
NSFW: A Strange World(18+)

This is the story of Michael Taylor and the women around him. [NOTE - I'm writing this to help unclutter my mind. This is a purely human story about relationships and not about the supernatural. By the time I finish this story, my mind will have let go of some fantasies. It is not a self-insert, nor is it a wish-fulfillment. The protagonist will be likable and not a piece of trash full of himself. It's a light-hearted story which shouldn't be taken seriously. Let me repeat, it shouldn't be taken seriously. If you are bored of reading the same cultivation and system novels, you should read this to help you take a breather.] What to expect - 1. Smut. Lots of it, actually. But the sex scenes would have a purpose. They will contribute to the story's development so that the characters will not feel OOC. I want them to have a personality. Fair warning: This is smut with plot, NOT plot with smut. 2. NO NTR/ NETORI 3. INCEST - Adoptive, not biological 4. MC's women would love HIM and want to be with HIM, not each other. This is not a polyamorous harem where everybody will love each other. It's a strictly polygamous harem. 5. Likeable, caring, loving, and genuine protagonist. 6. The women will all be hot. 7. They will be bright and won't be brainless sex dolls. They will have distinctive personalities and not dull, one-dimensional characters. 8. No magic or any of the supernatural elements. This is a purely human story. 9. There will be no rap* scenes. Consent is essential, and I hate it when stories force the females into having sex with the males. 10. The only "fantasy/magic" type thing in this story is that the medical field of this parallel Earth is way ahead of ours. Everything else remains the same. ---This is NOT a fanfic. All of the characters in this story are OCs. I own every right associated with them. - - - - If you want to read 20+ chapters ahead with audio, go to my Patreon. patreon.com/aidenusmani ------- [DISCLAIMER] This is a work of fiction. All names, characters, places, and events are products of the author's imagination or used in a fictitious way. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or events is coincidental. Moreover, the ages of the characters in this fiction are 18 and above.

AidenUsmani · Phim ảnh
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37 Chs

The miraculous cure?!?!

Florence let go of Michael and exclaimed, "What?"

Michael wiped his tears away with his palm and asked in a low, broken voice, "Y-You do? R-Really?".

"I believe I do. But, before I tell you, let me ask you something. Would you do anything to have a normal, healthy body?" Dr. Hyde asked them.

"Of course, anything. Please, we'd be eternally grateful.", Florence pleaded.

"Well, I can make you healthy... healthier, in fact. How would you feel about that?" Dr. Hyde asked the duo.

Florence had a shocked expression, while Michael had a surprised expression. He asked, "H-How? Is that possible?".

"Yes, but I want to ask you something, Michael," Dr. Hyde said.

"W-What?" Michael asked.

Dr. Hyde leaned forward and said, "I'm not going to lie, what I'm about to offer is quite dangerous. And, you have to do whatever I tell you. But... do you want to be part of a research?".

The question took Michael aback, but his thoughts were, 'If it means getting a healthy body, I'll do it!'.

He looked at his mom, who had a shocked look, and then looked at Dr. Hyde and nodded.

Dr. Hyde smiled and said, "You've made the right choice.".

"W- What are you going to do?" Florence asked.

Dr. Hyde said, "I must thoroughly examine Michael first. That way, I will have a general understanding of the current situation and can proceed from there. If all goes well, you will undergo a procedure that I can promise will work. The only catch is if Michael agrees, then you have to agree, too. After all, mother and son can't be separated, right?".

Florence gulped and said, "W-What's the research about?".

Dr. Hyde replied, "I'm researching a drug that works similar to Sildenafil."

Florence's eyes widened and said, "W-What is that?"

Dr. Hyde said, "Sildenafil is better known as Viagra. It's a blue pill that makes you erect. If the research succeeds, I can give a permanent cure to Michael. However, the catch is I'll have to do some minor experiments. But, rest assured, none of it is dangerous."

"O-Okay, that sounds promising, but what kind of experiments?" Florence asked.

Dr. Hyde paused momentarily and said, "There will be some... uh... tests. But, again, it's nothing serious. There will be a test in the lab and a second on Michael. However, before we do anything, I need your consent."

"What would this test be, Dr. Hyde?" Florence asked, a bit nervous.

"A small sample will be taken, but nothing too serious.", Dr. Hyde said.

Michael and Florence nodded, and Dr. Hyde smiled and said, "Excellent. Before you agree, let me show you what the treatment looks like. After that, you can decide. How does that sound?"

They nodded their heads, and Dr. Hyde opened a drawer in her desk and took out a white plastic bottle containing blue pills. The pills looked almost exactly like the ones used by men to get erect.

