
Never No Money [DxD/Genshin/Honkai]

well...in terms of money, I have no money, funny considering my power is never no money. (cover image does not belong to me.)

Lucinziel66 · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

I impatiently tapped my foot on the ground, waiting for her to come. That time of the month arrived and now I couldn't help but be impatient, afterall I could probably use my ability to buy that thing. 

Knock. Knock.

The sound of knuckles tapping the rotten wooden door alerted him.

He stood up and walked towards the door, opening it. outside of my house was a blonde-haired devil, she had a serious look in her eyes. Though underneath them, I could see the fear that she had for me.

"Here you go sir, I have collected all of this month's fees." The woman handed it out to me and bowed, then quickly walked away.

Sigh. I would have loved to talked to her, but she is always so scared.

Now I'm pretty sure anyone who sees our interaction would quickly paint me as the bad guy, which I am not. I think? But at the least I am far better than the previous devil who ruled this part That fucker asked for 100 lilium for every person, while I only asked for 10 lilium.

While 10 lilium is not an expensive amount, anyone person could at least collect that much, but when combined with the fact that there are exactly 1,472 devils in my territory, that small amount transforms into a pretty big sum. 14,720 liliums is a pretty good amount. But…

I turn my head to the west, my eyes on the border of my territory. My territory is in direct contact with another territory, a bastard who calls himself, blade of extinction. Which is pretentious name for someone who is just a mid-class devil.

…if I were to claim his territory as well, I could increase my monthly earning from 14,720 to at least over 35,000. Unfortunately, due to him being stronger than him I am unable to do anything but salivate over the lost opportunity. Afterall, I can't use the same thing I used against the previous person who was charge of my territory, the pretentious prick was far stronger than the weakling whom I stole the crown from.

You see, I am currently living in the territory of pillar Morax, which is also home to one of the richest and most prosperous cities in the underworld, but like all major cities, Liyue too has slums. The slum area is divided into six areas. Each area is ruled by a certain king or so. Though from what I saw, out of the six areas, only three can be called slums. The other three look only slightly inferior to Liyue.

While these places are called slums by pillar devils, they are not actually slums, at least according to human conventions. Out of the six areas, only my territory is considered a slum, the others are all much better, financially.

Heh. This is also my first step to be the strongest under the heavens, which is to defeat the other five kings and take their territory. As long as I have money, nothing is impossible for me.

Shaking my head I walked inside, my three boxes already outside. Counting the money, I divided them once again into four parts, one in my emergency fund pouch, the other three in their respective boxes.

Taking out the cash, I counted the money and realized I had enough funds to buy something.

Placing my hand on the box I used, "never no money." I inwardly muttered to myself. The box briefly glowed before the thing I bought appeared in front of me.

Taking out the book, I read its name with a grin on my face.

Beginners guide to transfiguration part I. you see, harry potter charms may not be a big deal, but transfiguration? it will be so useful that I almost want to pay double the price for it. almost.

Anyway, transfiguration and potion making are the best subjects when it comes to earning money. Though If I picked up potions, I need to make sure mine should not be able to heal any physical injuries such as phoenix tears, else I will probably either be killed or enslaved, maybe mama and papa phoenix will capture me, tie me up in big red bow and gift to their daughter.

a shiver went down my spine, making me want to get stronger and stronger.

Resolving myself I touched the box which I had placed money so that I could unmute myself.

A potion to heal my defects. I thought to myself.

The box started glowing, but unlike the last time the glow lasted for many seconds, before finally I felt a jolt travelling through my hands.

Ouch. I removed my hand from the box.

My ability when succeeding, take away the conceptualized value of the money and gives me the item that I wished for, as long as the money is same value as the item. But when it fails, it would give me an electric shock. Like the one right now.

No dice, I really though this time would be the chance, I'm really starting to miss my voice.

Whatever. I sat on the armchair and popped open the book, my mind ready to learn the secrets of transmigration. Maybe in the future I would be able to pull an itachi by transfiguring myself into a murder of crows.

