

= Babuyan Group Of Islands, Batanes =

800 Years Ago


Raijin called to the Hydro Guardian who is succumbed to her deep thought so, in the end, she ignored him.





"Magwayen! Some living individual is calling at you it is rude if you ignore someone you know?"

"Oh, you're here Raiden, I'm sorry I'm in my deep thoughts."

" Yeah, It's obvious you're diving in a deep space of thoughts. Mind you Telling?"

Magwayen is First Hesitant to tell the Thunder Guardian what is in her mind but she has no choice because the Thunder Guardian Already experienced what is her worries.

"So you know I already got a dream."

"Oh, so let me, guest .... you want some advice right?"

"Yeah, sort of?"

"Don't pressure yourself Magwayen just find that Lucky Elf Who is set to be your Heir, Your Previous Heir is now dead due to war against British Empire you should find him or her immediately."

"But the problem is...."

"Is what??"

Magwayen is hesitant again to answer because she knows that Raijin will also feel what she feels first when he found out the truth about her destined next heir.

"Spill it out Magwayen you know I am an impatient entity"

"Well..... My heir in my dream doesn't exist, from now."

"What? That kind of absurd you know?"

"But that's true! And more importantly, it's human." Magwayen exclaimed explaining what she witnessed in her dream.

"Human? That total absurd what is this? Is human becoming an heir or pseudo guardian is now a trend? First, the Rime guardian who is now contracted on humans in Orcadas and now you, HAH!! PREPOSTEROUS" He said nonstop, the Hydro Guardian is now staring in at shock at how the Thunder Guardian lost his cool.

"Wow..... you really have a huge grudge against human civilization Raijin" Someone spoke the two is immediately turned around to find out who it was. The Wind Guardian



"Ohhhh that some heartwarming that you still know my name my fellow entity"

"You already ascend two hundred years ago, only dumb who will not know you Yeongdeun."

"Yeah, you got a point Raijin. So..... By the why mind I know why our dear Raijin Lost his cool and Also why our dear Magwayen seems problematic."

At this point, Raijin starts to tell what Magwayen and he talked about earlier. As expected to Raijin the great talker, with his great mouth his word also spread as fast as lightning. Magwayen can't do anything and only blazing glare toward Raijin she can give.

Yeongdeun can't resist but chuckle. "Ohh that's quite troublesome Ms. Magwayen but I'm envious of you because you got your destined heir now only time will determine whether he exists and became your Heir."

"Well maybe like that, and I have no choice either. Yeah, I think the hydro heir will be absent in near future or not, or maybe... Ahhhhh! The uncertainty is killing me"

" Just don't mind it Magwayen time will come ok," Raijin said giving comfort to The Hydro Guardian not later after a long chat they hear an explosion three guardians immediately pay attention to the explosion and saw a human charging at them.


"For the glory of the empire!"

"In the name of the emperor"


The People in British Empire are now moving forward to conquer the City Of Water after they won against the Hydro Heir. Magwayen and the other two guardians immediately stood up and face the hordes of mage soldiers

"Hey Let's do the Bet whoever has the most kill will have three wishes on two losers. Game??"

"Hmmph, Deal!!"

" Is that Being asked?? I'm always game"

"Then... Let's go!"


787 Years Later...

[ Strong Elemental Magic Region, Island Of Rejuvenation] Batanes

A Small Boy who is lost in the middle Of nowhere, he doesn't know how he ends up on this island, he just only picks up a shell and plays with sand and water in the seashore and after that, he fell into an unknown hole and end up in ordinary Island in the middle of a vast ocean. The small boy still Walking and shouting to seek help. But still no response any further. Second, minutes, and even hours are passed The little boy did not find any living on this island.

"Where am I?" The child muttered and start to feel panic only not long after that a beautiful voice come out of nowhere.

"A sound of the wave coming from the seashore is truly fascinating and it makes me feel so calm, You child what things make you feel calm?"

"Calm?" The child murmured and looked at the vast ocean and enjoy the majestic scenery of the sun being submerged under the sea. Not long after that, he talks

" Sound that creates beautiful harmony, full of emotion. A sound that makes everyone enjoy and feel connected to each other a sound that is called.....


A mysterious woman didn't respond in child answer and still watched the sunset that nearly finish in any second or minute that will pass.

"Child." The woman called, but still watched the sunset


"What is your name?"

"My name... My Name is Mi..Mi..Mizuhara....Mizuhara Kaminari From the clan of Kaminari." Mizuhara stutter introducing his name. " You Miss might I know your name too?"

"Of course Mizuhara. My name is Melchora... Melchora Aquino."

"Ohh.. Nice to meet you Ms. Melcho-" Mizuhara stopped and at the same time his eye widened like he realizes something. Melchora couldn't help but to chuckle faintly because of Mizuhara expression.

"That's right Mizuhara, I am Magwayen the current hydro guardian and also the ruler in the city of water."

"It's almost Eight Hundred years since you appear in my dream and at last you finally came."

"Welcome! To the one of the greatest Guardians Abode..... The Island of Rejuvenation, My Heir...."