

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs


Looking disappointed, I held her close gave her a kiss released her from my grip turned to make sure she could see this ass walking away from her. Turned to look at her," if we had time that dress would be on the floor." I said as I started to put on the clothes that she had picked out for me. She watched me get dressed, helping me with the pants that have too many buttons for me to understand.

She almost busted out with a laugh catching herself before helping me put them on. The pants looked like any other pants but specially made for the family. The front of the pants could detach exposing a males members parts without taking off the pants them self. The flap would flap to the back looking as if the front section of the pants were completely cut out. This made it possible for easier access. We flirted back and forth as she had brushed her hand against my cock a few times showing me how it works. "We have to go see the family so step on it." She confessed with a sour note.

We left the bedroom moved towards the door to the corridor, "Damn I forgot something."

Before she turned around and muttered the words "what" came out of her I pinned her to the wall with her back to me. The thumping sound the wall made was a little harder than I wanted, but I continued with what I wanted to do. Lifting her dress as I pressed myself against her, leaving her no room to move, I released the strap to the pants as it flipped down. I moved my one free hand to the front of Daria reaching the front of her dress. Pulling the top down unleashed her breast to the open air. I turned her around looked her over then proceeded to lift her up as she spread her legs wrapping them around me I slide into her. Her eyes closed, her head leaned back as I started to motion back and forth. Taking a step back with her arms now in an outreach position I moved faster. Watching her eyes close at times as her breaths lowered, her breast pressed up against me as I moved up against her. Our bodies combined as one thrusting into her hard as the moans from the two of us echoed in the room, and the hall as Valier opened the door to remind us that the family was waiting. I smiled lovingly to Daria as I filled her; she kissed me a few times then said the words.

"Thank you Master." as she put her breast back in place under the dress and lowered her dress to cover her bottom.

After meeting with Vixon and Wattie, Daria took me to see the doctor for the checkup. They had no answer for me except that I might have over done it last night. They took some blood just to be safe. We proceeded to take full advantage of the place now that we were together.

Funny thing as the days passed, I was getting stronger, and my endurance was increasing. I do not know if it was the food, the company, the air, or just this place still finding time to work out I was able to do more reps with more weights. I could only assume that being here and completely enjoying myself in all manners has given me that boost.