
Olympian Witch ; Mirror of truth

It was destiny and fate that decided for her to be the chosen one, to be the one to fulfill the prophecy that was made more than half a decade ago, the one to claim the title as the "OLYMPIAN WITCH" "but why?" after learning what was really the truth and the lie, those were the first words that came out from the thirteen year old girl's mouth who is now entitled as the OLYMPIAN WITCH, Jennievieve Mae Clarke. Shes's been living a lie; from her real life status to who she really was. but then again she knew it had to be done, not just for the sake of the prophecy or her future but also everyone.

cutiepuke · Kỳ huyễn
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17 Chs

#O15 . charms

"To muggles, Charm is a quality or quality of appealing or attracting people, as demonstrated by personality or beauty: the charm of a person's demeanor; the charm of a mountain lake for example" Gorman exclaimed as he stood behind his desk flicking his wand, projecting a beautiful mountain lake.

Evie was in awe, eyes seemingly sparkling as she continued to stare at the magic made by the professor "it's like hologram projector" she giggled softly earning a questioning look from her seatmate.

"a what?" asked the raven head griffindoor, who came by the name of Jackson Rune


Evie turned to his seatmate and answered, "hologram projector, it's something similar to that" shifting her gaze to the board, the two looked at the projected image "although it's not done by magic but rather a machine"

Jackson raised an eyebrow "how do you turn it on then if it's not done by magic?"

"Energy— electrical energy to be precise."

"Is that so?"

Evie nodded her head "Dont you guys use electricity here too? Sorry if that sounded offensive—" she whispered, a brow raised.

The Griffindoor boy chuckled "no worries, also we don't usually use technology much to make things work— even machines"

Of course, they dont really do technology since thier magic can practically do the job in a flick of a wooden stick. Lucky them, less things to pay for. Although worrying about burning the house in the midst of some magical practice, surely is a number one thought to everyone.

Afterall, not all are capable of doing nor remembering things right.

"So magic?"

He nodded his head, returning the smile. the two giggled earning questioning look from the other classmates the sat near them.

"It is also a characteristic or quality that confers this authority Attractiveness, charms a trinket for a bracelet, necklace, or other piece of jewelry; amulet. something worn or carried on one's person for its alleged magical effect; amulet" he continued, flashing a few examples of charms to everyone.

Everyone was anticipating to the class, quills moving with thier hands taking notes of this and that.

Sure, the classroom was quite of an intimidating one rather than welcoming but things are working out well.

It's basically just one of those usual classes, except for Evie. It's a new normal she has to adjust to. Her classes were going well, and she had not encountered anything strange ever since her first period began. Not yet at least.

Seamus walked in front of his class and his desk, leaning his body against the wooden furniture "Frankly speaking, they have huge similarities to the charms on our magix dictionary although it expands from visuals or an item that brings luck"

"Damn he talks a lot" whined Sebastian

A few students that sat near Sebastian, chuckled and giggled lightly upon hearing the redheaded griffindoor's grumbles, including Ivan who elbowed him lightly, a smirk playing on his lips.

"Watch your mouth there mate, you dont want the professor to deduct points out of house on the first day dont you?"

Sebastian only huffed and let himself sink down his seat. Frowning, trying to avoid the look Evie was giving him to quit whining and just listen.

"Now I'd like you to open your books, page 21 and study the kinds of charms" he continued studying the said page of the book laid on his hands "then list down 50 reversible ones, and a hundred for the non-reversible ones then explain—"

And before the brunette could even finish his sentence, loud groans and whines interrupted him.

He laughed lightly "My, of course, I was kidding"

The blonde girl behind Evie, Lorraine Sparks sighed in relief "Thank Odin, potions was already tiring— I'm glad we've been spared from the loaded work"

"Definitely" agreed the girl with blue hair, Dane Arc.

Absolutely ; first day of school and they have already been tortured in a way of writing fifteen potions that could heal one's terrible injuries, list it's ingredients and explain how it's supposed to be done. It all had to be written by hand, as a warm welcome the professor did say.

glancing at the wall clock, the charm professor continued "even so, I think it's best for you to do so as I might do a little test and practice on our next class"

And there it was again, the groans and whines.

Professor Gorman shook his head a smile playing on his lips, as he then close his book "well, that will all for today." everything is seemingly going as planned, he scanned the room and landed his emerald eyes with Evie's blue one's "You're dismissed." He said, voice seemingly monotonous and eyes that are seemingly similar to the tone of his voice.

Snapping his fingers and within seconds he was nowhere seen.

Evie was in utter confusion, brows arched and forehead wrinkled. What was that about?

