


I hear two male voices fly from the door nextdoor shaking me from my dream. Opening my eyes I see my neighbor Adam and his friend, I think his name is Eric. He's been around before and most we've ever said to each other was a quick hi and how's your day. Eric was a bit older than me, maybe first or second year of college. Short raven black hair, his skin a lightly sun kissed tan, thinner than I would usually like but not too bad to look at. I can hear them talking in a hushed voice to each other. not being able to make out what they were saying not that it was even any of my business. "Hey Amethyst! What's up?" I hear Adam drunkenly spit out. Taking a drag from my smoke I slowly exhale and give a quick and short wave, "Sup guys?" Not really paying much attention to the two guys drunkenly talk back and forth. Adam gives his friend a nudge on the shoulder and let's out a chuckle. Eric catching himself "dude!", then back to a hushed tone. Rolling my eyes to myself I cant help but give a little giggle at how they were acting.

Suddenly Adam pushes his friend down the three steps that was their porch, "until you grow some fucking balls you can't party anymore dude!" Adam drunkenly slurs with a mischievous laugh to his tone. With Eric falling towards me I jump to the side just as he catches himself before bashing his face to the bottom step of my porch. I watch him slowly push himself up and turn to me with a bright red face and a shy yet embarrassed smile. Not wanting him to feel stupid I smile back, honestly holding back a laugh. I have absolutely no idea why I would find that funny but I had this urge to laugh. "that last steps a doozy huh?" I try to spit out without laughing. Gaining his balance he stands and just gives me this nervous chuckle. His deep smooth voice traveling through the air as if it were the first time I had ever heard his voice. "Pop a squat and yack a chat would yah!?" I smile at him wanting to hear that voice once more. My ears begging for it's smooth rich tone.

Biting my bottom lip I internally smack my head, 'Amethyst! Who in the hell talks like that!!!? You do, you idiot! You are weird and do stupid shit like this all the time! That's why people don't like to be around you!' I have this internal argument in my head hoping he doesn't run as far away from me as humanly possible. I wouldn't blame him though, who wants to be around the freak Amethyst? Back at my old school I had even been voted the biggest freak and most scariest for the year book. most schools have topics such as most likely to succeed, most likely to be a millionaire. Yeah I get to be voted a huge freak! I didn't mind the scary part honestly, it kept the bullies away. They were afraid I was some sort of witch that would hex them if I was pissed off.

"H-hey, my name's Eric by the way." Eric says softly pulling me from my thoughts, slowly offering me his hand to shake it. Finding his large soft hand Infront of me I slowly reach out to take it. Looking up at him with a huge smile and dimples that would make any girl melt. I study his face smooth skin lightly sun kissed, sharp jaw line up to a head full of raven black hair. Eric runs his fingers through his hair while holding my hand. I follow his features around his face until I find his stunning emerald green eyes framed in long, thick eyelashes. I feel my heart begin to flutter giving my whole body a warm tingle. I suck in my bottom lip and without realizing let out a soft gasp. catching myself I quickly shout out, "Amethyst!" my shout causing him to sharply take his hand away.

Shit Amethyst, what the hell was that!? just scream at him like a pterodactyl or something why don't yah!? I suck in my lips to bite them firmly between my teeth to stop me from making a huge ass of myself Infront of this stunning guy standing infront of me. I want to hear his voice! I need to hear the sweet deep hum that comes from his mouth. I find myself looking at his mouth. Oh those lips! So soft and sweet looking, I pull my lips tighter in my teeth imagining how his would feel against mine. "So uh, what you up to? why sit in the dark outside all alone?" Eric finally spoke breaking me from my thoughts once more. Shaking my head I release my lips from my teeth, "oh just taking in the sunset, enjoying the calm." A sullen look creeps across Eric's face, "oh shit I'm not bugging you am I!?" he blurts out. I give him a soft chesty laugh, " no you are just fine, I don't mind the company. It was starting to get a little lonely out here." as I give him a smile. "So uh, nice night out huh? You like to watch sunsets?" Eric slowly and nervously replies to me as he carefully takes the empty spot beside me. "Yeah, I like how nature can make some of the most amazing colors and places them in the most amazing of places." I reply looking at the last sliver of colors before the sun vanishes. Eric suddenly gets this huge smile on his face as if he had just heard he won the lottery! "You like colorful stuff!? How about art? do you like art?" his eyes looking at me with a slight glimmer of excitement. "Yeah I love art! I always wanted to have my art in a show, people admiring my work." I sigh out, knowing it will never happen. "I'm going into the arts this fall in college. I plan on getting my bachelor's in art! " Eric gleefully sings out as if he couldn't get it out of him fast enough.

"That's super awesome! Where are you going for that?" I feel a slight ting in my chest after hearing that. Why do I feel like this? Like someone is stomping on my heart? I dont even know the guy very well.