
No Romance, Please

Fate or accident? I don't know what it was. It played a cruel trick in my life and one day, I was not living anymore. I died! I got transmigrated into my favourite novel, ‘Romance, Please’! (Ok, I agree that it's not a good title but still, I used to love this story.) In the book universe, I pretended to be a princess, started to live in the palace, and even got my very own platinum tiara. I lived much better than in my previous life. But I had to pay the price... The book I loved the most wanted me dead, just for the sake of another character’s development. I had to die in two years, again for the story to progress. Should I wait and watch for the plot to kill me? That's not me! I just chose to rewrite the novel from scratch, together with the villain. Fates started to change. I was made into a queen, the sole ruler of my kingdom. Then again, I had to pay the price. This time it was to sacrifice my love. Plot twist, No Romance, Please, cause it's injurious to health. ************************************************************ Warning: This is a twisted, erratic, nonsensical romance book.

DyaAran · Kỳ huyễn
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144 Chs

That Victor

That Victor grabbed the princess's hand in open making me frown. Besides, he looked like he wasn't regretting any of his actions. Even if he would be beheaded for that, he looked like he would gladly take it. 

All I could say is that he was angry. He was behaving the same way when I was usually angry. Well, he is me, isn't he here?

I watched them closely.

"What do you want Victor?" she asked. Her face showed nothing but annoyance. Of course, what right did he get to grab the princess's hand? Wasn't he being stupid there? I was wondering if the princess would punish him severely for this.

She would have if she was the old princess. Wouldn't she? 

But this was just... just different in a way I couldn't understand. 

She was always like this ray of sunshine that would come after a long winter. She was a small girl but all I could see was energy seething inside her. She was totally unpredictable and full of energy.