

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
127 Chs

Chapter 76

As the party of family members roared for what seemed like hours outside the doors we waited. I admired my new body, for my arms bulged as if I was flexing all the time. Feeling the new hard lumps of the now six-pack I carry as if all I did was work out every single day. I just could not believe the transformation from the old to the new so quickly. Then there was my penis! I reached the bathroom area to relive myself, noticing, and this is when I noticed that I had grown in width and girth, now knowing why Daria could not deep throat me. Of course, this made me smile. I had forgotten that Daria escorted me to the bathroom. Daria placed a hand on my shoulder as I was touching myself. "Tagem," as she put her hand on the head of my penis with a soft and gentle touch.

"You, I mean we can explore this." moving her hand softly up and down the now hard-on I had "later after we find out what is going on," looking me in the eyes as I noticed that her eyes were slightly different. Her eyes seemed to be turning lighter blue with a tint of green since I last looked at them.

Leaning closer I moved over placing my arm around her as I made it look like I was just gently caressing cuddling up to her, I whispered in her ear.

"Your eyes are turning green, my love."

She pressed her cheek to mine as a deep breath was taken in with a stuttered breath released; "are you sure Tagem" She tried to whisper out but was mumbled by her exhaled breath.

I nodded and replied "yes." The look in her eyes somewhat shocked me since I did not think anything would be new to a vampire. After a few seconds which seemed like a hell of a lot longer than a few minutes, she replied, "well we will deal with what comes but we better get back out in the room."

We waited for an hour or so when the medical team walked into the room and up to Lady Nancy. After the whispering had been exchanged back and forth, Lady Nancy turned to the group.

Well, Tagem's blood has altered from the time he was first contacted at the airport. Stacks came running in for she must have been PM'ed. Her chest heaving from the run barely dressed showing her body in full through black and red lace. Something seemed different though, as I watched her enter the room. A tattoo on the lower part of her arm appeared to match one of the now many on mine.

Did I not notice this before, for that would seem odd since I can remember her taste, the touch of her skin to the little freckle on the inside of her thigh. How do I not remember a tattoo being there? I knew at once that no she didn't. Out of all the confusion of the last two hours finally reached my brain. She did not have the tattoo as the facts show neither did I.

She walked up to Lady Nancy bowed slightly, "you called?"