
Ch. 1: Late. [OLD]


"Hello. You probably don't know me and I probably don't know you either. There's a threat coming to Earth and I... I have to tell you so you're prepared, and how you can help. It all started..." The boy speaking paused, "... at school."

Ring. Ring. Ring. The bell rang and he was late to class for the third time this week. This wasn't a record or anything. He was late pretty often. "Late again, Mr. Tyler." The teacher said in a mean voice, as he took his seat. "What is it, the third time, I believe."

Greyson nodded. He pulled out his notebook, and as they were supposed to be taking notes, he was doodling. He did this everyday, along with being late to class. So instead of his notebook being filled with words, it was filled with pictures.

"You're doing it again." The girl in the seat next to him whispered.

Greyson scowled. "Leave me alone."

"I'm just trying to hel-"

"I don't need your help. With anything."

The girl sat quiet, and then turned away, continuing to copy notes. Greyson never liked to listen to her. Scarlet was always pestering him in class. But... to be fair, she was his one and only "friend." He didn't see how, though. They were very different. She was a straight 'A' student, and he was a straight 'fail' student.

He didn't think Scarlet was ever late to class, while, he was late a... decent amount of the time. Meaning a lot.

When the bell rang, signaling class was over, Ms. Rose called him to the front of the class as everyone left. "Why we're you late?" She said sweetly.

"I... uh... I had to use the restroom." He lied. Truth was, he had been tossed around by some bullies on his way to class.

"Don't let it happen again." Ms. Rose told him, her sweet tone leaving, turning harsh. She said this again, as she had for the last couple days. Greyson walked out of the classroom murmuring, "Okay."

He went to his locker to put his English/Doodle notebook away and went to grab his history notebook. "Was that about you being late?" A voice called from behind him.

"Hi Scarlet." He said, closing his locker. "And bye Scarlet."

She ignored what he had said and shoved a piece of paper into his hands. "Here you go."

"I don't want your notes. If I wanted notes, I'd take them myself." Greyson told her, shoving the paper back into her hands.

"But you need them." She said in a sing-songy voice and put the paper back into his hands. And before he could protest again, she said, "And you being late to first period? This is going to be a long day."

"You know what? You're right. And you're making it longer. Go away."

"Why are you so mean to me?"

"I'm mean to everyone."

"Fair. The bell is going to ring soon. Bye!" She called as Greyson walked away, before turning and running to class.

Almost a minute later, the bell rang just as Greyson walked into class. Scarlet was right. This was going to be a long day.

"Well, that's it for this... episode? I don't really know what to call it. But I have better things to do right now, so I'll leave it there. Greyson out."


"What are you going to do now?" Scarlet asked him.

"Wait for tomorrow to come and make the next one." Greyson turned to her. "They need to know this."

Then, Greyson uploaded the video.

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