast into an unfamiliar world, clueless about his departure from the old one or his arrival in the new. As though fate despises him, he awakens amidst a slaughtered battlefield, the sole survivor. His survival, attributable to his Omnipotence System, brings a glimmer of hope as he plans to establish himself in this enigmatic yet captivating world. However, despair looms as the first creature he encounters is a life-threatening demon. How will Théoden survive this encounter? What does fate have in store for him? Shrouded in secrets and mysteries, it's up to him to uncover the truth. Time is of the essence, for the wheels of fate have been turning since his arrival in this astonishing new world. Authors note:// I hope you like it. I have high hopes for this book, but it all lies in the audience, doesn't it? Disclaimer: Credits to the owner of the cover. It is not mine.

Innovation_Inu · Kỳ huyễn
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21 Chs

Chapter 13: Leaving the Outskirts

That short exchange brought enormous changes to his new life.

This gained the gazes of every Dick Tom and Harry on the streets they navigated through. The people who formerly insulted and just gave Théoden pitiful gazes now hesitated looking in his direction. They looked scared of something but he couldn't know what it was. They were dead silent as they moved paving the way to them.

The goddess didn't look scary at all. Besides her cold eyes and noble uncaring demeanor, she was like any other noble lady. She was also a beauty that would demand all the rest concede.

'It must be something else.'

Théoden understood that the woman was someone of power. Maybe she was a high-ranking noble in the aristocratic society.

Besides, a filthy child following behind a noblewoman was not a sight seen every day. Maybe it was a sight never seen. The goddess walked in fast strides but her posture was tall and elegant. The maid followed behind them. It was a confusing situation. Théoden ignored their gazes as he was already used to that.

They soon arrived at a fancy carriage. Though it didn't have any family crest, it was nevertheless glamorous.

It made Théoden more conscious of his looks, but he didn't let it show. The goddess climbed on while the maid ushered her in. The same maid waited for him as well. Théoden got in with no squirms. The silence lingered as the goddess closed her eyes. The maid said nothing since they met. She sat beside her lady and closed the door.

'People of few words, huh?'

For some reason, Théoden found himself slightly smiling and he looked outside as the carriage drove through the streets and went into the city. He admired the busy shops now that he was not there anymore. His eyes had taken a lighter shade of red making them glimmer almost like hot pink sapphires. He was in a strangely happy mood.

Théoden would later know that their encounter was nothing coincidental. Strings of fate would have eventually forced them to meet sooner rather than later

It wasn't long before they arrived in the center of the city. Théoden, the maid and the goddess whom he knew not her name. They all rode in the same carriage. This was the second carriage Théoden had ridden since he came into this world. Unlike the first trip, this one was more steady and comfortable. It wasn't in any rush, plus, there was an amazing view. He admired the city he found diversely different from the Earth he knew.

Back on Earth, he had traveled to almost every corner of the continents. His mother took him to all sorts of places and ensured he understood the world's different cultures. That was before she left him. He could no longer remember how she looked but he knew she meant a lot. Théoden, later on, took a College Major on the subject of world cultures to continue his mother's legacy. However, even after experiencing all Earth had to offer, he could not help but be awestruck at the view that was in front of him. It was a scene out of a fantasy.

The bustling streets were filled with people of diversity. None was like the other. They had unique features he could never naturally find in other people. There were many light-haired people with different hair colors, some he had not seen before. Unique eye pigments as well striking enough to be noticed from afar. It was hard to believe they were artificial since the world looked less developed on the digital technology side.

They wore different attires. Some too revealing, some too modest, while others cutting in between the two extremes. Lastly, others were extremely unique he could not categorize them. There were shops on every street selling multiple goods. Quite an interesting sight.

After Théoden was done with looking enough just enough to sate his curiosity he looked forward to facing the two beautiful women in his company. He realized he knew nothing of the two and observed them much more intently. They didn't look anything like the common folk he had seen. They were like of a different breed altogether.

Théoden had to admit he was not completely resistant to their charm. He could not stare at them for too long before his face was flushed. He had no lustful desire but in the presence of their overwhelming beauty, it was only normal for a commoner like him to be awestruck.

Moreover, he was a teenager in the peak of adolescence.

'Mind's eye' He gave the command.