Hahahahhaaha. Just thinking about it made me happy.

with my goal of becoming stronger, I started reading the book with utmost focus.

 When Transfiguring, it is important to make firm and decisive wand movements. Do not wiggle or twirl your wand unnecessarily, or the Transfiguration will certainly be unsuccessful.

Form a clear mental picture of the object you are hoping to create before attempting a Transfiguring spell.

Beginners should say the spell clearly. More advanced wizards do not need to say the spell aloud.

Incomplete Transfigurations are difficult to put right, but you must attempt to do so. Leaving the head of a rabbit on a footstool is irresponsible and dangerous. Say 'Reparifarge!' and the object or creature should return to its natural state.

Larger creatures are difficult to Transfigure except by skilled and powerful wizards. Know your limits.


Do I need a wand?

Yelan walked through the halls of the Morax mansion, luxury and opulence visible to all who walked.

the pillar house Morax is considered to be the third richest house in the 72 pillars, first and second being occupied by the Phenex and Sitri houses respectively. Due the nature of devil magic, healing is something that Is most sought out by almost all devils, thus the phenex house which creates the phoenix tears, considered to be the greatest healing potion due to it being usable by anyone, and the Sitri house with their hospitals that are spread through the underworld and human world, have obtained much power from them being the only source of healing.

Which is not something her king appreciates.

Yelan didn't bother knocking to announce her presence, as a friend and knight, her king doesn't mind them.

Entering the room, the first thing she observed was her king reading through many reports.

Ningguang Morax, the head of the pillar house of Morax. Ningguang is tall and very elegant young-looking woman with fair skin, red eyes, long straight white hair, half of it being tied into a wide bun resembling a bow and the rest is left to flow into two individual divided sections. a red tassel decorated atop her head which laid between her eyes.

Yelan sauntered her way and sat on top of the desk where her king was working, her legs crossed and top another.

"Found anything interesting?" her king asked, still focused on the reports on the table.

"I met the new ruler of area 6."

"Area 6? Oh yes, that idiot got himself killed?" Ningguang asked.

"Yup. by a 9-year-old." Yelan smirked, knowing that it would make her king interested.

And she was right.

Ningguang raised her head and looked at her, her eyebrow raised, she wanted her to tell her more.


"Well, the kids 9, mute and his demonic power is somewhere around middle of mid-class, his physique is around high low-class. Oh also," Yelan brought the wooden dice she brought from him and rolled it between her fingers, "he is a pretty good at making thing out of wood."


"Yup, the boy talked by writing on his notepad." Yelan said. Either the boy is mute, or he doesn't like speaking to people.

"I see. Does he know about the tax?"

"Probably not, he didn't even recognize me, so he probably doesn't know about the rules we made for the six."


"Should I offer him to work for us? he is 9-year-old mid-class devil, the kid is talented. also…" Yelan stopped, "he also reminded me of you, back when we were kids."

That made Ningguang pause.

Heh, unlike most pillar devils Ningguang wasn't born in luxury, she was born an orphan and was considered as a low-class devil. She earned money by selling wares all around the underworld. Only later when she had grown up and earned enough money and was about to open a bank account, did she learn that she had the blood of the house of Morax, a pillar thought extinct.

When Ningguang learned that, she brought all of the friends she made with her, Yelan included, and made them part of her peerage.

Yelan couldn't help but crack a small smile, remembering the past. From struggling to survive on the streets to being the third richest in the underworld.

"If he truly reminds you of me, there is no chance in hell that he would accept being the member of my peerage." Ningguang placed the report down and took out her pipe.

"But you telling me this means that you think the child is a good investment. Or you're gambling again."

Yelan slightly winced. Don't blame her, gambling is way too much fun. Especially gambling on people's future. Either they become someone important, or they would live their lives in mediocrity.

"So, are you gambling on him being worth it, or are you sure he will be worth it? afterall you brought hundreds of people who you thought had potential, and so far, only two actually lived up to said potential." Ningguang asked, puffing smoke from her mouth.

