

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs


You are looking better than ever "I said as I walked by her giving her a slap on the ass on the way out of the office. I walked over to the next room through two doors into the front of the building where reception would be sitting. I continued to walk over to the office that had my name on it on the right as you walked in from the back part of the building. Seeing a glare shining off the window next to me I noticed the sunset as the reddish orange sky through the window shown brilliantly over the treetops. I walked around my desk sat down reached over to turn on the computer.

As the glow of the screen brightened, I typed in my password then clicked my personal email to check the information on the trip to see if any changes had accord. I clicked open the new email, started to read.

Dear Sir Tagem NewBlood your plane tickets are setup under your real name Douglas Bennet noticing that they were ready to print. I clicked on the tickets icon printed the tickets did my early check in as it read first class on them. A little surprised with this but from the conversation that we had in the game and from emails, this was not a complete shocker.

I printed the tickets finished my paperwork that was needed to be done for the day, packed up my belongings and headed for the door. Just when I was about to leave Ran, my business partner caught me.

Ran was about five feet six inches in height broad shoulders with a military haircut. He met his wife while we served together in the military. She was the best friend of the girl I was seeing at the time who is still in Ohio to my last recall. He was the brains of the operations with his Mechanical and electrical engineering degree helped bring our little business a big edge in cost compared to other companies.

"Hey hope you enjoy your vacation , "he said.

"You know me, always find a way not to do the work," I said with a laugh.

We talked a little more about work that was coming up and who to place with whom for which job but knew that Susan had that accomplished already. We said goodbyes. I turned to walk to my green pickup truck, noticing the sun about to disappear behind the trees I stopped. Listened and viewed my surroundings. I could feel someone watching me. Looked around a little longer but could not see anything out of the ordinary except that it was now getting dark as the red clouds hover in the sky. I shrugged it off continued walking to my pickup unlocked it with the remote got inside turned it on and drove away.

New to writting so please bare with me!


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