
Red Planet

When a new planet comes into our orbit next to the earth planet apocalypse starts all calamities on the surface of the earth all human beings start to lose hope billions of people died and the population of humanity decreased, Many species are vanished on the planet all the buildings and houses crumble in the ground in 30 days of none stop disasters the earth is reset from the start.

when tide is down and the earth quick stop a deafening silent cover the whole world and big wave of mana flow in the earth that knocks out all survivors on the ground they all lose consciousness a day past before they woke up shock what they saw in their surroundings huge towers spread all over the globe piercing the stars above the cloud they saw other people laying and convulsing in the ground that turn slowly into a zombies panic driven all survivors but they still overcome it and unite and help each other to build a big wall to prevent zombies reaching there home they build city near in the towers many years p

the humans start to become curious but the hunger strike begins and the earth is now covered with thick bushes and trees new and old rules are set again in the earth who will become a new apex?