

A boy who transmigated to another world This is my first time writing a novel and English is not my main language. Disclaimer: I don't own any of the anime ,manga and games this was inspired of growth cheat and gamer. I will also add other ideas of animes and mangas.

Belial2122 · Khác
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28 Chs

Chapter 18:Drox Teaching

As I continued to walk, I noticed that the entire swamp was like a giant booby trap. The movement speed was greatly affected as there was a lot of quick mud.

"Let's find a place whose environment is relatively good to hunt."  Axel waded through the knee-length mud. When I was nearing the exit of the tribe, there's suddenly a guard who called out to me.

"Halt! What are you doing here! You are not allowed to trespass this area, there is a magic beast lurking around here."

I was shocked to hear that , I do not remember a guard here in my memories. But seeing him here makes it hard to walk away, he made his way to me and I also saw him. He looks like a middle age man with a scar on his neck upto cheek and his wearing a kind of skirt but his body is bare, his muscle are huge and his weapon is a spear.

"What are you doing here kid?" hearing that I was out of my stupor state. And I can't think good enough reason or any thoughts to my head.

"uhmm....sir.... my sister.... is sick, I... need some herbs... in the forest" I randomly blurt out because of nervousness.

"Hey, aren't you the kid who failed to awaken? Bwahahah I never expected to see someone in all my life like that" he laughingly said to me.

"Unfortunately, I cannot help you with that herb kid, but I can help you in other way" he said.

"Really? What is that?" I asked.

"I can't go away from this post so I will teach you a survival Skill" he said while having a bit of pride in his face. "I'll not repeat this so watch closely alright, theres no need to say much prove it with your action."

"Why do you want to help me that much sir?"

"Well I can't really relate to you much in your life but seeing you suffering so early, makes me want to help you. Besides the Shamaness said that everyone must be given a chance right? So I'll try to help you as much as I can, Bwahaha, Oh by the way my name is Drox."

"Thank you very much sir Drox" I said while bowing to him. I'll lucky to have this guy here. Even if its hard I'll try to make it do, not only for my sake but also for my family.


[Quest: Drox Teaching]

[Details: Learn the technique of Drox, it is essential to your survival in the wild.]

[Progress: 0/1 Swamp Step Technique]

[Reward: Gamer Vision,10 GP, Increase reputation with Drox]

[Time Limit: 1 hour]

[Penalty: -100 GP, Decrease reputation with Drox]

"Kid lets start, I heard that the other awakener are already, starting to familiarize themselves to their Totem Powers and taking their own Class, I'm doing you much favor, so you should try to catch up and do your best alright?" he said.


"Then I'll teach a technique of the Lizardkins."

"Huh? A technique of the Lizardkins?"

"I noticed that you seem to have a little trouble moving on mud. Is that right?"

In fact, that was the part that irritated Axel the most. His ankle would often get stuck in the mud and would cause him to fall. The mud floor of the Swamp Wetland ground was the area where the Crimson Breath tribe lived.

"Hn!" 'A skill from an Warrior/Hunter in the tribe!' Axel immediately nodded and accepted the offer. "Yes, I'll sincerely learn it!"

"Bwahahaha, yes, of course. Because you are gonna surpass us old."

It was easy for the hunters and warriors to use cause they were lizardkin, but for Axel it wasn't. His movements were so dull on the mud that it was difficult for him to even move. He had no chance to use evasive movements.

He wanted to practice various battle techniques. He had no skills and had to rely on basic offense and defense. Attacking was no problem but he had trouble with defending. But Axel will be hunting alone so he needed more manueverability.

Drox chose a location.


This is inspired from the Ark legend

this is a great novel but sadly this was dropped I hope webnovel pick up this one so that I can get some inspiration here.

Thankx 4 reading folk:)

Belial2122creators' thoughts