
Obsidian Firebird: Soliel Book 2

After Phoenix disappears, Onyx is tasked with finding her and bringing her back to the Ironshade gang so that she can be killed. However, that isn’t why Onyx is searching for her: he wants something else. Meanwhile, Phoenix begins killing off Ironshade members, starting with Xinth, the archer who would have killed her if another hadn’t stepped in. But her plans change when Advandth comes to her for help of her own: save Anthrax, Onyx’s father. Phoenix soon learns why Onyx did what he did, and Onyx soon learns just how deeply he hurt the only one who gave his life any kind of fun. And both are brought together by Anthrax’s rescue. Will Phoenix do as she promised and kill Onyx on sight, or will she give him another chance? Will Onyx put aside his overwhelming rage and give Phoenix the chance she deserves, knowing his leader set him up?

Patricia_Levy · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
11 Chs

*Important Decisions and Terrible Truths*

Elliot groaned as he sat up and put a hand to his head. He felt a large lump under his hair where he was hit. He cursed.

"Careful," said a raspy voice from the darkness.

Elliot jumped and moved away from the voice, afraid of who it belonged to. "Where am I?"

"For now, you're in a room filled with nothing but you, me, and a pile of shit."

The boy blinked, not used to hearing foul language from anyone but Phoenix. "Who are you?"

"Not anyone important, son. But know that once you're in here, you're in here for good."

"How long have you been here?"

"Over twenty years." The voice was sad and drew out the last word, as if in a daze.

"Fuck! How are you alive?"

"Because I am bait. I am being used to control someone I love."

Elliot felt his heart drop. Was he being used the same way? To control Phoenix, perhaps? But, he remembered that the large men wanted Aurora, and he wasn't sure. Phoenix didn't even know her sister was alive. She had no idea, so there couldn't be any lure for her. But himself…? If she truly cared for him, Phoenix would risk her life for him. But Elliot was a bit doubtful. After all, it's not like she cared to come back for him after what Onyx did to her. She just disappeared.

A door opened and in came a candle light with a feminine face behind it. Elliot recognized her. She was one of Onyx's friends. He didn't know her name, but also didn't trust her.

The woman finally saw him too after coming close enough so the light would hit him. She halted, staring at him. "What are you doing here?" she asked softly.

"Obviously, not having a party," he said, turning away from her.

She cursed like Phoenix, and set the candle down, then knelt before him. "You're the one Onyx was looking for the other night!"

Elliot blinked. Onyx was looking for him? He didn't think Onyx cared if he lived or died. "Your point?"

Her eyes turned sad. "Kid, I'm sorry! I didn't know Neclord knew about you! I didn't know he would try to capture you!"


"Ironshade leader."

Now, Elliot really did dread the future. "Fuck! Why me?"

"What we're you and that girl doing out so late at night?" she asked, still keeping her voice soft.

"She said someone knew where Phoenix was, but they likely didn't. All they wanted was her alone."

"Oh," she gasped. "So, they were after her. Why?"

Elliot shook his head. "I don't know. But I was stupid enough to go in first and get myself caught."

Onyx and Rokr headed out onto the Ethereal Archipelago to hunt. Rokr had equipment for trapping whatever creature Gavida was, while Onyx was the one to lure her close.

It has been two days since Elliot disappeared and Aurora was left at Phoenix's house to stay until someone came for her. She was safest there than anywhere else. However, he knew that he had to go back at some point to check on her, but was furious to even look at her.

"There are those who hunt for food and warmth," said a feminine voice. "And those who hunt because they think they can."

Onyx looked around, but didn't see anyone. "Who are you?"

A husky chuckle. "If rumors are true, I am the one you want."

Onyx stiffened. "How do you know who I want?"

Another husky chuckle. "I have more loyal creatures than you do humans, Onyx."

A burst of wind before a set of huge golden eyes peered down at them through some trees. Rokr cursed, then dropped everything and ran. Onyx, however, was mesmerized. A dragon. Likely the last. "No one said you were this."

She hummed. "If you had not betrayed my friend, you likely would have been told."

"Friend?" He paused, then cursed. "Phoenix."

"My sister bird is very hurt by what you did, Onyx."

"Is she here? I need-"

"You need nothing!" she almost roared. Calming, she said, "If I thought you would do it again, you'd be dead now."

He blinked. "So, you don't think I will?"

"I see your regret, Onyx. You learned the truth. But you learned it too late."

He took a step forward. "I know I've made mistakes, but there is something very important she needs to know, something urgent."

Gavida tilted her head and studied him. "Give me your message and I will make sure to give it to her."

He told her about Elliot being captured and about Phoenix's sister being alive. He told her how he didn't know where Elliot was, but that he was looking, and that Aurora was staying at Phoenix's house. When he finished, he said, "If she won't show herself for me, then she needs to for them. Elliot is in danger, and I know she cares."

Phoenix had everything she needed for Anthax's rescue. Had prepared everything from surprise attacks to broken bones. She didn't let Advandth know when the rescue would be, just in case the other woman couldn't handle the pressure of it being forced out of her. Phoenix would do it in her own.

She made it to Getnee's home and put her equipment under the roots of a tree, then stretched. She was tired, but had one more thing to do before she slept.

At dawn, she returned and sat with her hands holding her head, staring into the grey light with dull eyes.

Her sister was alive. That was who Onyx was with the other night. He was taking her home. He wasn't with another woman at all.

And poor Elliot… That boy has been through enough without Aurora putting him in danger. Now, he was captured. And Onyx was looking for him too. Worried sick about him.

Phoenix didn't want to believe it, but Gavida said Onyx was truthful the whole time. Not one lie.

This put a knot into Phoenix's plans…and her gut. But she needed all the facts first.

First, she needed to know exactly was said to him by Neclord, and what Ecthrois had to do with any of it. Then, she needed to hear him tell her that he didn't truly believe whatever he was told. That he was willing to truly listen to her side of the story about why his father was taken from him.

But all the truths had to wait. She had to save her friend and one-time savior. After, when everyone is calm and the dust settles, then she would find Onyx and get what she wanted.

"I don't care what you were thinking!" Onyx heard Ecthrois yell as he entered the Ironshade building, his mind racing while his stomach tied itself into knots.

"I was thinking of our friend! Remember? Onyx is our friend!"

Onyx had just entered the room to Advandth's statement and stopped. Conversation stopped too, as the two and Devdan looked at him. "What about me?" he asked the woman.

She lowered her gsxe to the floor. "Nothing. Ecthrois and I were arguing."

"Obviously. I want to know what and what it has to do with me."

Ecthrois sat back and crossed his arms. "You might as well, Advandth. He'll find out eventually."

She glared at the man. "You aren't as innocent as you seem!"

"At least I don't go sneaking behind our friend's back."

"Sure about that?" Advandth stood and got into Ecthrois's face. "Would you have told him that you went against orders and killed someone he said not to kill?"

Onyx now was very curious.

"If it meant that he would have peace, then I would have killed them and hid the body, never saying what happened!"

"It wouldn't have given peace!"

Onyx was sure they had forgotten he was there. As well as Devdan who looked both annoyed and bored of the argument. Onyx nodded for the man to escape, to which, Devdan hurried out gratefully.

Onyx shut the door and leaned back against it, making sure neither left without giving him answers.

However, that changed when he heard, "Phoenix isn't an enemy!"