[Name: ???][Race: ???][Age: ???]

[Not enough authority to view target information.]

'This can't be right. What about the maid?'

Théoden turned to look at the maid and concentrated on her.

[Name: ???][Race: ???][Age : ???]

[Not enough authority to view target information.]

'Even the maid?'

The same thing happened. The system was no help when he wanted it. The truth is that this was the first time he used the skill, {Mind's eye} on a person. He had never been too invested in a person to check their information.

This made Théoden curious as to how the System Authority worked. How would he gain more authority? He knew he needed strength, but what factors influenced the level of strength he needed to have a certain authority? Thinking about it would be of no use so Théoden gave up on his current thoughts.

'I will check the changes later.'

Further into the city, there weren't any local shops but huge establishments that were architecturally prioritized. Each had a unique design and structure to each. Few people roamed the streets, while those who did look richer and more sophisticated indicated they were upper class.

It seemed the world he was in still was divided by the class system. They were dressed way too excessively for Théoden to appreciate their fancy. He would prefer if they took fashion as an aspect of their attire requirements.

After what seemed like a moment the carriage stopped. Théoden eyes which were glued to the window opening shifted and waited for the women to take the lead. The goddess spoke first.

"Child, This is our stop. This is my mansion here in the capital and where you will be staying for the time being. Once you go in, follow Mer, she will lead you through and get you settled before meeting me again in the evening....No tomorrow. Do you understand?" Her eyes stared into Théoden's to find out if he really, did understand.

Théoden was a bit flustered with all the attention on him. It could be said her gaze was burdening in more ways than one.


Théoden thought it would be more appropriate to be formal to the woman since he was still a child in everyone's eyes. Especially, her eyes. Being called a child was not something he liked but he found no issue with her saying it.

He smiled as sweetly as he could hoping his teeth had no stains in-between. There was no great meaning behind his smile. It was his heartfelt joy from leaving the darn streets and finally getting a place to stay.

This earned a frozen look on the goddess.

"I will see you tomorrow, child."

Her voice sounded strangely softer and strained.

"See you as well, Madam."

After saying the word 'Madam' once, twice was no bigger issue. The goddess got off and walked away and Théoden was left facing Mer.

Mer was the maid's name. She opened her eyes for the second time since they had met. The maid Mer had an obsidian dark iris absent of any emotion. Her straight dark hair similar to Théoden's flowed to her hips. Her body was as vaporous and sinful as it could get. Full bosom and wide hips complimented by her slender waits and thick thighs. Mer looked into Théoden eyes before standing.

"Follow me."

'She says very few words huh?'

In silence, Théoden walked through the maze-like extravagant mansion. His eyes strained to stay fixed on Mer as she walked in front of him with very silent steps. He was sure he could lose her if he looked away or got distracted a second longer. She led the way as they navigated through the mansion halls.

Théoden found it strange to be so few people in the mansion. He had not come across any other worker in the huge mansion. Despite the beauty, it has an eerie silence and void.

"The workers are not in today, but will be back at noon tomorrow."

'Does she read minds???'

However, her short uncalled-for comment lessened the questions in Théoden's mind. They arrived at a door which she ushered him in first. It was probably the room assigned to him. He finally got to the room where he would be spending the first night indoors in the city.

Looking at the interior he felt like jumping while pinching himself. Well, jumping for joy and pinching to confirm it was real. His new reality. It was too good to be true but it seemed like it wouldn't just end there.

"This is the guest room. I will bring up your meal. Clean up in the bath. Some clothes are inside as well, just pick your size. If you need assistance, I am a bell call away. Have a comfortable stay."

The maid Mer said in her hushed monotone voice which seemed cold to some degree but not hostile. Mer pointed to the bell beside the bed stand. Her eyes were void of prejudice or discrimination which was often seen in high-ranking people.

'Really? Man, I must have used all my luck at this point in life. There is no way this happens coincidentally. Well. I am too happy to care. At least for today, I will enjoy the benefits even if tomorrow is hell.'


Mer bowed slightly and left. Théoden on the other hand stared at his room in awe. Not even fancy hotel rooms matched it. It was made so that it was both elegant and convenient. All while adding life and culture to it. There were several decorations in the room and it was themed in the universal color black. A color he preferred.

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