
New Worlds' Extra: Dream Forge Legacy

Even the main character starts at the start line. imagine if you were suddenly thrown in the unknown world, only to realize it was a novel that you were writing. the cover isn't mine i took it from pinterest if you are the creator and don't want me to use it please massage me and i will gladly take it off

WriteOnovel · Kỳ huyễn
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training, finally!

i woke up got up tried to flex in the mirror but i still don't have some visible muscles and took a cold shower. ''hmm chess that i published should generate me some money, also when will i get my astral profile? everyone should already have it i hope today i guess'' i dressed in the school uniform and went straight to the classes unlike other days this day i woke up pretty late. first class is mana theory the easiest class for me when i went in the classroom i chose some seat in the back and waited for the class to start. oh finally the main antagonist the rival of the main protagonist entered the class.

Upon my transference to this world, I held a semblance of self-assured handsomeness. Yet, juxtaposed against the allure of the denizens here, I find myself relegated to the realm of an unadorned figure. Among the array of individuals, his presence loomed—a shadow assassin, a force potentially surpassing even Kean. Adrien, unlike our protagonist, did not possess the duality of nexus affinities. The realization dawned on me with a perplexing twist: why is he studying me with such intensity?

Stepping into the classroom, my gaze sought out the individual who had utterly obliterated the training dummy the previous day, a feat preceded by the slaying of an E- ranked beast. Upon my arrival at the academy, my foremost destination was the training room, an endeavor undertaken at the early hour of 6 am. In the wake of my entrance, Kael's gaze was fixated on something, a mixture of bewilderment and awe playing upon his features. A premonition of the impending revelation of strength gnawed at my thoughts, for if anything could leave Kael agog, it had to be a force of considerable might.

I ventured into the training room, my eyes trained upon a scene of raw prowess and unrelenting power. There stood an unknown individual, not subject to the constraints of my knowledge, decimating the training dummy with an unrestrained ferocity. Even my imagination struggled to fathom such an exhibition of strength, for the dummy was endowed with a resilience that bordered on the extraordinary. The impact of a solitary punch inflicted irreparable destruction, a level of might that eluded my very capabilities.

Witnessing this astonishing display, I marveled as the unknown figure's power climaxed, followed by a precipitous descent into unconsciousness. My own astonishment set aside, I brushed aside the curiosity that beckoned me towards the enigma, instead opting to escort the incapacitated individual to the nurturing confines of the academy's nursery.

He approached me, and a sense of unease washed over me as he stood before me, his gaze piercing. "Duel me," he demanded. I was caught off guard by his sudden challenge, my mind struggling to process his words. "What?" I managed to stammer in response. Adrien's intense eyes bore into mine as he continued, his tone unwavering. "If you possess such feeble power, how could you obliterate the training dummy?"

My heart raced as panic surged within me. He had seen it—my display of power that I thought had gone unnoticed. A mixture of fear and vulnerability must have registered on my face as I tried to come up with an explanation. "No, I'm not strong. It was an accident; I used up all my mana to destroy it," I stammered, my voice betraying my apprehension. Adrien's expression turned to one of disappointment, and he turned away, leaving as though he hadn't already known the truth. His actions were nothing short of a test, a probing of my abilities and my honesty.

Had I engaged in a duel with him right then, I knew it would be a lost cause. He would have defeated me soundly, and in the fragile position I was in, a public defeat would have been disastrous. My thoughts raced ahead, realizing that I needed to become stronger—strong enough to survive whatever was coming my way. I glanced around the room, only to find the eyes of my fellow students fixed on me, their expressions a mix of surprise and curiosity. Erica, Elowen, Kael, Thalindra—everyone's attention was squarely on me, even Hank's indifferent demeanor seemed to shift, if only momentarily. It was clear that Adrien's challenge hadn't gone unnoticed.

