
Righteous but Misjudged

<p>On the ace of one beautiful afternoon, laid flat and tired a young man even while he is yet in his workplace uniform, having returned from his usual day-to-day averagely well-paid job. <br/><br/>He slept heavily tired. From the look of the whole scenario, he seems a lonely man in the house. He chose to be lonely for some reasonable period because he believed that taking up another person was an additional expense. Having somebody around is truly a matter of mind connected with the soul in bodily readiness to become such a person's care and responsibility attendant. <br/><br/>Although he has always been a cheerful, loving, and sociable young man with the notion to habitually get the best of the time available to him, He loves to be people's hero. For he is a man of good and reputable character to himself and even to his neighborhood. He dislikes cheating, threats, falsehood, and any other social vices. He is a patriot of the nation. Everybody calls him Mr. Stone.<br/><br/> He is Anderson Stone a native of South America, from a humble family of Mr. Martins Anderson and Mrs. Catherina Anderson from whom he had long time left in his home country in search of greener pasture in a foreign land. <br/><br/>The thought and belief that young people abroad are provided with the best opportunities in terms of fast economic growth and fast money circulation to make life better and live a self-satisfied lifespan was the reason strongest reason for coming. He worked his way legally to the State because he was determined.<br/><br/> Obviously yes, that is true. He lives in New Jersey, United States of America. He was a young and vibrant youth of about 25 years of age when he moved to the United States. As the story has it, when he migrated far back then in 2015, He was a genius and easily attracted to people's attention. <br/><br/> He is ever available to all forms of job tabled before him for grasp. And he never disappoints with his skills in handling his clients or boss's work. He is always excellent. And this has been his unique and core value for getting higher and higher with life. <br/><br/>"I will continue to work with you since you pay me well for the services I render to you" Mr. Stone is talking with his active client, Mrs Grace. "I am ready to do all can to keep our business relationship." You have been wonderful and there is efficiency in your performance of duty. I love that keep it young man. Mrs Grace encouraged him.<br/><br/>On the 23 Monday May, 2016. Mr. Stone encountered a life-threatening incident when he was mistakenly misjudged. At rush hours time of the day when he opted to go and visit the new client to offer him another work for the week, there was a nigga, with a facial description of a handsomely attractive guy who is nothing but a daredevil with a hobby for robbing people of their valuables.<br/><br/>"Hey, fellas catch me if you can" Kent Nicolas yelled at the people pursuing him to get what he just stole from a woman's bag. He races through high and low places, impossible places that no one except a jumper or professional athlete can pass through, he sneaks twists and acrobatically scales with ease. <br/><br/>He made everything seem like a planned make-to-believe performance we do see in movies. Kent continues to be on the run until he turns into a narrow street road which he thought to be a safe place for him to slow down. At a glance afar, then he saw a pursuer who shouted, "There he is" pointing and directing police officers to his position of stay. <br/><br/>He is a serial pickpocket as against his original social and economic status. He recently about some minutes ago to the present time when Mr. Stone was on his way to a client's place.<br/><br/>Stone moved majestically with full expectation of securing another profitable work for the rest of the week, with earbuds on both of his ears, enjoying the blast of cool blue music. He was singing along to the songs he listened to from the music player on his smartphone. <br/>As he grooves on, the music suddenly pauses, as he is about to check what happened he notices that it is a call from Mr. Cole, a business owner who needs the service of Stone. Hello! a very bassy voice echoed from the phone. Am I still expecting you today? Mr Cole solemnly asked him. Hello sir! I will try my best once I am through from where I am going presently. Mr Stone replied. <br/><br/>Okay then, I will be waiting to see you. Concluded by Mr. Cole and ended the calls. Then...k... Stone checked the phone and noticed that Mr. Cole had ended the calls. Oh, He has gone. He affirmed. Stone was super happy that his services were becoming more high demand. I am gonna make it in this state. Whoa! He exclaimed to confirm his belief and happiness<br/><br/><br/> The pursued nigga who stole valuables from a woman bumped at Mr. Stone and after some fidgeting looks from both guys, sorry bro! was the silence breaker between the two of them. The nigga scampered with his shortly halted collision as one catching all fun from the whole event of absurdity. <br/><br/>The whole scenario seems like catching the villain and letting him face the wrath of the law. The police a mile away, notified about the pursuits were already positioned in a direction that was most likely impossible for him to escape this time. <br/><br/>The guy, pickpocket had sensed the consequence of his eventual apprehension as being detrimental and he never was ever caught red-handed for any offense. It remains a mystery how he does that. He has always gotten the plan Bs for his cover for he knew it was all for fun.<br/><br/> He has caused a whole lot of people suffering not guilty with his act of carefree attitude. This time around, Mr. Stone is the next unfortunate flag bearer of suffering for the offenses he never knows anything at all about.<br/><br/>After a while, police arrested the nigga and found nothing on him, and the owners in disagreement with the turned out of the search, claimed there must have been a transfer to his accomplice while in the pursuit.<br/><br/> This triggered area surveying thorough search of people in the area at the moment of the incident. The police did their best and used intelligence to detect and arrest Mr. Stone as the culprit in accomplice. <br/><br/>The investigation began and nigga revealed his name to be Mr. Kent, Kent Nicolas. A young man who loves to live entirely differently as opposed to normal, reputable human nature to the one portrayed by Mr. Stone. Kent claimed he knew not Mr. Stone and Stone said the same, but to the investigating officers, it all looked like they were playing the "I don't know attitude" of a criminal.<br/><br/> The investigator however promised to get to the bottom of the matter. No offender must go unpunished is the determination written on the face of the officer in charge of the case.</p>

Even when we are time concious, we still never get the best of time. This is my time to shine, even though everyone else shines. Read my book with keen interest and rate me

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