
No Rest for The Wicked (The Shadow & The Seeker)

(Dark Romance / Violence / Mystery / Horror / 18+) \\\\\\\ Slow Burn Romance /////// WHISPERING SHADOWS & DARK PROPHECY The Past Appears to be Resurfacing. (The Shadow & The Seeker) "Oxyvi," it called out, sending a shiver down her spine. She turned, searching for the source, but found only shadows. From the depths of the darkness, a figure emerged. Tall and imposing, he moved with a predator's grace. His face was hidden from view, obscured by the night itself, yet his presence was unmistakable. It was the enigma, the one whose name was etched in the stars and whispered by the winds. "The time is near when the veil between worlds will thin, and I will claim what is mine." Oxyvi's breath caught in her throat. She couldn't see his face, but she knew it was him. The air around her grew colder, the sky darker, as if the world itself was holding its breath. "Why me?" she asked, her voice barely a whisper. "You know why," he replied, his tone laced with a darkness that echoed the void in his soul. "I will come for you, and you will be mine." No Rest for The Wicked (The Shadow & The Seeker)

Melanophile · Kỳ huyễn
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39 Chs

Chapter - I (Dream)

Focus. Breathe. Release.

The venomous bow arrow intentionally released out of the string held by too much tension, hit its target digging a deeper hole into the skin. Drops of blood splashed out, a few drops laid on the wet wildflowers of the forest with force which led rainwater droplets to drizzle out from the leaves and to scattered.

A shadow in the distance amusedly looked at those flowers, who soon shrunk and fell down on the lush green grass.

"That's cruel for a mere hunting, Royal highness."

A deep chuckle rumbled from her and so did the dark clouds, she glanced upward and soon her eyes changed into a glint of evil wickedness after hearing her maid of honors' whispering words, which she had uttered, getting feared by her Royal Princess.

The shadow in the distance studying her beautiful astonishing dark black eyes holding no mercy for those traitors, which was mesmerizing at first before the shadow smirked and shared the same wickedness in the eyes as hers.

Nobody notices that extraordinary glimmer in her eyes besides the shadow who was studying her with interest.

"Pardon me for being impolite, your royal highness."

On the other hand, the maid servant eyes widened, she realized her mistake and curtsied quickly because she had spoken her sarcastic thoughts a bit louder. As she curtsied, the two other Junior lady's maids followed the same gesture in fear.

Her Royal Highness dismissed Her's courtesy and stepped proudly forward to pluck out aimed soldier's badges. She looked heatedly at the sign which consisted of a skull engraved in the middle followed by open dark wings on each side of the skull and the skull pierced by a long sword engraved upside down. She gripped tightly in her hands which had few cuts here and there.

"Royal Imperial Majesty" She whispered slightly.

She quickly diverted her gaze to the sound of running horses, which was coming from her left direction. She heard the familiar horse clip- clops of her horse, she could hear it from a mile away and she wasn't unaware of the other horse, and also whom it belonged to as they were coming in her direction. She uttered words that weren't acceptable behavior from a royal highness.


Soon other horses' galloping sounds could be heard in the distance which belonged to soldiers of her kingdom.

Her Friesian horse came closer and nuzzled, nickered, and then simply made a "snicker-snack" sound and stood beside her contently.

"Oh dear, Ballester, you didn't know what you have done, telling the chivalrous knight, Sir Killian about my rendezvous" She slowly grazed her fingers through his long flowing manes. she sighed loudly and put those badges in her saddle bag and hopped on Ballester smoothly. Whereas the other horse indeed belongs to her knight who knelt in front of her and guided her back to castle safely.

Furthermore, the shadow had gone long before, after marking the next target.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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