

Playing an ordinary game online to a world that is old and forgotten, exists under the scope of the world as we know it today, a world that has lasted for centuries.

Domswisu · Kỳ huyễn
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127 Chs


His mouth dropped to the ground not taking his eyes off the beautiful sight in front of him. he placed the tray of food and wine on the counter turned slowly to walk out the door without a tip.

Thank you." I said as I closed the door after watching him get in the elevator with a smile from ear to ear the skin color of bright red upon his face.

I walked to my girls seeing Stacks pulling the belt to make Samantha's head tweak back a little as her other hand sliding in between Samantha's legs.

I ask Samantha "what is your reason for coming over tonight?"

Watching her defenseless in this position with Stacks' hands feeling around at her pleasure is a turn on but my curiosity was getting the best of me.

"I see that your preference is female over a male or are you just a male hater? So why did you come?" I asked again stepping closer to her.

Stacks pulled the belt strap down wards making her chin raise higher her breast stick out further. Stacks whispering to Samantha "Answer him, my dear."

Samantha tried not to look at me, Stacks held her in place to where she finally gave in. I have never met a couple that took me as you did. "I am not used to being controlled by anyone as you have done and a male at that."

"I want." she paused" to be taken" closed her eyes, taking a deep breath as her breast heaved trying to gather herself.

"Stacks she is yours to have,"

"I would like to see what the other side of your persona has to offer." For this, I could hardly wait to see I thought to myself

Stacks eyes thinned slightly in a mischief type of way or was it anger, I do not know or cared I thought to myself.

Stacks pulled Samantha by the belt strap into the bedroom stopping at her bag. She grabbed a black stocking, tied it to the belt that secured her neck down to her arms stretched it out and tied the other end to the bedpost. I sat down after moving the chair that was in the living room and took my seat. Stacks walked over to the main window of the bedroom taking down the curtain that looked too be sustained by a particular type of black rope. Stacks started to wrap the rope around Samantha's ankles with the other end to the leg of the bed. Forcing Samantha to spread her legs wider than she wanted as stacks wrapped the other end around the bottom of the bed on the other side of Samantha tying her other ankle down to the bed post.