
Prologue: All hope is lost, So start humanity over again

"In the year 1980, hundreds of thousands of finger sized rocks fell into earth's atmosphere and scattered across earth, humanity saw its end and its new beginning."

"These dark red rocks released massive amounts of energy that made that made every living being around it go insane. They had strength beyond human comprehension. They were like, Demons!."

"Society had begun to crumble, cities where the stone as demons and demon beasts brutally tore humans from limb to limb, they were berserk. "

"The few cities that had no demons around them, Humans began to build walls around their cities and began to research and understand these demons and rocks."

"First, we could not move into the area where the rock fragment had landed or we'd be instantly turned into demons."

"Second, demons never moved far away from the rock fragment and always stayed in its radius, it seemed the radius differed depending on the energy stored in the rock fragment. You should also know that the area where the demons stay is called a demon ruin"

"Are you listening Raul?"

"Yes, grandpa. You've said this story a billion times. I've been listening since to this since I was like 6!, That's 6 whole years!"(Raul)

"I'm telling you this story for your sake! we don't stay with other humans and staying in the outer is definitely not a choice we can make at least until you're 15 at least you'll be able to survive there safely, so I'll continue telling you this till we move to a city, so listen!"(Grandpa)

"Third, only a few demons ever leave the demon ruins, so cities that are far away from demons ruins are safe"

"When this was noticed, all humans began to migrate to cities that the rock fragment had not landed in, and this was how the destruction of human normal human society began, and outsiders were forced to stay outside the wall since the city capacities were limited"

"Thus, cities where divided into upper and lower regions"

"And that's that on how society got destroyed and rebuilt in the 1980s, I mean money was nothing for years so the 'United league of nations' took action and they had to issue a universal currency the 'Terra coins' all around the world in order to maintain the power that's why countries lost their power, and the ULN took over the world"

"Listen Raul, I need you to understand this part so that you're able to live on your own when you're older"

"Yes grandpa"(Raul)

"I'll continue"(Grandpa)

"1 month after the rock fragments landed on earth and the demons went insane from the energy, lives were lost and scientists had to gain a specimen from the demons"

"So humanity fought back, and the demons that that were outside the demon ruins began to fall, but soon humans lost again as it took an army of 50 soldiers firing guns continuosly at one Demon in order to attain victory."

"Their flesh and bones were harder than metals, and once they die their blood leaves through their body their injuries and eyes and mouth and tries to flow back to the rock fragment. It's almost like the rock fragment is trying to get back it's energy when the life of the demon is lost but the blood never makes it back it only flows for like 5 seconds In the direction of the fragment and starts coagulate together and from what we know as the 'demon stone'. It's red and has a yellow glow, it's glow differs depending on the rank of the demon"

"Even though we're vagabonds, I'm quite glad we've never come across anything higher than a Level 2 demon"

"Grandpa the next demon we see use it's stone to give me the fire origin. I'm already 12, so I'm old enough to start smithing demon metal by myself, you only let me have the metal origin since I was 6! Around the time you started these stories ugh!"(Raul)

"I already told you I'll let you have the fire origin when you're 15! So till then you'll keep listening to this, so listen!" (Grandpa)

"When we were finally able to defeat a demon. The blood left its body and formed a demon stone, the stone was just 7 times the size of a regular pill."

"And the only noticeable thing about the stone was that it contained energy similar to the rock fragment but a traceable amount compared to the fragment"

"We tried to make weapons with the bones of demons because of their hardness but humans were unable because of the strength of the bones, and when the fire law was discovered, the bones were now malleable and weapon constructions began"

"Since demons have lost their form and and, just look like a a slab of black meat so no one classifies them as humans anymore but ULN has written their human rights, and for the safety of humans it's okay to make weapons out of them hahaha"

"In the 4th month after the rock fragments landed, more stray demons were killed and more soldiers lost their lives in the process, and Human changed when a foolish human consumed a rock fragment"

"He was known as the hope of humanity Lee sung hyun. But he soon died after 1 year when he ventured into a demon ruin"

"after he obtained power from the demon stone we were able to understand that the demon stone is a refined version of the energy from the fragment. This energy is called 'Aura'."

"But grandpa I have to ask why did he actually take in the demon stone was he just wild or something?"(Raul)

"Years ago, I actually heard he went insane on the battlefield when his troop ran into a horde of stray demons and he thought if he took in the demon stone he'll turn into a demon too and die without feeling pain or survive if the horde of demons win so he swallowed it and just passed out, hahaha"(Grandpa)

"But now it's basic knowledge to only swallow one demon stone for awakening into a 'new human' and when you want to obtain a law energy, and after that it's logical to just absorb the aura from the stone while holding it. This is known as external aura absorption."

"This is because absorbing the energy slowly is safer than taking in a massive amount of energy at once through internal aura absorption. if you continuously take in demon stones by swallowing there's a risk of dying by explosion as it happened quite commonly after the discovery of gaining 'aura by absorption'. "

"Experimenting with the demon stone gave us the 'law energy' we have today. Leaving a demon stone in an elemental environment for about a year or more, makes it to have the elemental properties of its environment"

"For metal origin all I have to do is melt the bones of a level 1 or 2 Demon with my level 5 fire origin and create a container. Then put in a non attributed demon stone in it then it gains the property of a the demon metal"

<PS: bones of demons become harder than earth metals and gain metallic properties so they can only be melted by fire origin>

"Whoa! That's so cool how come you never told me this all those years!!"(Raul)

"I worked as a Smith for a small research company long time ago so I luckily saw the process"(Grandpa)

"Also for fire origin, a demon stone kept in a furnace for about a years too, even though fire is the easiest to make it's the most expensive because of how strong it is."

"So for water, ice, electricity, wind and earth, the manufacturing process is kinda the same but a human is limited to 3 law origins at most 4 if you're lucky"

"The difference in the law energy varies depending on the level of the demon stone, level 1 can light a candle, and 1 level 70 can burn down a quarter of a city"

"36 years later, the world had attained stability, the population has been reduced to about 800 million, and the demons are in the billions, humanity had evolved and it's protectors have arrived, The Demon hunters."

"Back in my time, guns used to be strong but now aura-infused arrows are way faster and more controllable than guns. Since aura requires physical contact people rely on swords, daggers, spears and bows and arrow to hunt down demons, I mean anyone still using a gun has to be stupid, hahaha"

"Whoa! Would you make me a bow? I mean I prefer bows to swords. I wanna shoot down multiple demons like 'pew pew pew' and get clean one shots"(Raul)

"I was gonna make you one either way, who would want their grandkid to touch demons everytime they wanna kill one? but you still have to keep learning how to handle swords and daggers, just to be safe"(Grandpa)

"I'd be glad if you perfectly learn how to handle those two weapons and you could learn how to shoot a bow yourself all you need are good eyes right? So just practice on moving aura to your eyes to increase it function (*Whispers* I think lol, I don't even know how to use a bow)"(Grandpa)

"Yes grandpa! I'll practice the three! "(Raul)

"Good, get some sleep we'll be heading to Ruria city tomorrow"( Grandpa)

"Good night grandpa".(Raul)