
Let the Slaughter begin!

After Ray defeated Radz, Thomas finally gave him the task for his advancement quest. And the quest was the following bellow

[Hunt! - Slaughter the wolf]

[Apparently some wolves packs are sighted near the forest border outside the capital city, several villagers outside feel worried about their safety. kill the wolves and bring their head as prove that you've killed them, Radz will follow you as an examiner. Wolf killed 0/20]

[Failure condition : Death, Fail to kill the wolves]

[Quest reward : Class Advancement -> Knight, 250 general exp]


Ray, Zed, and Radz walking together to the western forest after preparing their equipment and other necessitities while Vince following in the shadow. Ray had told Zed and Vince to not interfering in his fights later except he is in dangerous and life threatening condition, which they're both agree as they also thought that was necessary for their young lord experience.

They walked away from the guild for 2 hours. After they arrived at the Western Forest where the wolves last sighted. Some thirty wolves were wandering around the wasteland, occasionally howling into the sky, their howls piercing and frightening.

Ray withdrew his long Sword and charged towards a targeted wolf. Although his current damage was low, the wolf's HP was also similarly low, allowing him to kill one wolf with 7 or 8 basic hits.

In just a matter of minutes, the whole wolves pack had been slain by him. And because of his continuos fight using his sword, his skill {swordmanship} raised by 1 level and turned into level 18. Ray then collected their heads and called vince which he immediately showed up surprising Radz.

"Vince, wrap these wolves head and brought them with you. No need to follow us from the shadow, nothing dangerous here you know."

(Vince) "As you wish, young lord. But i'll still following and protecting you from the shadow." Vince then proceed to wrap the heads in a sack and tie it up then put them inside a small pouch.

'wow, is that void conch? that's a rich family for you , even a butler have one.' Ray thought when he saw vince's item.

The void conch was the most common storage item because its raw material itself contained some dimension space. It only needed to be refined a bit and it would turn into a decent magic item. This thing was obviously worth a lot, and usually it worth around 3 golds for a low grade one. Since this kingdom have a very few alchemist, the price shoot up by almost double the market price.

Storage items were very expensive like uncommon items, as it could be used to bring many items that also could save your life. Unfortunately, the average adventurer couldn't afford such uncommon items. They might not be able to earn that much in their lifetime.


When they saw it's already past noon, they decided to back to the knight guild. On their way back they passed by a strangely quiet and gloomy small village, when they passed it they heard some faint goose bumps-inducing growls.

In his Curiosity, Ray took a few steps forward and turned into the first wooden house on the left where he feels the sound come from while others immediately following in tow. From the distance he was able to see 7 to 8 shabbily-clothed zombies wandering around inside. The Zombies let out a low cry once in a while and pacing around inside the house.


[Inspect (40) cast...]

[Wisdom Check… ]

[Inspect Failed! You are unable to get any additional information]

Inspect failed!

This meant that the other side was at least a level 3 Monsters!

The zombies twitched then all of the zombies turning their heads towards Ray and company way, when they sense there are magic fluctuation nearby then they 'see' some living creature nearby, they suddenly went berserk and lunged at them.

"Becareful young lord! from the aura they gave it's almost certain that they're level 4 monsters!" Zed seeing that his young lord in danger take a step forward and used his shield to protect his young lord. But, Ray take a step in advance then duck in to evade zombie's attack then slash forward.

If other players witnessed this, they would have yelled, "Impossible!", "He's crazy!", "A madman!" or something in a similar manner. In traditional gaming system, the Evasion Rate was determined by the system. Even if the player could not move an inch, the evasion could still occur when an attack landed on the player.

But in 'Feinan continent', there was no Evasion Rate system. But this did not mean that the player could not evade attacks from monsters or players. The system entrusted this capability solely to the player's own skill and cappabilities, allowing them to make their own decisions.

Ray let out a soft sigh. The Sword in his hands swung every seconds to decapitating the zombies. Even though the zombies were strong and doesn't feel pain whatsoever, but they're so slow and Ray with his experience and strategies continued with luring zombies one-by-one to kill them efectively. He didn't charge forward as the zombies were concentrated, and he would engaged with 2 or more of them. As he still weak, he didn't want to take the risk.

[Basic attack succesful!]

[Target eliminated! 40 Battle Exp received]

several minutes later, the Zombies transformed into a pillar of black light, which is weird as its corpse should left behind after their death just like other monsters.

'Strange, that was really unusual. when it's still in the game it was only happened if there is some event like monster horde, invasion, or...'

After defeating the zombies and saw what happened before him, Ray couldn't help but contemplating, but sadly zed interrupt his thinking which pissed him.

(Zed) "Are you okay young lord?"

"Of course i'm fine, can't you see that i defeated them without a single scratch on me?" Ray said while glaring at Zed with pissed face.

(Ridz) "Whoaa Ray, i know you're strong from your victory against me. But i never think that you are THIS strong. For the great knight Leonidas sake, they're fuckin level 4 monsters! I mean, i can defeat it if it's just one, and barely hold them if it's two or three but you defeat 8 of them by yourself!"

(Zed) "humh, of course he can defeat a mere 8 zombies! who do you think my young lord Ray is? he is the descendant of Gladius family!"

"And why are you the one who get hyped up zed?" Ray said, clearly still pissed zed distract him from his thought earlier making him forget the conclusion that he thought was important.

'Damn! what was i think earlier? I'm gonna beat the crap out of zed to vent because of this annoyance later'