
Nothing Lasts Forever Series

Two book series. Book one <Long Story Short>, Book two <Nothing Last Forever> ------------------------------------------------------Book One ‘Long Story Short’ is the prequel to ‘Nothing Lasts Forever’. These are the only books in this mini book series. (if you would even call it that) Genevieve James is a seventeen year old girl pretending to be a twenty year old guard for the Royal Family of Aurora. She has been fed up with the traditional mindset of Aurora for awhile now. With this new mindset she decided to tryout to be a bodyguard for the Royal Family, undercover of course. She ended up being so good at the tryouts that she was promoted to be Princess Elaine's personal bodyguard in less than a month, thus beginning her rigorous training and secret keeping abilities. Princess Elaine Beckham is Aurora's upcoming Queen with her coronation being in a mere two weeks. With her mother constantly on her tail about ruthlessly rejecting Princes left and right she decides to take things into her own hands, approving of an arranged marriage between her daughter and a well known Prince. Prince Bane is what you would call 'a wolf in sheep's clothing'. He craves power, yet due to his family's tree he will never be allowed to take the throne. This persuade Bane into agreeing on Queen Beckham's arranged marriage. When Elaine finds out that the two of them plotted this behind her back she is very happy to say the least. Does Elaine go along with the arranged marriage out of fear of disappointing those around her or does she throw the traditional rules out the window and marry her childhood crush?-----------------------------------Book Two<Nothing Last Forever>Delaney Carson is currently one of the most famous singers globally to date. She first rose to prominence when she was only ten years old singing covers on YouTube. At the peak of her YouTube rise she was discovered by a talent scout who recommended that she sign with them and branch out to other ventures, acting being one of them. Hunter 'McKenna' King is currently one of the most famous actresses in America to date. She first began acting when she was only seven years old as a solution to helping her Mother meet bill deadlines. Albeit Hunter acting at seven years old, she did not officially hit her rise until she was ten years old. Delaney and Hunter had no clue of each other's existence until the both of them ran into each other on the set of a powdered milk commercial. The two of them were immediate friends, I would go as far as to say they were the closest on set. All of this friendship came crumbling down the second Delaney accidentally spit her strawberry milk out on Hunter during their last taping. In response to this Hunter poured her chocolate milk over Delaney's head, solidifying her hatred for the girl.

mekaylapridget · LGBT+
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101 Chs



Elaine's POV

She is currently topless, her red bra being the only thing obstructing my view from seeing her entirely uncensored chest.

I definitely should have knocked first, or at least waited until she allowed me to look at her.

/"It's fine/" she offhandedly brushes off

I hear her grab another paper towel and dab at the light brown stain again.

/"No, it most definitely is not!/" I calmly exclaim

/"Just because you are not royalty does not mean that you are not a human being,/" I state

/"Not only are you incredibly kind, you are just trying to make enough money to survive due to unrealistically low minimum wages paired with ridiculously high real estate prices,/" I assume

/"If anything I should be bowing down at your feet!/" I exclaim

Honestly, I applaud her.

Just seeing how she reacted to everything today, she is ten times stronger that I am.

/"What do you even see in him?/" She asks me with genuine confusion

/"I mean- you're the Princess of Aurora!/" She uses my title

I mentally roll my eyes at this title, unable to help myself.

/"You could be with any other Prince,/" she tells me

/"Yet you chose...him?/" She sounds like she is trying to find a logical reasoning for my choice

I chuckle at this.

She is quite humorous.

/"The two of us have known each other for years, it made the most sense not only to me but my mother/" I admit with a shrug

The waitress scoffs with disbelief which causes me to release a soft laugh.

/"I've seen the way that you act and I've seen the way that he acts, so believe me when I say,/" she says

I hear her heels click against the floor which pushes me to turn around and take a peak at her.

I release a breath of relief once I realize that she now has her shirt back on.

The previously dark brown stain now a light brown.

