
Seaven Deadly Sins System

I just had this idea as I was publishing my auxiliary chapter. What I am thinking of is a main character who gets amnesia and can't remember anything not even his own name. This main character who doesn't know his name wakes up in a forest and feels intense, mind-boggling hunger and tries to eat everything in sight but all he sees around him are trees and grass but he could eat the grass but the trees were too hard for him to eat. So, he eats the grass and starts wandering the forest to find something for his intense hunger that was barely affected by the grass and few insects he finds. Eventually, he finds a wounded animal which was a wolf, but he didn't know what it was called and only knew that it had beautiful dark black fur. As he got closer and closer he realized it was injured but also realized it had been injured killing an animal. As for the animal you can decide I don't care. And as he smelled blood and saw the animal that was twice as big as his childish frame, he is only about 4-10 you can choose I would go with 4-6 to let the character grow on you and show his potential while developing relationships and world building the best you can before he starts heading out and fighting people, he feels a surge a warmth that gradually heads to his head and gets hotter and hotter till it feels like his brain is melting and blood is coming out of his nose, ears, and eyes and then it stops replaced by a surreal coolness that seems to rejuvenate him as he hears

*Ding congratulations on awakening your system! Please choose one of the seven deadly sins for your abilities to come from:

Superbia - Gain system points by showing off your abilities to others

Luxuria - Gain system points by having sex with people or making them attracted to you

Cupiditas - Gain system points by making money or acquiring valuable items

Ira - Gain system points by killing things and the world more chaotic

Invidia - Gain system points by making people long for you or what you have or feel discontent with


Gula - Gain system points by eating things

Acedia - Gain system points by sleeping and reducing effort required to do things

*Warning whatever you choose will affect your personality*

Superbia will make you prone to arrogance and pride

Luxuria will make you more lustful for people around you (not including family members or same sex if the MC isn't gay)

Cupiditas will make you more shrewd and be more careful about spending money and prone to haggling

Ira will make you more prone to anger and murder

Invidia will make you jealous easier

Gula will make you a foody who loves to eat and more prone to developing cooking skills

Acedia will make you more apathetic and lazy and prone to sleep more

The MC was only a kid so he couldn't pick Luxuria and Superbia, Cupiditas, and Invidia wouldn;'t help him in the situation he was in, so he could only choose between Ira, Gula, and Acedia because those were the only decent choices for him at the moment. He didn't want to become a murderer or get angry easily so he didn't pick Ira. He wanted to keep his feelings of empathy and didn't want to be lazy so he didn't pick Acedia. As Gula was the only option that didn't majorly affect his personality and could help him out right now, he chose that.

*Ding congratulations for acquiring the Gula System otherwise called the Gluttony System depending in Host's preferences. Here is your current status:

Name: **** Gula

Age: 6

Level: 0

Strength: 5

Agility: 5

Endurance: 5

Stamina: 5

Intelligence: 5


Perception: 5

Charm: 5

Luck: 1

Mana: 0

Inner Strength: 0

Mana Talent: G (Ranges from G<F<E<D<C<B<A<S<SS<SSS<PRINCE<KING<EMPEROR<GOD<IMMEASURABLE or use colors)

Body Grade: G (Body Grade refers to talent in body refining and Mana Talent is talent in Mana Refining)

GP:10 (Glutton or Gula points obviously to buy stuff with such as more functions for the system or skills or items)

Status Points: 0 (Acquire 10 every level, amount acquired increases every by 5 every 10 levels)

Skills: 0(Movement: 0, Attacking: 0, Defense: 0, Recovery: 0)

Training Techniques: 1(Mana Refining: 0, Body Refining: 0, Special: 1)

* Gluttony - Gain system points to when eating something. The more energy it contains and the tastier it is the more system points you gain.

Innate Abilities: 1

* Endless Pit - Ability to eat anything and never affect your body, while you can still get full you will never feel overstuffed with food, can bite through anything and swallow anything with no effects on bodily health.

Quests: 1

*Requirements to complete:

-Reach Level 1

Rewards: Gluttony Starter Pack (Includes: 1 skill of movement, attack, defense, and recovery; 1 Mana

and Body Refining technique, and a starter weapon and equipment of host's choice)

*As host has amnesia he will have to choose his own first name but cannot change his last name as it is changed the moment you choose your system*

*Would host like to remodel his body to his own liking to start anew Y/N? Note: even if host says no this option will always be available once for free, but afterwards host will have to spend 100,000 GP to remodel again*

The MC decides not to remodel his body but can't decide on a new name, so he leaves the system to finish eating the wolf's prey and sees the wolf with gorgeous fur looking at him with anger, so, after some deliberation pushes the prey towards him as the wolf looks at him with grateful eyes and starts eating. After the wolf eats it looks at the MC and bites him and licks his blood.

