

JoshTheWriter · Khoa huyễn
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11 Chs

The Hatch

I flung open the door, causing a loud metal screech to echo into the silent air. Before us stood a large, dark, staircase, the sight of which drained all the courage from Storm's face.

"I'm gonna wait out here.." She said, a note of fear in her voice.

"Do that… I'll be right back." I said as I walked down the stairs.

I walked down the stairs step by step, my heart beating louder with every step. As I looked around I found that there was no light, at all. So I began to stumble around in the dark, grasping at thin air. I stumbled a few paces and felt a large wall, the bricks were rough and ragged. I ran my hand across the wall, the rough edges began to dip into each other. I paused and began to feel what I thought was paper. I grabbed it and ran back to the staircase, I looked at it as I walked up the stairs. It was instructions on how to perform combat moves, and detailed tips on how to build it into muscle memory. The writing was smudged and somewhat old fashioned, but I could still read it. I raced up the stairs and found Storm,

"Look at this!" I cried.

She raced over and began to look, her eyes widened with shock. "We need to find out what's in the rest of that tomb." She said,

"I agree. Find something that's used to make a torch or some kind of light." I said, as she raced off to do so I realized what this could be used for. If we take all of the useful information and valuable items from here we could have the training equipment that we need. We could use this and more scrolls like this to enhance our troops and make our faction as a whole stronger. Storm came back with a makeshift torch and we raced down to the tomb. Now that I had a light I could see everything, there were shelves on shelves with the same type of scroll I had in my hand, some shelves had old books on them too. I was speechless at what I saw, I couldn't believe it.

"Jason… your orders…" Storm said, her voice speechless.