Just as the weight of their attention bore down on me, Professor Oval entered the room, her arrival a welcome distraction from the scrutiny. Her explanation began, covering familiar ground that I had already learned. Although the material was familiar, I maintained a facade of attentiveness, not wanting to attract further attention by appearing disinterested.

The class stretched on for what felt like an eternity, absorbing my energy and focus. Two hours later, the relief of the class ending was palpable, and a half-hour break granted a much-needed respite. My initial thought was to head to the training room, but with the next class centered around training, I opted to rest instead. Somehow, Kaen's intervention had steered me away from a potentially disastrous confrontation, and the least I could do was thank him.

Approaching Kaen, I uttered my gratitude, "Hey, thanks for taking me to the nursery earlier..." His response caught me off guard, his unexpected acknowledgment causing me to look at him in surprise. "No problem," he replied, his tone casual yet sincere. He continued, his words carrying a hint of advice, "But you should work on controlling your mana. If I hadn't been there, you might have lost your right arm."

His straightforward counsel left an impression, and I nodded in acknowledgment before making my way to my dormitory. Alone in the quiet of my room, I began to formulate my plans. Unlocking my astral profile was a priority, but it was only the first step. I needed to acquire a mastery of perfect hand-to-hand martial arts, ensuring my readiness for the impending challenges. The incident I foresaw was approaching, and I was determined to be prepared.

Time drifted by, and the appointed training class loomed ahead. Dread filled my mind, knowing that the coming session would be a true test of our mettle. The instructor, Professor Jezebeth, had earned quite the reputation in my novel as a relentless taskmaster, often pushing trainees to their limits for extended periods. Though the specifics of his training regimen were absent from my writing, I described him as a veritable demon. Today, facing him in reality, that depiction felt all too fitting.

As we gathered for training, the atmosphere was charged with a mixture of determination and apprehension. Professor Jezebeth's presence commanded our full attention. Although everyone maintained an outward veneer of positivity, an underlying tension simmered beneath the surface. Our anticipation heightened when a towering figure, his red hair radiating energy, stepped forward. A mask of forced cheerfulness adorned his face as he introduced himself as our instructor for the next year. Despite the outward warmth, there was something insincere about his demeanor that set off alarm bells in my mind.

The room seemed to brighten with enthusiasm, everyone except Erica responding positively to his words. The exception was written all over her face—her initial excitement gave way to a look of pure disdain. Clearly, she shared some history with this man, and it wasn't a pleasant one. The cheerful atmosphere dissipated rapidly as he wasted no time plunging us into the training routine.

"No time to waste. Let's begin with a warm-up: 200 push-ups and 300 sit-ups. Once you're done, complete two laps around the academy," his voice resounded, carrying a mix of authority and expectation. Panic surged within me as I processed the enormity of the task. The academy was sprawling, resembling a small city in its expanse. Running around it twice sounded nearly impossible. His promise of intensified training for any complaints provided the motivation, albeit a harsh one.

For the next three hours, we were subjected to an unrelenting barrage of physical exertion. Panting and straining, the entire group's energy waned, even the likes of Kaen and Adrien showing signs of fatigue. As for me, my body was stretched to its limits. It marked my first experience with such a rigorous routine, and it felt like a punishing initiation. Battling exhaustion, I persevered, determined to complete at least one lap around the academy. Just as my body was on the brink of surrender, a glint caught my eye—my astral profile. Too weary to explore it in the moment, I pressed on with renewed vigor, managing to finish one lap before Professor Jezebeth signaled an end to the ordeal, acknowledging my efforts.

The mere prospect of a follow-up training session, which he declared would last for a minimum of three hours, weighed heavily on my mind. I realized that my eagerness to prove myself had pushed me to the brink. But amidst the exhaustion, there was a glimmer of achievement—the unlocking of my astral profile. With the training concluded, I hastened to my room, eager to wash off the sweat and grime. My thoughts swirled around the unlocked astral profile, anticipation building as I contemplated delving into its contents.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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