
This is gonna suck.

Sera stared at her father while going through a plethora of excuses. She doesn't feel well, she needs to train, entrance exams for Academy are coming up, she has nothing to wear. A constant flow of lies to avoid the ball. But, she soon realized that none of those excuses would work. Lycans don't get sick, she can continue training and studying while on a different continent, and she has 5 personal stylists. The best she could do is say no and pray. Sera has never been a fan of events like this one. With her title, people always flock towards her with fake smiles and bad intentions. With a sharp intake of breath she stated firmly, "I do not wish to attend the ball. It would do no good to me as I have plenty of connections and traveling is a hassle."

"Lazy brat, you could never have too many connections and we have multiple private jets. Or I could just get a wizard to teleport us there if you're so worried about it. I'd like to show off my daughter to that pussy alpha over at Devils Moon." Maxwell immediately ranted. Devils Moon is our "rival" pack even though our packs haven't had any problems for centuries. We share the Star Continent with multiple other packs, but ours and Devils Moon have the largest territories by far and are connected at a boarder. Our two packs combined take up more than half the continent. Almost three centuries ago Devils Moon attempted to steal a portion of our territory. It was a bloody war and both sides lost but we didn't lose a single square foot of our land. Treaties have been placed and we stay out of each other's way for the most part. "For the most part" meaning Devils Moon is mischievous and enjoy their pranks a little too much. Devils Moon is known for their warriors; strong, ruthless, and bloody. Father never liked the fact that they produce more outstanding warriors than we do. And the "pussy alpha" father mentioned is none other than Robert Valyn Woods, the lycan that leads Devils Moon. I heard he has two sons. Two princes of Devils Moon.

"Besides, Katherine and Axel are coming too; you won't be alone." Maxwell continued. Before Sera got a second shot at denying him he spoke again. "I'll arrange everything, the ball is in three days. Tell Katherine she can travel with us. Now, I have much work to do. You're excused."

She could only nod and excuse herself. Attending events is just another part of her title; she had escaped it long enough, she told herself. Just as she was about to open the door to leave, her father called out, "Ah! One more thing, I need a new hammer." The hammer is her fathers preferred weapon. It almost resembled that of Thor's.

"Okay?" Sera replied, confused as to why that information was privy to her.

"The master weapons smith is ending his seclusion to attend the ball. I need you to butter him up a bit so he may make me one." The master weapons smith is a dwarf. Most dwarfs make weapons, tools, jewelry, etc. But this specific dwarf is really good in his craft, hence the master title. Dwarfs live on the Fire Continent with a multitude of active volcanos and an average temperature of 115 degrees fahrenheit. Sera had visited the continent for their famous hot springs but left immediately after the soak. The heat was too much for her even with her ice element.

"Butter him up?" She asked, though she knew exactly what he meant. He wanted her to compel him. Maxwell glared at his daughter and said "You understand me perfectly, stop playing stupid and get out. I have work to do."

Once Sera exited her father's study, she sighed and said, "This is gonna suck." Suddenly, her dejected face turned to a devilish smirk. "Well if I'm going to meet all these new people, I need to make one hell of an impression." She said with a glint in her eyes.

Hi to the few people who have actually read this! I honestly didn’t expect anyone to ever see it for some reason but I’ll just say, I don’t write drafts, I edit them myself (half assed really), and I’m writing this on my iPhone:). This is purely for fun but I may start putting in more effort soon cuz I’m getting a computer!

Riyuuu_creators' thoughts