/"You're worth so much more than you think,/" she assures me

I continue to stare at her as she stops a foot in front of me.

/"You don't need a Prince like him who would hold you and this country back from some progressive change,/" she adds

I laugh at this.

She is not wrong.

This country needs the change.

/"Plus, if he can't treat a waitress nicely then that tells you how he'll treat the citizens of Aurora/" she smiles

I nod my head which lets her know that I agree with her.

My eyes glance down at her chest, having a mind of their own.

I seriously doubt that stain is going to come out.

I reach for my purse and dig throughout it.

Where is it?


I do this until I successfully find what I am looking for.

Ah ha!

I pull out five hundred dollars and hand it to the waitress.

The woman gives me an appalled facial expression.

/"It is for tonight/" I give her a genuine smile

The lady continues to give me a look of disbelief.

/"P-Princess-/" she shakes her head, going to reject it

I cut her off before she can do so.

/"You earned it,/" I assure her

/"Plus you could do with a new blouse,/" I say as I motion towards her stained shirt

The lady blushes with embarrassment at my observation.

She is reluctant as she hesitantly accepts the money from my outstretched hand.

The waitress goes to say something only to be interrupted by my cellphone ringing.


I quickly fish the device out of my purse only to groan internally when I notice that it is my mother.

/"Princess duties,/" I joke as I flash my phone screen in her direction

/"I will be back soon,/" I promise her before turning on my heel

I unlock the bathroom door and briskly walk out of the small space, accepting the phone call with my other hand.

/"Yes Mother?/" I speak into the device

As I enter the dining room I furrow my eyebrows when I notice that not only is it a wreck, Prince Bane is nowhere to be seen.

Where is he?

Unfortunately, he is my ride.

/"Prince Bane just informed be that you refused to get into the limousine with him when it came time for the both of you to leave the restaurant/" my mother informs me

My jaw tightens at this as I carefully make my way towards our table that is a complete and utter mess.


That brat!

/"He did what?/" I grit out, not hiding my annoyance

My eyes dance over the table, eventually landing on the unopened bill and to-go boxes.

/"Elaine, do you realize what you have done?/" My mother stresses

I roll my eyes at her statement and reach out to grab the bill.

/"Those paparazzi that followed you two this morning could have snapped a photo of Bane leaving the restaurant by himself!/" My mother continues to stress as I open the bill

Two Hundred and Seventy-Three dollars.

Most of which being things that Bane ordered to trash the place.

I roll my eyes at this again and take three hundred dollars out of my purse, sliding it inside of the bill.

/"And why should I care?/" I sass

I can practically see my mother rubbing her temples out of pure stress.

/"They could make things up! Bad publicity for you equals bad publicity for all of us!/" She answers my question

I sigh and grab a Styrofoam box, bringing my untouched food closer towards me afterwards.

/"Mother, I broke up with him/" I decide to tell her

I might as well tell her now versus waiting until later.

The line goes quiet for a few moments which confuses me.

I furrow my eyebrows at this, but remain silent as I begin to transfer my Spaghetti, Alfredo, and breadsticks into the Styrofoam boxes.

I make sure to put each dish in a different box as well.

/"Idiot!/" She suddenly yells in Chinese

I jump from shock as I hear a loud bang on her side.

Oh my god.

I have never heard my mother so mad before.

/"Mother-/" I attempt to soothe her only to be cut off

/"As soon as you arrive you will go up to your room and stay there for the rest of the day,/" she declares


I was supposed to help the maids with some minor details for my coronation today!

/"I am sending your bodyguard to pick you up/" she tells me with a firm tone

/"But mom-/" I try to say again only to be met with the sound of her hanging up


This is not only unfair, but positively bonkers.

I place my cellphone back in my purse before closing the Styrofoam box full of spaghetti and moving on towards the one that I plan on putting the Alfredo in.

I should think on the bright side.

At least this opportunity allowed me to spend a bit more time with Genevieve.