
Chapter 023 | A shocking Discovery

"Are you okay now Inoue-chan, Don't worry, We'll take care of you, No matter what you are still family" Mrs.Yaoyorozu said, patting Inoue's back as she sat on the couch, her blank expression never leaving.

Hirito and Ahakao, or rather Mr.Yaoyorozu had been brought in by Japan's number one hero, All Might, who had seen the news and rushed straight over here as fast as he could.

Inoue wasn't sure how to feel, she wasn't an idiot. She knew that the things they did were wrong, but as a side effect of her quirk she couldn't feel emotions, only feeling those around her.

Perhaps this was why her quirk was so strong, she'd only been able to feel the emotions of others, so clinging on those had managed to make it grow to a higher strength than most quirks usually reached.

'I'm glad I got that under control' Zinon was thinking as he got a system notification.

*Gamer's mind is back Online!*

Apparently it had been fucky for a while, the most likely culprit being The GodSage and his amazing aura…

(E/N: Shameless mofo)

Turns out Inoue had been able to read all of his emotions, even with [Gamer's Mind], though now, he had a solution. It would be too suspicious if Inoue couldn't feel his emotions anymore, So the system gave him a nice little reward, it would work for all people that were looking to do mind stuff to him.

[Acting Sub Skill]-

{Projection}- Project fake thoughts and emotions to others while still keeping your mind protected

With this he could fake out Inoue, as well as Mrs.Yaoyorozu, who he had found out that she had a mind reading quirk.

"So… Uhhh… Mr.?" Zinon started to say to the big blonde man standing there with them as reporters and police officers were barely starting to leave the house, only a few clingy reporters that were still waiting for a story.

"All Might! What do you need, Yaoyorozu Shounen!" All Might said seriously. Zinon winced a little at being called Yaoyorozu, but got over it as he looked around. "Uh… I wanted to ask what would happen to Mr. Yaoyorozu"

Hearing his words All Might frowned and sighed, thinking whether to tell him truthfully or not. "Chances are… He will be out of prison by the weekend…" All Might said with a sigh as he knew money could get you far in life.

"Ah… I see… Thank you for being honest sir… Tell Iruko I said hello" Zinon bowed and walked back to the girls who were hugging Inoue.

'Had it been Momo… What would I have done… Damn… Should I do the right thing?... For the wrong reasons… Hmmm or the wrong thing for the right reasons…' Zinon was in deep thought as All Might was still shocked at his words about Iruko, His protege.

All Might had been looking at her brother to give the quirk, but seeing as he had a quirk, and a pretty good one at that, he had decided to make his sister, a girl who had run in an alley without a quirk just to save a "Friend"

Leaving the house, The Yaoyorozu family sat silently, the only sound being Zinon's notifications in his ear. He had the normal notifications, but this one was a bit different…

1: Hey kid, I saw everything you've been doing, Good Job… Sensei said he wants to meet you… he almost seems excited about it. Be ready after you take that little Hero test.

Looking at the screen in front of him that was connected to his phone, Zinon sighed inwardly, he knew this would eventually happen, but who knew this guy had been watching him the whole time?

Zinon now had more shit to worry about, But if All Might's calculations were correct, he could probably finish another objective by the time Mr. Yaoyorozu got out… hell… he could finish them all if he was smart enough.

Thinking this, Zinon excused himself from the girls smothering Inoue as he went up to Mr. Yaoyorozu's office, not bothering to be secretive until he was stopped.

"Hey boy don't you-" A guard started to say as he held onto Zinon's collar. "Do you support Mr. Yaoyorozu's decision?" Zinon asked, suddenly stopping the man's words.

"I… I have a daughter… no that shit is too much… But there is no proof so-" Zinon stopped the man by holding up a phone with the 4k quality video of Akahito and Hirito basically raping Inoue, not that she knew the difference.

"H-How did you get this kid?" The guard said, grabbing the phone in shock before it all clicked. Most of the other guards had quit this morning, and also many people had been calling Mr. Yaoyorozu's phone in his office, most likely non legal shit.

This guy had only stayed because of his loyalty, but seeing this… he wasn't so sure anymore.


Name: Kyuu Kagezawa

Job: Yaoyorozu Mansion Guard

Quirk: Reflection (Reflects Damage he receives onto his chosen target, Can be overloaded if damage exceeds his Dexterity)

Lv. 26

STR- 47

END- 38

DEX- 58

INT- 30

CHA- 34

LCK- 127

Thoughts about you- Awe, Wary

"Say… Kyuu… Wanna be someone that matters?" Zinon asked as he snatched back the phone as Kyuu looked down at him in confusion.

"Uh… what do you mean kid?" The guard asked, glancing down at the video that was still playing in Zinon's hands.

"Well… Everyone quit… don't you think you deserve a promotion? Besides, Mr. Yaoyorozu doesn't deserve to continue running this place… Don't you think" Zinon said, using his taunt as well as his acting skill to passively provoke the man, keeping him on edge as he listened to each of his words, the confusion damage working as well to convince him.

"... What are you planning?" The man asked as Zinon smirked, knowing he had gotten him. The man already felt good about him, so he would be fairly easy to manipulate. He'd have him run Mr. Yaoyorozu's business and also the background, while he'd stay in the shadows.

This worked better anyway, many people would be coming to get him if he went public about taking over Mr.Yaoyorozu's business, this way Kyuu would have to worry about it.

Zinon walked into Mr.Yaoyorozu's office as he texted using the system, he would need some more men since the other's quit,

Zinon: I need guards for the mansion, If they even try to look at the girls who live here though I kill them, simple as that.

1: That… can surely be arranged… But we can talk after you are in the Heroes den… UA if you aren't smart enough

Zinon nodded his head at the message as he explained to Kyuu, sitting in Mr. Yaoyorozu's chair with a grin. "That's the plan… imagine the money you'll have… of course, I would be in charge… don't bother thinking otherwise" Zinon warned as he opened one of the drawers and started reading files.

"Go to your family now… I have things to do" Zinon said as he looked over the first file in there. The one marked "All For One"...

"It's fucking blank" Zinon muttered as he opened the file seeing only 3 paper's fall out. "Hm?" Zinon hummed as he picked up the pages.

[Mikoto Shigaraki]- Daughter (Deceased)

Seeing this didn't help much. In fact all it truly did was make Zinon sigh, he had no leads other than this girl and two practically blank pages of information of what she did. She married a man, had a kid, then the man died, and then… Zinon stopped reading as he saw the last lines.

"Wow…" Zinon said to himself as he read over the text. She had been killed by Mr.Yaoyorozu, apparently the man she married had been a friend… but why kill her?

Zinon looked through tons of files throughout the day, memorizing them and putting them in The Book Of All Things in order to not forget, as well as learning things about what he did in the background.

Finally, reaching the last file, which seemed to be himself, Zinon got some answers. "Friends son, surprised to see him, Quirk? Blank… *Sigh* Nothing again" Was what Zinon said just as a name caught his eye.

"Mikoto Shigaraki… Mother?" Zinon said to himself in disbelief as he dug deeper into the files, until finally reaching a seemingly recent picture. "Holy shit…" Zinon muttered as he saw a picture of himself, standing happily with a smile that seemed weird upon his face, with the woman Mikoto Shikgaraki, as well as a man with red hair, an arm around both of them as he was smiling happily.

"What the hell is thi-" Zinon stopped as his head started to throb, clutching it as he fell to the ground Zinon saw memories… Memories that weren't his…

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