
Legends (Part 1 - The Elrics)


Resembool, the place where the philosopher of the west, Van Hohenheim, finally found love after wandering for centuries. It was the same place where the Elric brothers committed a taboo just to see their mother alive, because of which they had to pay a huge toll in the process. But, finally after many years, Ed got his limbs back and Al got his body back.

After the promised day, Ed left the military to live a peaceful life in Resembool, away from the hectic life in the military. When they returned home, the first thing which Al ate was an apple pie. And even after few months of his first apple pie after getting his body, Al never got bored of eating an apple pie with his brother. That evening also, the Elric brothers were sitting at the dining hall, enjoying their apple pie. Winry was busy fixing Den's (Pinako's pet dog) automail in the verandah, and Pinako was smoking her pipe, sitting outside the house.

After eating his piece of the pie, Al looked toward Ed, who was not finished with his pie, and asked, "Brother, I have been called by General Mustang to Amestris."

Ed stopped eating and curiously looked toward Al. "Why?" He asked.

"There are not much state alchemists left in the military. The military has gathered some people who have some very basic knowledge of alchemy but, they are far from the level of state alchemists. So, he has requested me to teach them for a month or so," he replied, and continued after a small pause, "General Mustang first went to some other alchemists like our teacher, but no one wanted anything to do with the military. He told me, he didn't want to involve us, but he had no other options."

Ed sighed after listening to Al, and said, "I am happy that you are comfortable in performing alchemy again," he smiled.

"I am sure General Mustang would have first asked you if it had been a year back," Al assured.

"It's all right Al. I will choose my limbs over alchemy on any day, "Ed smiled.

Al smiled back at his brother, but he knew that Ed was disappointed that he couldn't perform alchemy anymore.

Al then said, "You and Winry should also come with me, we can meet Elicia, Mrs. Hughes, General Mustang, Major Hawkeye-," Al kept on saying.

Winry was listening to Ed's and Al's conversation, and while Al kept on reciting various names, Winry interrupted, "Ed and I will definitely go. It has been a long time since I saw Elicia."

"I heard Ling and Mei are also coming. Is it true?" Ed asked.

"Yes, they are coming for the Amestris-Xing meeting," Al answered.

Suddenly, the new phone installed at Winry's home rang. Al stood up to receive the call, but he was stopped by Winry.

"Wait, let me pick it up," Winry said.

Winry stood up and went to the telephone to answer the call. She picked up the receiver, and said, "Hello". And with that, the conversation began. It went for about 5-10 minutes.

Ed and Al were looking at her while she was talking on the phone. Both the brothers could see the way she was reacting to the words she was hearing from the other side, she was giving a mix of surprised and sad look. After finishing the call, she hanged up the telephone receiver and walked toward Ed and Al with a sad face. She sat beside them, with each brother sitting on either side of her. She simply sat there, with her head down, and was thinking something. Watching Winry's worried face, both the brother got curious to find out the reason. So, Ed took the initial step and asked her politely, "What happened? Who was on the phone?"

Winry rose her head and looked toward Ed with a sad face, and replied, "It was Warrant Officer Fuery from General Mustang's team."

"What did he tell?" Al asked curiously.

"Did you guys know that General Mustang had a 9-year-old son?" Winry said.

The revelation that Roy had a son was breaking news for the Elric brothers. They reacted at the same time, in the same manner, and shouting the same word, "WHAT!" Their mouth was wide open and their eyes were widened. They were surprised by the fact that, even after working under Roy for years, they never knew that he had a son.

Watching the Elric brother's surprised face, Winry got her answer and said, "So, even you didn't know about that. Looks like he didn't tell you everything."

"I can't believe he had a son all this time and he never told us," Ed acted as if he still couldn't believe what Winry just said.

"Even his team was surprised when he introduced his son to them a few days back," Winry informed.

"Lieutenant Hawkeye must have known this. They knew each other from quite a long time after all," Ed said.

"She is a Major now, brother," Al interrupted.

"Yes, Ms. Hawkeye knew," Winry said.

"See, I told you," Ed bragged and resumed eating his pie with a grin on his face.

"She is the mother after all," Winry completed her sentence.

After hearing the complete information, Ed stopped the spoon going to his mouth, and looked at Winry with the open mouth which was primarily opened to eat pie. Even Al was acting the same way as his brother. After a moment, Ed started laughing out loud and put the pie filled spoon back on the plate.

"I knew they were not just superior and subordinate. Now I know how Ms. Hawkeye is so good at babysitting," Ed stopped laughing, and asked, "What is their son's name by the way?"

"Oliver," Winry replied.

"I wasn't interested to go to Central, but now it seems I must go. I am going to tell Oliver all the terrible things about his father," Ed said with a chuckle.

But Winry was sad instead of amused like the brothers. So, Al asked politely, "But, why are you sad?"

Winry narrowed her eyes and replied, "Oliver is dead."

The room which was echoing with laughter just a moment ago, went silent in an instant after Winry revealed the reason for her sadness.

Both the brothers were looking toward Winry, while she continued with her head down, "Oliver died yesterday…somebody killed him. I never met the kid, yet I can feel how Ms. Riza must be feeling right now," she wiped out the drops of tears appearing on her eyes.

Al asked, "So the call-"

"Was to attend the funeral," Winry answered before Al could complete his question.

The joy which was there just a few moments ago was replaced by sadness, and that also because of a boy who they never saw.

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