
The Scary Immortal

"Oh, Almighty Fate, please tell me I will not die today!" Xinyu pleaded tearfully in her heart.

Was the immortal angry? Surely, she was not. She hadn't even paid any heed to Xinyu since she stepped foot here. Should she just run away now? Would she even be able to run away?

Xinyu took in a deep breath.

"Patience. One must have patience or there would be a great disaster," she told herself.

Xinyu tried her best to hold in a sigh and faced the scary immortal.

"I am but a humble soul, great immortal. You need not know my name," Xinyu faked profoundness and lowered her head, hoping this scary immortal would not query more.

"Aww, you don't have to be so formal with me! We're almost the same age!" A strangely cheerful voice answered her.



Who's this?

Xinyu glanced up to see if she was still speaking to the same person from earlier, and indeed, it was the same person. She had the same rosy cheeks and well-defined lips, but the severity in her eyes was now replaced with the sparkle of playful youth.

"My name's Mudan. I'm so sorry about that Dou Luyi's behavior," she said apologetically. "I swear, he's becoming more and more unbearable by the day. Just because his father is close to mine, he thinks he can do whatever he pleases!" She scoffed with a childish annoyance and spat on the ground.

The image of the scary immortal suddenly shattered away.

Who was this person? What had this rowdy girl done with that dignified young lady from earlier? Did she have a split personality? Or maybe she was replaced by an identical twin when Xinyu had turned away?

Multiple questions flooded Xinyu's mind, but Mudan didn't notice her state of confusion and chattered away cluelessly. "I must say, you fought quite well back there! Are you practicing to become an immortal too?"

"Me? Become an immortal? You're the immortal here! What is this girl babbling on about? Maybe she really isn't the scary immortal from earlier; otherwise, why would she be asking such a ridiculous question!" Xinyu's thoughts churned about in her measly head.

"Which sect are you interested in? You should join White Cloud Sect! I could help you pull a few strings, but seeing your abilities tonight, I'm sure you could do well on your own!"

"White Cloud Sect?" Xinyu's mind finally cleared upon hearing the familiar name. "Is that the sect holding a qualification entrance exam at Mount Reverence on the 25th of the 4th Moon?"

"That's it! So you've already heard about it? Master Shiyuan just told me about it two days ago! Wow, Head Disciple Anguo sure works fast!" Mudan's flower-like face widened with surprise before glowing with respect. She had somehow come within three steps of Xinyu.

"So are you going to Mount Reverence soon? I could help you hitch a ride on my flying sword. It'll take over a week to get there on land, but if you come with me, we'll be there in less than a day!"

Xinyu was dumbfounded. She had no doubt that this girl was the scary immortal after seeing her so close; no one would be able to imitate such beauty so flawlessly. But now she had new doubts.

Was it just her or was this girl too friendly? Surely, she had to be setting a trap. From what she had gathered, this girl must be a disciple at White Cloud Sect. No one in their right mind would be inviting a stranger to their home, much less on their flying sword!

"I should be careful. She must have some ulterior motive I have yet to discover!" Xinyu warned herself.

"I appreciate great immortal's kindness, but I will have to decline your generous offer. I still have matters to attend to here in Shuijing City," Xinyu politely declined as to not offend the girl. After all, no one would want an angry immortal showing up at their door, no matter how big or small she was!

"But you must! If you don't come with me, I would feel too guilty to face my master for letting such a talent go!" Mudan pleaded desperately, grabbing ahold of Xinyu's sleeve.

Xinyu froze. She wanted to flick her arm away, but instead, she used this moment to scrutinize this not-so-scary immortal.

Maybe she was being too paranoid. This girl seemed too genuine, too simple-minded to be plotting a trap. With a quick scan, Xinyu could sense the mortal essence and the immortal aura that intertwined in this girl who stood half a hand shorter than her.

