
Nirvana and the inferno

Omg! How can this dangerous gate open? For the sake to save the world, and to close that door she married an....

SparkleXXIV · Thành thị
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22 Chs

Let Out

Eyebrows raised, eyes widen " Princess Iris is pregnant" said the lady.

Everyone was happy , surprised and angry at the same time, they didn't knew how to react. Ramiel's eyes squint slightly and he started shouting "Yes I am going to become dad !!".

"Ramiel! behave don't forget who is she and why is she here" said king Lucifer.

"I haven't forgot but we can't deny the fact that she pregnant with my child, that this child belongs to hell" said Ramiel.

Every king agreed with Ramiel." Iris will be provided with all the facilities and the moment the child will be born, Iris will be put on death" said King Lucifer.

"But the child will need his/her mother for few days after birth" said Ramiel.

"No argument, the child will not be a human don't forget this" said Lucifer and left.

Ramiel went inside the room to meet Iris. He sat beside her and touched her stomach.

"What are you doing and why am I here" asked Iris.

Ramiel said in one sentence " You are pregnant".

"What!!" she was on cloud nine , walking on air.

"Calm down relax" said Ramiel.

Although the plan behind having a child was something else but at that moment she totally forgot about that plan. She was too happy to become a mother, "Ramiel!! I am so much happy" Iris said this and hugged Ramiel. They both had a heartwarming hug. But suddenly Ramiel pushed her "Take some rest , if you need anything call the servants" and left the room. The entire servants of hell were taking care of Iris, even the queen came to look after her.

"I knew your are not the one for my son , whatever the child is ours" said the Queen Lilith.

Iris was a little bit afraid of her mother in law but she saw an unexpected side of her , she came to ensure that her pregnancy was filled with joy, care, warmth and support. On the other hand Ramiel used to give all the instructions to the servants how to take care, what to give and many more. Iris was shocked after getting such a nice treatment in hell. First time she felt love for them but then soon she realized that she is here to take the key and the child is going to help her.

Four months had already passed, "I can't believe , why the child is not born till yet" said queen Lilith.

Prince, king and queen were siting together in the great hall and were discussing about Iris's pregnancy.

"Don't forget Lilith she is a human and our son is an evil but that child is going to be both maybe that is why child birth is late" said King lucifer.

"Yes usually a human give birth after nine months" said Ramiel.

"Oh evil we will have to wait" said Queen.

"Whatever don't forget to do the ceremony after all one more prince is coming" said King lucifer.

They were going to have a baby shower ceremony, this ceremony is celebrated very luxuriously in hell. Ramiel was very much excited , he went to Iris and said "Baby shower ceremony is going to take place ".

"Oh so in hell also this ceremony is done" said Iris.

"Whatever be ready it's a special day for my baby" said Ramiel.

"Our baby.." Iris said.

"No my , only mine you will be put to death" he said and left the room.

As the day of the baby shower approached, the hell transformed into a magical scene. Colorful banners fluttered in the breeze, and tables were adorned with delicious homemade treats and gifts. The servants were making hand-knitted baby clothes, soft blankets, and toys.

On the day of the baby shower, Iris was led to the hall with her eyes covered. As the blindfold was removed, she gasped in awe at the sight before her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she saw the overwhelming display of love and care that the hell had poured into this event. The air was filled with laughter, music, and a sense of unity that was truly special.

Ramiel touched Iris's belly and said "I hope you are happy my little prince".

"What if it's a princess?" asked Iris.

"Doesn't matter to me nor to anyone " said Ramiel.

Iris was trying to look into his eyes but he was not at all interested, she wasn't liking the ignorance from him.

"Don't you love me?" asked Iris.

"Oh evil, who is asking this a cheater , I hate you" he said left.

Iris knew she had broke his trust. She was sitting and enjoying the ceremony The Kings and queens presented her with a beautiful gift.

"Congrats my daughter" said Becky.

"Why are you here , please go" said Iris.

"Iris behave" king said.

The moment Becky raised her hand to give her a gift she went from there angrily.

"At least today she shouldn't have been called here , this function was for Iris" said Ramiel.

"Ramiel!! this function was for our little prince not for that cheater" said King Lucifer .

Ramiel left the hall. "May I come in" Ramiel asked as he was standing at Iris's room door.

Iris didn't said anything just gave him a look to come in.

"The way you broke my trust, yours too had been broken and I can understand the pain" said Ramiel.

"I will never become a mother like her" said Iris.

"Yes I know but for now you should not spoil your mood and I think she was never your mother so just accept this and let her go" after saying this Ramiel left the room.

