
Omni-Dimensional Chat Group

WARNING: UNREALISTIC ROMANCES HAREM AND GORE. ALSO, EXPECT SLOW-ISH PACE Also this is just any chat group so don't expect anything new. After getting a new phone, Ryuu Cinco finds himself tangled in multiverse madness and becoming a new entertain for the watchers (Readers). [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ] [ A new member had joined! ] [ Welcome Honored One. ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Insect Hashira ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Titania ] [ A New member had joined! ] [ Welcome Exhibitionist ]

Try_hard · Tranh châm biếm
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134 Chs

Chapter 2 - I'm rich!

Ryuu was confused, nervous, and excited at the same time. Based on the app and how his guts were telling him that the phone was unique only increased his suspicion of what it truly was.

His gut feeling was not something to be underestimated as it had helped him countless times even in tests, therefore the reason for his excitement.

"Is this a chat group like that fanfic!? Will I meet anime characters from the multiverse!?"

Ryuu excitedly thought before slowly calming down, lightly chuckling to himself while looking at the phone.

"Who am I kidding? No matter how much of a weeb I am, it doesn't mean I'm delusional enough."

He muttered to himself while quenching his excitement and convinced himself that he is a rational person with rational thoughts.

However, Ryuu believes in the multiverse since his forte wasn't history instead it was sciences.

The Multiverse theory was something that he believed may be true as it always excites and amuses him with the possibilities. A world having different laws and fundamentals always intrigues him.

"Well if it's true then it's a bonus but if not, then I just have a good phone."

He thought while tapping into the app unknowingly stepping into something that he was forever bound into. The app opened and what appeared surprised him.

[ Congratulations, Ryuu Cinco for being selected as the administrator of the Omni-dimensional Chat Group. This is due to the interest of ***** that you were selected for their experiment. Do not worry you are not in any danger and would have the opportunity to scour the vast Omniverse where countless worlds such as the one you loved, Animeverse, mangaverse, Etc. Tap 'Yes' for Tutorial and additional information. ]

Ryuu was surely taken by surprise that the app knew his name only increased his belief in his theory. It wouldn't be possible for someone he knew to play a prank on him as he wasn't that special.

Perhaps it was a scam but what kind of scammer would make an anime-based chat group app to scam people? It would just be a hassle.

"Won't this change my life entirely? Is it possible that if this thing is real then I have to kill people and crap which would be traumatizing?"

Ryuu never understands that fanfic that tackles similar situations immediately gets used to killing when it would be traumatizing for a normal person in the 21st Century to experience.

However, his Gut feeling reassured something would compensate if he were to do a mission. He already understood the formula of how things go.

"Fuck it! Who would give such an opportunity? Especially to a Weeb like me!"

He exclaimed before excitedly tapping the 'Yes' afterward instantly met with something baffling.

[ Welcome, [Admin] to the Omni-Dimensional Chat Group where every world is connected and have fun with each other. The purpose of the Chat group is to let the [Admin] experience thrilling adventures, while in turn, giving the [Admin] the ability to attain the things that you could only dream of! Be it a Supreme power, Boundless riches, Countless peerless beauty but the main thing is the changing of your Fate. ]

Ryuu heard a robotic voice speaking while the app showed the text. He listened intently trying not to miss anything knowing it would be important later on.

[ Let me explain the features and function of Our Omni-Dimensional Chat Group.


Let the Admin and Members see their power, skills, and Overall Points. This would guide them on how their power compares to other people.


Let the Admin and Members Buy Items from the vast Omniverse. The Items one can buy may range from mundane things such as clothes, food, etc. to intercontinental missiles, weapons that can quite literally destroy the universe and many more :D


Let the Admin and Members chat and video chat(currently locked) other members. Additionally, it would allow the Admin to invite new members.


Let the Admin and Members go on a Mission to earn more points and acquire special Rewards.


Let the Admin and Member fight each other to compare their strength.


Let the Admin and Members gift items or memories from their world.

World Travel(Locked).

Let the Admin and Members travel to each other's world without spending any points or going on missions.


Allow to roll items from Omniverse. The Items one can draw may range from mundane things such as clothes, food, etc. to intercontinental missiles, weapons that can quite literally destroy the universe and many more. Daily normal tickets are given. Item rarity varies and normal ticket highest grade possible is Tier 6. Tickets are classed into Normal, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinum Gold.

Normal - 1% = Tier 6, Bronze 1% = Tier 5, Silver 1% = Tier 4, Gold 1% = Tier 3, Platinum 1% = Tier 2.

The app would soon invite Five random Members across the Omniverse after the Admin had checked his status and opened the [Starter Pack].

Ryuu read the features and found everything that makes a Dimensional chat group with the addition of Arena which was the first time he saw it.

"A starter pack? Oh boy, that's what I like to hear! Status!"

