

Morning came, today Ray want to go to the adventurers guild to take his first mission. Last night, his grandpa has agreed for him to become an adventurer, but with condition that Ray only can do missions until D rank before he's done with his grandpa's training, and neither Vince nor zed are allowed to help and accompanying him in those mission.

Ray would start his training with his grandpa each week from Thursday to Sunday so Ray can still do some F rank to D rank mission at monday to wendnesday.

Adventurer's rank graded from F to S rank, which the later is the strongest and the former is weakest. from F to D rank, you can rank up from clearing a certain number of mission in the same rank and at least one mission from one rank above. And from C to B rank, to rank up you have to clear few test about knowledge of survivability, for example first aid treatment, which animal and plant are edible, etc beside of fighting test, because no matter how strong you are if you died because you fail to choose your own food then you'll only be a joke.

To rank up to rank A, an adventurer should have at least second tiered job and a 'specialization' like medic, assassination, info gathering, guarding, assault, etc. When you reach A rank you will also receive a title based on your Fame and performance. And A rank is the threshold for one to become adventurer guild's official, like branch guild master and etc. Note that you only can ask for A rank advancement at the Headquarters.

Finally, to become an S ranked adventurer you have receive an acknowledgement from the guild Headquarters and be the champion of the tournament between A ranked adventurers which held if four or more A ranked adventurers registered for S rank advancement trials.


In the edge of the forest at the Cowl territories of Gladius dukedom, you can see a hagard looking young man. On top of his head stuck several small wood branch and a few leaves, while his face is dirty with soil and dirt. And that young man is our MC, Rayford du Gladius.

*sigh* "This is the third repeable mission for today, those Red Catberry sure are hard to find and I have to collect 15 stalks of them for 1 mission to count, morever the rewards are only 2 copper coins for each stalk. Thanks God I transmigrated into a rich family..."

Money always an issue if you're a newbie adventurer, sometimes even when you're a mid ranked adventurer money become your source of headache. To become an adventurer you also need to stocking up some rations and potions, taking care of your gears, and many more that will make you think there's big hole in your wallet.

"To advancing to D rank I have to clear at least 50 F rank mission and 1 D rank mission. I still short of 38 F rank mission and 1 D rank mission, Still long journey ahead. And there is still grandpa's hellish training, I must train harder so my quest to become an A ranked adventurer will be cleared smoothly, all for the preparation for that shitty calamity. "


eight months passed already

Now I already am a D ranked adventurer and only short of clearing 1 C ranked mission also those advancement test. And before I do that mission, as promised I have to finish my grandpa's training regime, and here I am in front of many soldiers eyes at Duke's army training ground, today is the day grandpa and big brother Adam would test me wether or not I'm ready to go to adventuring on my own.

A few days after I talk with grandpa about become an adventurer we went home then the next day after started my training immediately, big brother Adam give me an earful of advice and also take part to train me when he heard that I want to went to journey on my own, it was outside my expectations though.

'If you want to start your own journey, I'll personally make sure that you are strong enough to fend for yourself.' that's what big brother Adam said, and you know what? he was even stricter than grandpa, he take part to train my survivability both in wilderness and in society while grandpa train me in my fighting ability, not just my swordsmanship but also shield wielding, horsemanship, and also unarmed fight.


Name : Rayford du Gladius

Race : Human / elf


strength - 20

Dexterity - 17

Constitution - 15

Intelligence - 14

Wisdom - 15

Charisma - 19

Life Class: Noble rank 5 lv 2(1100/2000)

Battle class : Knight Lv. 5 (600/7500)

Title : Choosen Knight

Adventurer Rank : D

Health points : 66/66

Exp (experience points) : 0 (Noble) [unused] / 0 (knight) [unused] / 610 (Battle exp)

SP (Skill points) : None

AP (Ability points) : None

Class skills:

- Noble (Earl):

Dignity - 35

Management - 49

Perception - 41

Diplomacy - 22

Accounting - 20

- Knight

Swordsmanship - 44 (+10)

Shield wielding - 33 (+10)

spearmanship - 20 (+10)

Horsemanship - 41

Charge -10 (+10) (+5)


Badge (Assault force)


while my level only increased by one level but my overall status and skills are upgraded like never before, that's way more important than just blindly leveling without solid skill forging.

(Arthur) "Now Ray, come at me with your all otherwise i will not let you adventuring on your own."

"Yes, grandpa!" With that shout, Ray dashing towards his grandpa while holding a 2 meters long steel longsword at his right hand and a buckler at his left.

*slash* aiming at his grandpa's left ribs, Ray slashing upward diagonally from his low dashing position.

*Clank* sound of sword and shield ringing aloud, Ray's hit got blocked solidly by Arthur then Ray got kicked at his shoulder and thrown off balance.

"Is that all you got Ray? If it is, then you better give up now." Arthur said while slightly releasing pressure to Ray

"Not yet!" Ray stood up again and this time he slashing downward vertically, when his hit got evaded by his grandpa he stepping forward then again slashing diagonally from bottom left to upside right. Every time his hit got evaded or blocked by his grandpa ,he relentlessly attacking to continue polish himself further. Even he got thrown again and again, he continue to stood up again. Different from his sparring against zed, Ray know that it's impossible to catch his grandpa off guards with his current cappability.

Then when he got thrashed again this time, he stood up but not attacking like before and just silently staring at his grandpa's stout figure.

'Is this it? was I really still this weak...?'

Ray continue staring silently, Arthur also silently brandishing his sword while looking at his grandson.

'Heh, who am i kidding? why am i this weak? is it really because of my lack of experience?'

Seriously, how do i put an image to this novel's cover?

Eat_pridecreators' thoughts