Thinking in herself "Ramiel is right, I should let her go". Iris then decided to pardoned her, so for this she went to Becky's room. The moment she reached there , the door was half open and she heard Beck's and Adder's voice coming.

"I should come later" she whispered in herself.

The moment she was going back she heard Becky saying "Iris is just like her father, both cheaters and full of attitude now I am not regretting that I have closed his father's soul in a jar".

"Yes you did right, after all he was cheating you by changing his look to Iris and leaving in place of her" said Adder.

"He is one because of whom Iris is here, he converted himself into Markz and guided her" said Becky.

Iris's normally vibrant demeanor seemed to have dulled, her once-bright eyes now clouded with sadness and shock. Her warm and engaging smile had been replaced by a distant and pained expression. A veil of disbelief and astonishment hung over her features, giving her an almost ethereal appearance.

"Omg my dad's soul is locked in a jar and he was Markz!!" she whispered in herself.

"What happened Becky?" asked Adder.

"Nothing I think someone was standing outside" said Becky.

"Oh no one is there, relax!" said Adder.

"Any how I have to find that jar and release my dad's soul , he didn't deserve that" Iris said to herself.

Ramiel was coming saw Iris standing and asked her "Why are you standing in the middle of the corridor?".

"Nothing just.." she spoke hesitantly.

"You should take care of yourself come" Ramiel took her to the room.

He set up a cozy space in the room, making sure she had pillows and cushions to support her changing body. His attention to these small details contributed to creating a nurturing environment that made her feel cherished and cared for. Then Ramiel started giving her the foot massage.

"Oh god What are you doing Ramiel" said Iris.

He looked at her in an annoyed way maybe because she said "oh god" but then he smiled and sarcastically said "This is all for the baby not for you".

Iris forgot everything and was lost in seeing Ramiel's face , his care and everything. She was thinking in herself " He loves a lot and what I have given him in return , everything was fake my love, my concern even this baby what if he comes to know this he will be broken or maybe he will swallow me in anger".His empathetic presence became a pillar of strength as she navigated the emotional roller coaster that often accompanies pregnancy.

"Have you thought about the name?" asked Iris.

"No that's not needed our child will be born with some special characteristics and King Belial will keep his name , he is senior of all and he only gives names and ranks to other prince and kings" said Ramiel.

"Oh that's ok " said Iris.

"I think you should sleep for a while" Ramiel said and left the room.

How can she sleep after knowing that his father's soul his locked , the only person who loved her truly and selflessly. Suddenly she heard some voices of argument coming from the hall , she immediately went there.

"Who are they and why they are shouting?" Iris asked from one of the servant.

"Princess ,the one who is wearing crown similar to the king is the president of hell name Zagan and the one whose head is adorned with grotesque horns that curl and twist is Beelzebub one of the prince of Hell." said the servant.

"Oh! but why are they fighting?" asked Iris.

" Actually Beelzebub's most beloved friend has been put into jail , that is why he is angry" said the servant.

"Ohk" said Iris.

Iris gaze become intense, as if she is mentally exploring a forbidden or intriguing idea. There was a hint of suppressed excitement, and her eyes dart around as she try to contain her thoughts while still giving away a sense of amusement. She went into her room.

Everyone was sleeping , taking rest profound silence reigns, enveloping every corridor, chamber, and corridor in a serene embrace. Iris came out of her room , she saw everywhere if someone is there or not and then walked in corridor.

While walking Iris was talking to herself "Should I do this or not , No I should I think this will work".

She knocked the door "I am here to talk something from you" said Iris.

"Yes come inside" said Beelzebub.

" You were very much tensed that time so I thought to come and meet" said Iris.

"Oh so this human is worried about me " said Beelzebub.

" Because I know the worth of a friend and I know your friend is locked in the jail" said Iris.

He became sad and said" Yes and such a useless friend I am".

"Don't worry Beelzebub I will help you to release your friend from the prison" said Iris.

His body language revealed his inner turmoil. He cross his arms, creating a protective barrier around him selves as he grapple with his doubts. His shoulders tense up slightly, hinting at the weight of his uncertainty.

"I don't trust you human go from here " he said.

" You should .. ok let's just make a deal I will help you and you will help me that's all" she said.

His eyes, wide and focused, seem to scan Iris face in search of information, his gaze intent on deciphering each query. "What help?"

" I want you to release my father's soul which is being locked in jar by Adder and Becky and I will release your friend" said Iris.

"Both the work is of releasing so why you want to release my friend instead of your father's soul" he asked.

"Because they will never tell me where they have kept the jar but they will tell you if you will ask" she said.

"Ohk then let's do it" said Beelzebub.

Iris became happy " Thanks Beelzebub now take rest , I should leave".