*Ding congratulations on acquiring Variant Wolf as blood partner*

As the MC had no strength yet and was only just a kid, the wolf and him hunted together and eventually got closer to become like brothers that could understand what the other though with just a glance. As they shared prey with each other, the MC got more GP and was getting stronger and stronger with the systems help, they eventually make it out of the forest. After they get out of the forest they get to a road and spot a city and start going in that direction.

As they are walking they notice they are getting strange looks from the people passing them. Which was reasonable for them to look at them weird, as one of them was a young boy wearing white robes covered in blood (which he got from the starter pack) and no shoes accompanied by a small black wolf with amazing fur. They got stopped by the guards who were suspicious of them for obvious reasons and held them in custody for questioning which they didn't object because they admitted they looked suspicious. As the guard boss questioned them on all the obvious stuff like his name, where his parents were, why he was covered in blood, his purpose, and where he came from he answered all of them honestly only leaving out the things about his system.

The guard gave them a $20 (for simplicity sake I am going with US dollars cause I don't want to come up with a different currency and using $ is much easier than saying Gold Coins) and let them go while still curious about them but could only sigh as he knew he got all the answers he could cause he used a special equipment to tell if he was lying or not, but the ordeal made him realize the importance of having a name so he decided to change it to Night Gula, inspired by his partners beautiful fur that looked like the night sky and sparkled when light hit it.

As he was walking, he heard someone yell at him to stop. He turned around and was surprised to see it was an old man with tears in his eyes, looking at him like a part of his soul had returned. Night was confused about this and just stared at the old man and asked who he was. The old man was taken aback by this and got angry thinking Night was messing with him, but Night had no idea what had happened or what he was talking about. Seeing this the old man sighed and just told Night to follow him and he would explain everything.

Night followed the old man to an expensive looking restaurant where he reserved a private room. As he walked into the private room with the old man and his wolf, the old man murmured something and waved his hand and suddenly Night couldn't hear the outside noises anymore. When he asked why, the old man said it was a noise barrier which prevent noises from entering or leaving. When he was bout to ask why the old man done this, the old man started talking and introduced himself as Night's personal servant. The old man saw the look on Night's face and just sighed and kept explaining.

What the old man revealed was that Night was actually the son of the city lord and a mysterious women who hasn't been seen after Night's birth but was still alive. Because his mother was never seen, Night was always called a bastard child and a mistake, with only his servant and his father caring about him. That changed when Night turned 6, however, because when someone turns 6 is when their status awakens and their talent can be tested and Night's talent was shown to be an unprecedented G, which has never happened before. Night's talents were so bad that overnight the usually caring father turned cold and uncaring for his own son. Left with only his personal servant to love him, he had all his privileges taken away and was given the bare minimum of necessities with his monthly allowance being lower than a newly recruited maid's.

Since his talent was so low, it was hidden from the public as the family just released to the public that he had contracted a serious illness and was unable to appear in public. Eventually, out of anger at his son's incompetence, he ordered his servants to take his son and cripple him leaving him in the woods to fend for himself. Knowing this, Night teared up and was heartbroken. Seeing his young master in a state like that, the old man reached out and patted him on the shoulder, while the wolf just nudged his head to be under his arm.

After Night recovered from his sadness, him and the old man had a meal in silence and after it was done he asked the old man to give something so if his appearance changes in the future the old man could recognize him. The old man not understanding the request fully but thinking it over realized it wasn't a bad idea, gave his ring to him, a family heirloom of the old man's.

With the ring in hand he left the restaurant and booked a room at a nearby inn. With no reason to keep his current appearance, which he only kept in the hope of finding someone to let him know of his past, he decided to change it. He decided to keep his build which was tall with wide shoulders, but also slim and flexible but changed his face. He made his face sharper, he gave himself a sharper, more angular and defined jawline which would only show as he grows up, sword-like neat looking eyebrows, a pair of wolf-like yellow eyes that seemed to glow when he was excited or upset and left lines of yellow light when he fought someone, a proud nose, and long straight black hair that looked like his partner's fur and was just as beautiful

After all that was done he looked at his partner laying on the floor and decided that he was ready and confirmed the look and went to sleep. Ready for a new, improved version of him to wake up to tomorrow morning.

So, what do you guys think of my first idea? I know I put some details in that seemed like I was creating the story for the author, but I just feel like the way I had done it would set up the start of a good main character that was as proud as a wolf and had a purpose for getting stronger which is to find his mother. Kinda like HxH in a way cause he wants to find his parent but also kinda like a normal revenge novel with more friend ship i.e. wolf.

NormalGuycreators' thoughts
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