
"it's him"

(two hours later)

fei fei gets a knock on her door,she opens it open and to her surprise it's max,

fei fei suddenly shuts the door on Maxes face and tells him to leave

fei fei: " max I want nothing to do with you"

max: " please I just want to explain what happened"

Fei fei: " there's nothing to explain I saw you kissing ling, leave before I call security"


fei fei suddenly remembers that she has a job interview and she throws on a dress shirt and a black skit with black heels and combs her hair and sprays hair spray and and grabs her bag and gets out of her apartment calling for a taxi and waiting, she finally gets a taxi and fifteen minutes later she finally arrived at the big building and gets out the car and pays the taxi driver, as she walks calmly to the desk lady. she says she's here for the interview and the desk lady tells fei fei to wait for a couple of minutes and though fei fei seems calm she is actually so nervous, the desk lady finally leads the way to the bosses office and fei fei suddenly remembers that he's the guy on the street that winked at her she slowly starts to get flustered and she's starting to turn red she walks in the office and she sits down in the chair right infront of the boss,

Fei Fei:" hi my name is Fei Fei lang, and I and twenty-two years old"

????: "hello fei fei my name is elijah young and I'm the owner of this company, so tell me fei fei why do you want this job as my assistant?"

Fei Fei:" Mr.young I not only want this job because of high slavery but I want this job so I can support my sick mother she is in the hospital and she has stage 3 cancer and I need the money to pay off the medical bills"

Elijah:"and if I were to give this job you must obey everything I say"

fei fei:" yes I would sir"

elijah:"just call me master"

Fei Fei's mind: *what in the holy nuggets...he wants me to call him what now!!??!!?!?!*

elijah: "I'll give you this job if you call me master"

fei fei: *sigh*" y...y...yes master"

elijah:"very good, if I catch you talking to other guys you pay me"

fei fei:"yes master"

elijah:" you'll start tommorow five in the morning...sharp I have a meeting"

Fei Fei:" yes master"

after coming home with the job fei fei decides to go visit her mother in the hospital.