Beelzebub stopped her and said " Do you find it so easy , it's not that easy he is not put into the normal jail he is imprisoned in the red zone a dangerous place of hell , Whatever it's your choice".

Iris smiled and said "Yes it's my choice focus on your mission".

"Abezethibou demon" he said.

"What?" Iris asked

"It's his name , now leave" he said.

Iris went into her  room and slept peacefully.

"She is looking more beautiful in her pregnancy" Ramiel whispered in himself.

The moment Iris opened her eyes she found Ramiel sitting next to her and touching her stomach

"What are you doing here?" asked Iris.

He replied " Just came to check you whether you are fine or not".

"Ya I am absolutely fine , don't worry" she said.

"May I come " asked Beelzebub.

" What are you doing here?" asked Ramiel.

Iris got tensed by seeing him and thought "oh no why he came here i wish he don't open his mouth".

"I have called him I wanted to talk something from Beelzebub" said Iris.

"Oh what talk?" asked Ramiel.

"Nothing just I like talking to more people nowadays I think our baby would be very talkative" she said in funny way.

"Ohk then" said Ramiel and left the room.

"When will you go to release my friend my dear human " said Beelzebub.

"Ya in just few hours I will go" said Iris.

" And how will you do that?" asked Beelzebub.

"You don't worry and tell me when will you go to bring that jar" asked Iris.

He laughed and said "Don't forget I am the prince , I don't need to go anywhere that jar will come automatically ".

"Whatever do it fast " said Iris.

"Don't give orders and do your work first then I will give you the jar" he said.

"ohk , Beelzebub" said Iris.

Beelzebub left the room. "What does he think he is only smart " she said and laughed.

Iris knew it wasn't hard for Beelzebub to know the location of that jar and till now he must be having that jar with him. Iris knew what she had to do next.

The moment Ramiel came to meet her , she looked into his eyes for minutes and then bewitch him. This was one of the powers which God gifted her.

"Ramiel go and take that jar from Beelzebub and give it to me" said Iris.

Ramiel agreed and went to Beelzebub's room.

"What happened Ramiel?" asked Beelzebub.

" I heard your conversation with Iris , before I tell this to king return that jar" said Ramiel.

"It was your wife's plan only" he said.

" We know soon she will be put to death but why are you contributing in her plans , give that jar to me " said Ramiel.

Beelzebub gave that jar to Ramiel and Ramiel left the room.

"Whole plan got destroyed , I should inform about this to Iris" Beelzebub whispered in himself.

"Come my darling husband!! give this to me" said Iris.

Ramiel handed that jar to Iris. Now you may leave, said Iris.

Ramiel after coming out from the room regained his consciousness . "Why my head is paining I should take rest, he said and left. The moment he went Beelzebub entered Iris's room. "Iris whole plan is destroyed". Iris got nervous as the jar was kept on her bed only but till now Beelzebub didn't noticed it. Iris started screaming out of pain "Beelzebub please call the lady servants my stomach is paining". Beelzebub panicked and rushed outside and called the servants. The servant asked Beelzebub to stay out. After the checkup Iris asked the servants to tell everyone that she need some rest and doesn't want anyone inside her room. The servants said the same outside and Beelzebub decided to come later. Iris locked the door and then took that jar in her hand , released her father's soul. Iris was happy to see Markz  in front of her , hugging him tighly she said" Dad I missed you so much and you know mom has betrayed us". Markz smiled and said" leave it my daughter focus on your mission and save the Earth , find the key and close this door". "This child is for this mission only , dad" said Iris. 

With sadness on his face he said "My daughter has to grow early but it's all for such a big purpose".

"Dad you lost your life because of this and now it's my turn , I will fulfill my duty.

"Iris are you fine , may I come in" Ramiel shouted from outside of the door.

Marrkz changed his form and become soul. Iris went and opened the door , Ramiel touched her belly " Is everything fine , I came to know you had pain in your stomach. "Everything is fine just relax , Ramiel". " You should take rest " he said and left. Iris hurriedly closed the door and when she turned around Markz was sitting on his bed."I can see in his eyes".

"What dad?" she asked.

"Intense love for you and the child, I couldn't believe that they can also be loving" he said.

Her face etched with sadness " The worst cheating in this world is to provoke feelings for yourselves in someone else and then leaving and hurting them, I did the same , dad". "It's ok daughter you are just doing this for sake to save your world , you are gonna save so many people".

"I will be here with you in my spirit form" said Markz.

"Dad! I needed your support, thanks" said Iris.

"Now sleep and take some rest" he said and become invisible.

"Where are you dad?" she said.

"I am here only and only you can hear my voice" he said.

Iris was  in a deep sleep but then suddenly.....