"You good?" Ivan asked, a hand of him landing and resting on one of her shoulders catching the girl off guard and flinching at the sudden touch "I'm sorry, i didn't mean to startle you"

"Oh— it's you guys" she laughed awkwardly

"And it's just us here in the room, everyone had already left" proclaimed Sebastian, the Hufflepuff's eyes scanning the now deserted room and muttered an "oh"

The raven haired girl must've drifted to space after feeling herself tense up when the charms teacher locked his gaze with hers with a voice that sounded different from how he spoke to the WHOLE class, dismissing her— well them; before he disappeared into thin air. What an absolute odd man. One moment he's all flowers and teddies then in a blink of an eye he's as cold ice.

Oh what a great time to ruin her peaceful mind.

The blonde boy raised a brow at the shorter girl, visibly worried "Is something wrong?"

"Rather than that, was that all about?" Sebastian questioned eyeing the teacher's desk, where Gorman had stood moments ago.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

the brunette cocked a questioning brow at them, arms crossed across her chest while she leans against the door frame of the shared room of the griffindoor pair.

"You should really stop exaggerating" said bianca, shaking her head whilst she continued to turn the page of the book in her hand.

the slytherin boy couldn't help but roll his eyes in annoyance "what a great way to waste my time." then landing his gaze the two griffindoors.

Bothered by what happened earlier, Sebastian had asked his dear friends to come and join them at his and Ivan's room. He just couldn't sit at his room without talking it out, weird stuff had been occurring after Evie had stepped a foot to Hogwarts. Surely this isn't just some foul play of whoever is up to it.

Sebastian huffed "I'm serious," he protested, pushing himself off his bed "he was looking at her, dead in the eye."

Ivan nodded his head in agreement, "Professor Gorman even dismissed the class like he was very much irritated while quote on quote looking at Evie."

"that does sound very peculiar" said Bianca.

"well it is professor Gorman we're talking about here" the brunette slytherin added.

Bianca gasped catching the others' attention "What if this is actually concerned to the prophecy?"

the five of them are already quite familiar with the teachers of thier school— well most of them at least. The said professor is very much known as someone who is quite an enthusiastic one, one that gets along quite well with the students although he is also known for being true to his words; the man who'd definitely take ten points away from your house if you were to misbehave or disobey him. Everyone from the second year and above pretty much knows him.

Everyone in the room was seemingly too emersed with the topic as they went on with it, theories from left and right.

Well, at least and not Phil, the transferee looks like she's lost in her own space.

The slytherin boy was composed and calm as he tried to understand the situation thoroughly. He couldn't help but raise a brow as he turned his gaze at Evie who sat at the floor staring blankly at nowhere.

"You really are something, aren't you Jennievieve."

Sebastian and the others had turned thier gaze to the taller male, questioning the slytherin boy's sudden claim.

If Catching attention was a job to be applied to, Phil would've earn quite a lot with just his stern and deep voice.

The said girl was pulled back to reality after hearing her name, she was in utter confusion "I'm sorry, what?"

Also confused, Addison's forehead wrinkled "What are you up to?" she asked, eyes engrossed at her cousin.

Phil shrugged his shoulders "Perhaps she's the new chosen one"

"I am genuinely confused right now" Evie claimed as she stood up from the floor dusting her pajamas.

Yes, all of them are already in thier pajamas. Ready for bed, for sleep and rest if it's not so obvious.



Twisting the door knob, the door was pushed revealing a third year redhead Griffindoor "Oh—" she gasped, seeing the group looking so serious while looking at the new girl "I'm sorry to bother but, I believe it's getting late."

Of course they were startled for a moment at the Griffindoor's entrance but they nodded thier heads nonetheless.

"Right, of course." said Ivan, awkwardly scratching his nape

10:03 pm, as the wall clock told.

That late? Time sure passes by quickly.

They have already parted thier ways, said thier goodnights and went to thier perspective rooms after being escorted by the Griffindoor house rep, Ella Wallis.

Evie was in utter confusion as she thought of things that had happened to her for the past few days. She was frustrated from everything.

"Perhaps she's the new chosen one" that sentence continued to replay on her mind like a broken film on loop

New? what's that even supposed to mean?

Frustrated, she plopped her herself to the bed, burying her face on one of her pillows and screamed onto it out of frustration.

Hearing the muffled screams, her roommate who just came from thier bathroom couldn't stop herself from giggling and glancing at the other girl as she passed by her.

"Are you okay? That was quite of a scream" she giggling, as she continued to top the towel onto her damp face.

This'll only be for a week, just like the movies. Just a little bit more

"I'm good" she answered after turning her body to face the wooden ceiling, arms and legs spread wide on her bed "Just a bit tired"

"Well this is afterall something new to you"


Evie grew up watching Sebastian do crazy magic but was still more used to living a life as muggle. Her "family" is very much busy with thier own works on a daily basis, Sebastian was also barely there after he started studying at Hogwarts. So of course, they'll be plenty of things to do for the sake of fitting in to this new world.

A new normal for her

Evie chuckled "I'll get used to it no time," but her being herself, doubted her words and whispered as she bit her lower lip "hopefully"