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Vyrena was a little worried that the survivors would not believe the children, but she was glad that they all took it well. She was not surprised to find out that Mara and some of the humans chose not to come. 

"Why would they want to stay here?" Boss commented in disbelief.

He might be a child but he knew clear and well that the Jungle was no place to live permanently. Something about it never sat right with him. Surely the world can't just be like this. And their memories of the time before they ended up in the Jungle. 

"Stubborn, that's why," Vy replied as she shook her head. 

"Vyrena!" Maribelle called out to her as she came up to meet her. 

She was carrying a long black box in her hands as she came up to meet Vyrena. Maribelle handed the box to her and explained that it was from El and Fendrif.

"They wanted you to have this," Maribelle explained.


This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue:

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