She opened the bottle, took out one of the blue pills, and handed it to Michael, saying, "Here. This is one of the samples."

He grabbed the pill and inspected it. He turned it around and saw an unfamiliar word.

"What's that?" Florence asked, also looking at the pill.

"This is a new drug. It's a special pill. You should take only one a day. If you want to know how to use it, it's like using Viagra. Just put the pill under your tongue and let it melt. It will start working immediately," Dr. Hyde explained.

"O-Okay.", Michael muttered.

However, Dr. Hyde looked at him seriously and said, "Michael, I want to be frank about you. This drug is still under research, and it hasn't been approved. I'm only offering this to you because I can help, but if you agree, we must keep this secret. If this gets leaked out, there's a possibility that my job would be at risk, and you would become a laughing stock. This must remain a secret between the three of us until I publish the results. Do you understand, Michael?"

"I understand. Don't worry. I won't say a word to anyone. I'll keep it a secret. You have my word.", Michael said.

"And, if you decide to take this drug, then you might get erections at any time of the day, and the drug could have other effects as well, like increased libido. However, the main concern is that if you didn't release sperm within the first ten minutes of getting an erection, your penis would be permanently damaged, " Dr. Hyde warned.

Michael gulped and looked at the blue pill in his hand. He thought, 'This is a huge gamble, but.. this is the only hope I have left. I should take the risk for myself. Besides, who knows what will happen. This drug is still experimental, right? The chances are slim that I'll get erect. But I have to try. I want to return to having a normal body, even temporarily. I HAVE to take this risk!'

"Dr. Hyde, I've decided.", Michael said after thinking things through.

"What have you decided?" Dr. Hyde asked.

"I'll do it. I'll participate in the experiment. I'm ready, " Michael declared, holding the blue pill up.

Florence was taken aback and nervously asked, "B-But, Michael, are you sure?".

"I'm very sure, Mom. This is the only option we have. If it means getting a normal, healthy body, I'll do it.", Michael replied.

"A-Alright. If that's what you want, then I'm with you too.", Florence said and looked at Dr. Hyde, waiting for her to say something.

"Wonderful! You have no idea how much this means to me. I've been waiting for the right patient. Now that you're here, the experiment can finally commence.", Dr. Hyde said happily.

"T-Thank you so much, Dr. Hyde.", Florence said gratefully.

"Oh, no, no. No need to thank me. I should thank you for agreeing. But, remember, keep this a secret. We have to make sure no one knows about this until I publish our results", Dr. Hyde said, and the mother and son nodded.

"Well then, now that we're on the same page, you can go ahead, Michael," She said.

Michael gulped and took a deep breath. He brought the blue pill near his mouth and realized his hands were shaking. He thought, 'Why am I feeling nervous? I shouldn't be. I should be excited. I'm going to return to having a normal body. Let's do this!!'

Hence, he stopped hesitating and put the pill under his tongue, letting it dissolve. He could feel his heartbeat increase, and the taste of the medicine was a bit bitter. It dissolved quickly.

"Honey, how do you feel?" Florence asked him.

Michael waited a few seconds and answered, "I don't feel anything yet."

"Hmm... It may take a few moments. It's not a miracle drug. We still have to wait and see. But rest assured, this drug works, and I'm sure it will help you.", Dr. Hyde reassured him.

After a few moments, Michael began to feel something. He looked down at his crotch and saw the fabric bulge slightly. His eyes widened as his cock started getting hard.

"Yess!" He shouted excitedly.

"What happened?" Florence asked him, and his face became red.

"M-My.. uhh.. p-penis is getting hard." He muttered, making her widen her eyes and gasp.

"What?!" She asked, shocked.

"Is it erect?" Dr. Hyde asked.

"I-It's still half erect, but it's hard enough to be visible through the jeans.", He said, looking at his crotch with a broad smile on his face, which was lit up with joy.

"Yes!!" Florence clapped happily while tears of joy formed in her eyes. She hugged his face and kissed his forehead while thinking, 'Yesss! Finally! My baby boy is back! He's back! His life has returned to normal! He won't be sad anymore! My happy, cheerful baby boy is back. Now, he can go out and have fun. I'll even let him date. I was scared he'd lose hope, but thankfully, we could overcome this hurdle.'

"I see. Well, it looks like the drug is working. Good. Just keep an eye on it. If the erection gets painful or the area gets swollen, tell me. The good thing is that the drug is working as expected. We can conclude that the drug is suitable for Michael, and he'll be able to take the second test.", Dr. Hyde said.

"What would the second test be?" Florence asked.

"The second test is simple." Dr. Hyde smirked and said, "I need to check whether Michael's penis is working."