
OBEY ME! Shall we date Simeon x F'Reader: The Fall

A punishment is a way for you to atone your sins. Even for Angel like Simeon. His position will not save him this time. He broke the rule, commit a sin, and cross the line. And for that he will lost the most important thing. May he will be forgiven

Lullaby_207 · Diễn sinh trò chơi
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Waiting

It's been a year since i stay in this town. And tomorrow, the same festival will be held again.

"The stand already stedy Grandma".

"Good work Simeon".

The lady who take me in is Grandma Emma. Everyone called her grandma because she always take care of them. She also one of the elders here, so everyone respect her.

'Weel i guess everyone know each other in this small town'.

"Hey big brother Simeon. If i help you in the festival, can i eat your Cloud cakes?". The boy is Tommy, he also the one who help Grandma when i first come here.

"Well, if you do a good job, i can give you some".

"Allright! I'll do a great job then and have a whole cake!". Tommy clench his hand to the air.

"A whole a cake is a bit...".

"You can't blame him Simeon". Grandma pat my back. "That cake are so good, everyone think it can be this town new delicacy".

"Is that so...? I feel there's something missing though".

"What missing?" ask Tommy nonchalantly.

Simeon trying to remember. The cloud cake was something he suddenly make without even thinking. His body just feels it. He must be already make this cake so many times in the past that his body remember. But still, there's something missing. He just not remember yet.

"Don't push yourself too hard. Just remembering how to make this cake mean you can get all your memory back. Be patience. It's not good to rush".

"...You're right Grandma". Simeon always glad Grandma take him in. He can't imagine what will happen if he never meet Grandma. Maybe he'll got more lost and keep getting nervous to be alone.

But even he knows that, he still feel worried for everyone who knows him. Even after living here with everyone, he just can't shake the feeling he must to go somewhere. Searching for someone. He miss the so much.

Without he realize it, a tear falling down.

"Ah, big brother Simeon crying again!".

"I'm not. Something got to my eyes!".

Grandma just shake her head watching them picking each other.

With everything ready Simeon can finally go home. But he decided go to the lake. The town people call this lake Celestine Lake. This lake are protected and no one can disturb the environtment around it. People believe if you have something to ponder, stay near the lake, the lake spirit will come and guide you.

Everyone in the town still believe the story. Many of them will come to the lake and stay here for a bit. Sometimes they even camping around it. Simeon love hear story about the lake. Even Grandma son decided to go out from the town after staying here. He always want to see the outside world, but worried about leaving Grandma alone. He found determination when he think about what to do and ask permission from Grandma.

"Well... i don't know about the spirit, but i'll really appreciate it if they decided to help me".

I sat on my usual spot. Everytime i here there always just one question in my head.

'Should i go from the town and search for them?'

Everyone in the town are really kind. They welcome him without caring about his past. Grandma take him in like her own son. It's really a peaceful live. He can just keep living here without worried about a thing.

But deep down, he can't shake this feeling to search for someone. They wait for him somewhere. Every night he can see them in his dream. Walking away without looking back. He chase them and always ended up awake from his sleep.

It's almost like torture. But is it?

"I don't remember anything". Tears start pouring again. "...I don't know who are you. Where are you...? Are you searching for me right now...?". Simeon pouring all his emotion. He doesn't need to hold it back. He cried untill the pain in his chest gone.

Ha takes a deep breath, calming himself. It's not a good idea for him to just go out from the town searching for them. What if Simeon missed them because he can't reconized them. He even have no idea what they looks like. It's a ridicilous idea.

Just like Grandma said. He must be patience and not rushing things.

"...I miss you. I want to see you...".

The day festival start in the morning. Everyone are ready to welcome the new season.

There's so many visitors from many place.

"Hey Simeon, i heard you reject to be Eliza dance partner".

"Yeah, i don't feel like it". I answer Jack briefly while serve costumers. "What about you? Already ask her?".

"Are you kidding. I'll just hurt her feelings if i ask her after knew you reject her".

Jack is the Town Brawn. He is huge and strong but really gentle. Eliza is a nice girl. Everyone know he really care for her.

"Well then, i heard she still have no partner. You need to pay attention or someone will snatch her when the dance time".

"Yeah". Jack response is serious even though i was trying to tease him. Well it's nice seeing him always sincere.

Suddenly we heard a crying voice.

"Looks like that kid just drop her ice cream...".

I look at the little girl who is crying. Something about her voice seems familiar.

"...well i'll also cried like that in the past...".

I can't hear what Jack said after that.

Everything are balck. But i can hear a voice. A crying voice. The child from before? No. It sound more like a baby. A small baby. A newborn baby.

I open my eyes.

I'm in my room. The lights are on. The curtains are closed. It's already nightime!

I quickly get up.

"Whoa! Calm down man".

I see Jack sitting across the room.

"Jack. What time is it?!".

"It's already 10 p.m. You really scared me back there. Passing out like that. You lucky i was there" answer Jack.

"Ah... sorry...".

"It's okay. Now that you already awake, i'm going home". Saying that Jack get up.

"Thank you Jack... and sorry".

"I'm not miss the dance". I look at Jack who quickly open the door and get out. He must be trying to avoid getting tease. But i'm not in the mood for that.

I must miss the festival tomorrow.