Despite her immortal status, she was still only a halfling. Being born with both immortal and mortal blood, she must have suffered growing up. To have gained the respect she had today, Xinyu could only imagine that she had to work twice as hard as any of her peers—that she had to spend endless nights studying and practicing, trying to impress her immortal father—to let him know that she was worthy of his attention and affection. It almost reminded Xinyu of someone—of a girl who stayed up to gaze at the Moon while she held her mother to sleep.

At the thought, a sudden realization hit Xinyu. She was being played—played by a person who had the power to control all existence—by a person whose power everyone submitted to. And right now, this person did not want her to leave until she did what he wanted.

"Really?" Xinyu groaned inwardly with sarcasm. "After all your neglect these years, you're finally showing your might now, hm? What great timing!"

With a despondent sigh, Xinyu finally nodded.

"If the great immortal insists, then this humble soul will follow." Although she spoke to Mudan, these words were directed towards that Almighty someone. "It would be my honor to accompany you on your journey to Mount Reverence."

Mudan's large eyes twinkled with excitement at her reply. "Really? You mean it? No take backs!"

"Of course. I never go back on my promises," Xinyu assured. Usually, she would be puffing her chest proudly at this statement, but now she could only manage a nod.

"Yes!" Mudan threw a fist up as if she had just accomplished something of great importance.

Xinyu did not share her joy.

She let out another sigh. All her efforts seemed wasted now. So all the events of today were for this purpose. From the moment she stepped outside with Aunt Yanfei, to the moment she saw that announcement, to the moment her fist landed on that man's face, she was already destined to meet this person.

Fate had a funny way of bringing people together. Why couldn't they just meet normally? Perhaps over some tea? Why did Xinyu have to go through all that hassle just to meet this person? Someday, she was gonna go up to Fate and ask him why he must make things so complicated.

"So when should we leave..." Mudan trailed off and looked at Xinyu expectantly.

"Xinyu," she completed her sentence with a polite smile.

Mudan grinned like a child. "So when should we leave, Xinyu?"

"I still have to prepare and bid my farewells first. I will meet you by the dock at the break of dawn in two days," Xinyu answered as she looked to the great Sky.

The Moon was already up. Tonight it hung in a crescent with only a peek of its beauty gracing the Earth. Tomorrow, the night would be moonless, sprinkled with an endless sea of stars.

"See you in two days, Lady Mudan. Have a good rest tonight," Xinyu gave her a small bow before heading to the dark alley.

This time, she made it back with no interruptions.

As she walked the long road home, Xinyu contemplated over today's events. She wanted to let out another sigh, but she had let out enough sighs today. If she let out anymore, she's afraid her Qing energy would be depleted before she even begins growing white hair!

The night wind blew against her freckled cheeks as she reached the outskirts of Shuijing City and approached the hill that lead home. At the base of the hill stood a familiar figure amongst the shadows. The silhouette walked out from under the trees and stalks of bamboo, revealing an elderly man dressed in an ash-colored robe.

With a hunched back supported by a walking cane, he stood with a distinguished yet humble composure. His light-grey hair was striped with white strands and tied neatly into a top-knot, unlike the messy lump on Xinyu's head. Wrinkles lined his kind face as the pale moonlight lit his features.

Just as Xinyu thought he could not get any more wrinkly, his eyes crinkled with a warm smile. Strangely, he seemed younger even with more wrinkles.

"You're late, Yu'er. Yanfei was worried sick," a soft voice rippled into the air. It was as if the wind itself had spoken.

Omg, 40+ collections in a week?! I'm cry- Sorry for the slow updates. I have school and work, but I'll try my best to post at least a chapter a week. Don't forget to post any thoughts in the comments section! I would love to know your opinions! Happy reading!

P.S. I changed the date of the White Cloud Sect Qualification Exams to a few weeks away instead of just a week so that it would be less rushed. Also, I've been editing minor details from old chapters. Just letting ya'll know!

dusty_angelcreators' thoughts
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