"Where is Keqing anyway? She mostly stays by your side like a duckling following her mother duck."

"Heh." That brought out a slight chuckle out of her friend, "she went to the human world to try and negotiate with the Northen youkai. Also, don't change the subject." Ningguang took a puff from her smoking pipe.

"I don't know." Yelan threw her hands up in surrender, "I just had a feeling. Also like I said he reminded me of you. I'm simply telling you what my gut says, its up to you If you want to invest on him or not." She crossed her arms under her sizable breasts.

Yelan wanted Ningguang to invest in him, she saw it, when she looked him in the eye, she saw ambition. Something most lower-class devils didn't have, if Ningguang hadn't had the ambition she would have never found out that she was actually a member of a pillar house.

Money, talent, resources, potential, all of these were great, but without ambition, all of them would be useless. Look at the current generation of devils, none of them truly have the ambition to reach the top, and while few do have ambition, they have no idea on how to properly achieve it.

The boy had both, he knew his path, he knew his goal, only thing he needs is a little help to walk towards his goal, whatever it is.

Yelan saw Ningguang thinking it over, chewing on her smoke pipe, she gave an interesting prospect, her greed would not miss on the chance of having someone with potential slip out of her hands, but at the same time, she is also someone who hates having her investments wasted.

So now that Yelan gave a reason for her greed, time to give an offer for her lust.

"You know, he looked really adorable. Golden eyes, brown hair, he looked like a teddy bear." Yelan spoke in a nonchalant manner, "just imagining grooming such an adorable boy, watching him become big and strong under your loving guidance."

Ningguang glared at her, she knew what Yelan was doing.

Ningguang loved perfection, she wanted nothing but the best, to be the best. Even her would be husband has to be the best, else she wouldn't even tolerate them being in the same room with her, though most of those expectation haven't been applied to her peerage due to their friendship. But she still expects them to be the best in their respective duties.

The devil council has been urging her to marry, but she didn't, and those old fools couldn't push it too far. Afterall her king while not the richest or strongest of devils in the underworld, was undoubtedly the one with the most connections. She loved forming connections with different factions.

So, if the old fools pushed her too far, she might just cut her ties with the devils. Or maybe she wouldn't sell the goods they imported from other factions. Which would have disastrous consequences for the devils.

…afterall, the only reason why Ningguang is not the richest in the underworld, is due to her starting from the ground up, while the Sitri and phenex clan had hundreds of years to accumulate their wealth.

Ningguang released a breath, a ring of smoke was created. "I swear, if this investment fails, ill make you work 24/7 for 2 months."

"I could handle it." Yelan replied, her leg on top of the other. Smirking in victory.

"Without pay." Ningguang leaned back and smirked.

"You wouldn't." Yelan glared at her friend and king, if she doesn't have money how the will she gamble. Maybe she could probably ask for some from someone else, but…

"Fine. I trust my instincts, the same instincts that led me to be your friend, and those same instincts helped me find Keqing. And now these instincts are saying the boy would more than pay back your investment."

"Good." Ningguang waved her hand, creating a magical contract using her clan trait.

The Morax clan trait, was where the term deal with the devil originated from. Their ability lets them create contracts that whoever signed must follow the terms, otherwise they would suffer the consequences written on the contract.

"Give the boy the contract. My investment would depend on if, how and when he completer the task."

-The end. 

The muse is strong in this one. I would probably right at least 7 chapters before the end of the week. (probably does not mean absolutely) 

Anyway, we met two characters from genshin impact, who do you think the others will be? Any ideas on who would be the other members of Ningguangs peerage. So far, we have Yelan and Keqing, who do you think the others would be? 

Should I add more genshin characters? Maybe make Diluc a part of the gremory? Or maybe I'll just add some characters here and there, maybe make the tone-deaf bard an angel or something? 

I don't have much to say, but anyway read, comment and like/favourite this. 

Your criticism is very much appreciated. 

You can also read chapters in advance on p.a.t.r.e.o.n.c.o.m./ Lucinziel

Current chapter on pat reon – chapter 9

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