[ Status ]

[ Name: Ryuu Cinco ]

[ Title: Administrator ]

[ Overall Power: Mid Tier 10-B

Physical Strength: Mid Tier 10-B

Durability: Low Tier 10-B

Stamina: Mid Tier 10-B

Intelligence: High Tier 10-B


Extra Stats:

HP: 100/100

Energy: None ]


[ Skills ]

Innate skills: Intuition (High Tier 9-A), Drawing (High Tier 10-A)

Passive: Lv. 3 Pain Resistance, Lv.4 Status Effect Resistance.

Active: Lv. 3 Eskrima, Lv.2 Cooking, Lv.2 Housework.

Inventory: Starter Pack.


Ryuu was taken by surprise when a hovering holographic screen appeared in front of him. He thought it would appear on his phone and this only confirmed that everything was real.

After hovering his hand trying to see if he was hallucinating before focusing on his stats and immediately recalled the Vs battle tier system.

He knew that a High Tier 10-B meant an average human while his passive skill of [Intuition] was at the level of Superhuman surprising him.

"Wow, I knew my Gut feeling was special! Who knew it would be quite high and never expect it to be a passive skill. But why does my passive and active have levels while innate skills have tier?"

He pondered believing it has to do with being innate skills meaning he was born with that set of skills of talent. It's possible that he won't be able to raise it beyond what time it is unless he is rewarded by the system.

"Anyway, let me see what I get for the starter pack."

Ryuu couldn't wait to know what kind of starter pack he'll receive from the system. After checking his stats seeing his overall current power open the starter pack in his inventory.

[ Opening Starter Pack! ]

[ Admin Starter Pack. ]

Gluttony (Berserk of gluttony)

1x low Tier Cleansing Pill.

10,000,000,000$ ]

Ryuu almost vomited blood like some young master after seeing the reward. He wasn't well versed with the two skills but focused more on the 10 Billion Dollars. It wasn't in pesos which was the currency of his country but instead dollars.

[ 1x Low tier Cleansing Pill and 10,000,000$ had been placed into your inventory. ]

"Holy smokes!! I have 50 Billion Pesos in my pocket!! I'm fucking rich!! I could finally let my parents take their long-awaited retirement!!"

He felt drowned by the sudden riches obtained from the chat group. Ryuu always wanted to help his parents in every way he could but didn't know how.

"No...calm down…Ryuu don't get ahead of yourself."

Ryuu immediately calms himself, feeling his intuition that getting too excited would be dangerous.

"Even if I do really have this much money, it would be too suspicious that I suddenly gain this enormous amount of money in one go."

The short bliss suddenly came crashing down realizing that despite having a boundless amount of cash he wouldn't be able to use them carelessly.

"That's a bit disappointing….but whatever, I should think about it later on how to spend them. For now, I should check what the skill has to offer. The cleansing pills are easy to understand."

He knew that the Low tier Cleansing Pills would be like those Wuxia/Xianxia pills where it would remove impurities of his body and change his overall appearance along with strengthening their body. On the other hand, he recalled the other skills to be from Berserk Gluttony.

"How do I integrate these skills?" Ryuu instantly received the answer and saw the panel screen in front of him.

[ Do you wish to integrate with the skill? ]

[ Yes/No ]

Ryuu saw the pop in the hovering screen and tapped 'Yes'. He immediately felt the sudden change in his body and noticed how his mind became calmer than before.

[ Done. The skills had been integrated. ]

[ Gluttony (???) ]

[ Description: it is a Mortal Sin skill with the ability to steal the skills and stats of a person by consuming its soul. But in exchange for this, the user suffers from an uncontrollable hunger and the only way to ease the pain is to have a constant supply of souls to feed it and never gain any experience level.

All weakness had been removed. ]

He wasn't disappointed that he had a skill that was lesser than the one from tensura because he can't be entitled jerk and should be grateful for what he had.

Ryuu felt the changes in his body where he slightly felt a certain craving but it wasn't enough compared to what was described in the series.

'Imagining killing someone doesn't seem to bother me…all I think about is…'

His eyes seem to glint under the dimly lit lightbulb that made him appear ominous like a monster was about to be born. A great evil had awakened.

'Bruh, why did I suddenly feel someone monologuing some cringed lines?'

Ryuu winced at the thought of someone speaking chuuni shit about him. He leaned back glancing over the phone in his hand.

He began formulating a plan for the next two weeks of his academic break which would be enough. Ryuu had to think of a way to explain how he got money. As he was lost in his thoughts was when the phone rang showing notification and saw the display.

[ A New member had joined! ]

[ Welcome The Thousand Master's son ]

[ A new member had joined! ]

[ Welcome Honored One. ]

[ A New member had joined! ]

[ Welcome Insect Hashira ]

[ A New member had joined! ]

[ Welcome Titania ]

[ A New member had joined! ]

[ Welcome Exhibitionist ]